Well white people?

Well white people?

white people are well known for their hypocrisy

>expecting the Brits to think the colonists protests could ever be "legitimate"

Blacks were property once so i guess i would have to agree.

East India company wasn't owned by the British government during the great tea dump....

So you should have no problem with blacks destroying private property. It's what your kind did when they dumped that tea.

Bostonians are retarded, we've known this for centuries. Look up the Charleston tea party, we stole and sold that shit instead of throwing it in the harbor. Yankees are just as bad as niggers.

1773: "Fuck the monarchy! We're not paying these outrageous taxes! Let's destroy a symbol of our oppression!"
2016: "Fuck our democratically elected president! Taxes should be raised to cover free shit for me! Let's destroy random areas of the city that have nothing to do with the object of our hatred!"

>the white people alive now are the same ones from the Revolution

theyre just trashing their own cities. haven't seen any red cities vandalized yet. we're just pointing out how stupid it is

your cause is stupid though


>democratically elected

I don't think that means what your think it means.

Boston got placed under martial law over that incident. Do these idiots really want to go there?

They were dumping tea, not shooting people.

Also: they had an actual cause.

>"""White people 1773"""


>comparing Vikings to niggers

>men who built ships, knew metallurgy, and were willing to fight to the death
>niggers who are uneducated, can barely speak their own language, and scatter like roaches when out-matched in a fight

Yes, a totally fair comparison!

Well-met, reddit-bro!

It doesn't matter who owned the tea, the tea dump was to protest your Tea Act

Given that the Crown paved the way for the EIC to accumulate monopolies and benefits, it is run by the Crown in all but name.

Y'all niggers just want to fight, then? I'd lose little sleep with killing you off about now. We're letting you live here. We're largely subsidizing your entire lives. How about this? We don't give you any more money or special consideration AND we start being as hostile to you as you are to us. Deal?

One belonged to England, a country, not an individual who had his personal business thrashed by coons

That was an act of revolution. Burning trash cans is just criminal.

Get fucked you kike

Why did they dress up like natives tho? what was the point of that? No one would honestly believe that a bunch of indians would go and dump tea in a harbor right?

>Comparing destroying trash bins to throwing away large quantities of tea
Can these retards be any more delusional?

Exactly. Many of the men who participated in the Boston Tea Party later died at Bunker Hill. Who actually thinks those showboating faggots in the Black Bloc would die for their convictions.

>What is a tyranny?
>What is a democratic process?

>OI! Why did you colonists dump all that tea in the 'arbor?
>Teehee, it was just some injuns!

>Destruction of property

Boston tea party was an actual revolt, not one of the dozen different social justice warrior cry festivals that happen in a given year.

Can't speak to the current blac block membership, but these guys were not all bad in the '90's. Many were concerned with the loss of American sovereignty and protested in Seattle against the WTO (one of the first modern globalist organizations with actual power). Today, they seem like commie faggots, but back in the day, black blocers were pro-sovereignty and pro-gun.

Pretty much this. The money to fix all this shit will come from local city taxes, i.e. from the protestors themselves, so let them have their fun.

It will give me a hearty chuckle when cities are forced to curtail services and events because they had to replace a thousand trashcans and stop signs.

So protest against being taxed without the right to vote is the same as rioting because you lost an election.

I love lefties. So funny.

Oh look, classic liberal 1-2 phrase pictures that generalize and marginalize people.

Liberals are racists. Sage this shit.

>Why did they dress up like natives tho?

>>While disguising their individual faces was imperative, because of the illegality of their protest, dressing as Mohawk warriors was a specific and symbolic choice. It showed that the Sons of Liberty identified with America, over their official status as subjects of Great Britain.

Oh shit I forgot it's 1773, America is 13 colonies, and we are under rule of another nation that's across the ocean.

Why does Antifa wear masks?

According to you southerners are as bad as kikes.

>being forced by the government to purchase something means you should just buy it
That's the whole point of the protest retard. They weren't mad about building permits or something, they were mad about being forced to buy British tea so they destroyed it and raised generations of coffee drinkers instead.

>i'm proud of being a thief because i'm a morally bankrupt southerner
good bait tho

So you're saying that destruction of property is akin to the Boston Tea Party... which was an act of war.

So should we start hunting down Black Lives Matter & La Raza in the streets?

That protest led to a war that claimed over a hundred thousand lives and further fragmented the white race.

it means exactly what he thinks it means

Being taxed without any say in the matter is why the US split from England. Also, British royalty does equate to "solidarity of the white race".

Be very afraid when white people get violent en mass. Nations fall and the world changes.


looting a gas station and local stores isn't helping making police stop shooting black thugs. Tossing tea into the harbor after that tea act is going after the problem, even if the colonists were dumb as rocks for not stealing it

A mask that appears as such says you only intend to hide your face, but a mask of someone else says you are someone else. I understand that blaming indians protects you personally, But I have doubts that the english would just accept the narrative that some random mohawks just waltz into Boston and destroyed a shipment of tea for no reason whatsoever.

This makes a lot of sense however. thanks user.

Agreed. The rebels should have been horsewhipped, rather than supported by France.

>niggers and leftists
>paying taxes

Bait harder faggot.

People were being killed, no such thing has or will ever happen at these protests by the government and if it does those people won't do shit because most of the people there just want to have some fun.

Actually, there's a kernel of a point here. We should give riot-hit ghettos their independence and wall them off from America. They can be independent and free citizens of North St. Louis or West Milwaukee and so on.

The US murder rate will plunge.

Well, that was a long time ago. I would have been a baby/toddler. What matters is the here and now. And the current Black Bloc is a disgrace to everyone who calls themselves an American. And that current reality is the one we must deal with. They have gone from the lone voice against globalism, to the black clad hooligans of globalism. And in the current year they are total pussies.