I don't get it...

I don't get it, 3 days in and nobody has thought about pretending to be an anti-trump protestor and casually lobbing a grenade or pressure cooker into these crazy leftist crowds ANYWHERE in the world. You could take out so many of these obnoxious, evil, commie fucks and never get caught. They wouldn't even know what hit them. Just blend into the crowd, plant, and leave.

How come when there's terrorism, it's always for a shitty cause that hurts an innoncent victim? Yet, here we have crowds of some of the worst people in our midst throughout the cities, destroying and vandalizing and nobody touches a hair on their head? Makes no sense to me, especially when some of these groups are clearly paid off or Soros people.

>trumpkins are pussies

>being this obvious

First day at the FBI?

killing people is a bad thing, tho

It's actually my third day.


>trump supporter bombs peaceful libs
>trump supporters r evil!!!!11111

How do you think that would look?

The better option is the inverse, false flag as a liberal into a Tree rally and then watch the national sentiment swing against them hard

This post is only satire though my familia

>being triggered by lefttards
>Not overloading on salt from their delicious tears

Cmon user, we are better than that

Damn son. Too bad we're not recruiting across the pond, that's brilliant!

What OP doesn't understand is that we want people to understand the truth and by understanding it, they join us. It's done by trolling. The art of spontaneous emotional excitement. Sup Forums is a board of peace. It's not done through violence, it's done through trolling. Sup Forums just wants degeneracy gone and will use any media outlet possible.

Go back to the fire starter thread.

Also reported.

Because we're not pussy degenerates who need to maim or kill our opponents to get our ideology across? We don't need to resort to primitive tactics like smashing the windows of businesses or lighting police cars on fire like niggers to get our point across. We got Trump elected on mememagic and shitposting alone, without the use of a single riot or mass violent act, despite all odds against us. The violent tactics of the left are useless and no match for us.

Also tell your other colleges at the FBI to monitor reddit boards instead of here if you want to crack down on violent crackpots. It's pretty obvious it's leftist faggots rioting, destroying American businesses and supporting violence in the wake of Trump's election.

History shows that these people will never learn or see the error of their ways though. They're too brainwashed. They act like children.

Have you seen the videos where intelligent individuals try to converse and have a discussion with these people? It's like dealing with retarded children. They start spewing hate and obscenities while hypocritically preaching "tolerance" and "love". I think they're hopeless. This is how they'll continue to act when they don't get their way.

Yeah, killing or maiming is extreme, but deep down I think that's what these kind of people want. They want that "final solution" where the become some sort of martyr. I don't know. I wouldn't advocate killing, but some day I think it's going to come to it. There will never be peace when there is such a huge difference in ideologies. The things they advocate, the things they fight for are delusional.

My hope is that all these protests die down and are forgotten before the week is over, but I doubt it. These people love attention.


What sections?

We dont make martyrs of such scum.

You live in a fantasy world. Stop advocating violence against people who disagree with you politically.

What, you want me to do your job for you too? What the fuck do they pay you people at the FBI for? Jesus, talk about gravy...Did they lower the standards at Quantico or do you guys just love wasting taxpayer money?

Hello, FBI!


You've gone too far, faggot

Enjoy getting v&

Man, tough crowd. I guess Sup Forums really is a board of peace.

More like a piece of fuck you, alphabet-boy

yeah sink to their level you stupid phyco

I want to be in the report as well FBI user. I want to make you explain to those old fat fucks you call your bosses what exactly Spurdo Sparde means :--DDDD

Physically attacking the loony leftists will do nothing but turn them into martyrs. It turns them into victims, and leftists thrive on being the victim.

Best thing is to give the left the space their need to act like leftists. Let the nation, indeed the world, see just how outside of common civil society those freaks actually are.

You must understand that there is one governing trait of all far leftists — low self-esteem. Ignoring and marginalizing the leftist cuts them deepest.

>t pretending to be an anti-trump protestor and casually lobbing a grenade or pressure cooker into these crazy leftist crowds
we're not false flagging retards like them. also not crazy

What I don't get is why doesn't ISIS seize these opportunities? Fuck the patriots doing this shit. They are too lazy and infiltrated by the US gov to get past browsing the kitchen section for a pressure cooker at the local Walmart. ISIS on the other hand could actually pull off big terror happenings at these events. Why don't they?

Neither were the 9/11 perps. Doesn't change the fact that 911 was a terrorist event regardless of who was behind it all. I am aware chances are a majority of the terror shit is psyop even when there are major causalities. Still though why wouldn't wanna be ISIS at least show up? Fuck going to shoot up a night club when tits known when and where a million degenerate sjw sluts, blm niggers, LGBT and the cucks that support them wandering aimlessly through the streets in a large mass.

>t. Psycho

seek treatment

Psycho? What would you call this protester than?

Say hi to Steven

Because they'll do it on their own once they really start devouring each other for attention Didn't you see what happened with the Women's March on Saturday? It almost didn't happen because the women started turning on each other.
Also, how's Sup Forums duty, Agent Spencer?

Only leftists do that shit.

Seriously. If I find out this is FBI or CIA trying to incite domestic terrorism, you will end up in SuperMax. Mark my words motherfuker. You have no mandate for this shit and YOU DON'T KNOW WHO MIGHT BE WATCHING!


Why do you want to fantasize about murdering people who are simply afraid for the future of their country?

Do you hate America?

Don't worry, this isn't FBI or CIA

Just genuinely curious why some crazy fucker doesn't get sick of all the protests. You gotta figure a lot of ordinary citizens are almost at their breaking point. Everyone is so tightly wound that it's just surprising everyone from both sides just doesn't snap.

I'm just going to assume this is a poor attempt at satire and not an actual advocacy for turning liberals into martyrs EN MASSE.

Not only is it fucking stupid to suggest MURDERING PEOPLE because they politically oppose us... Its also potentially the most counterproductive thing to do.

Bombing/Spree shooting them would do nothing but overwhelmingly convince the general public that trump supporters are evil murdering/terrorist fascists.

Come on Sup Forums...

Cause it's really not that bad nor does it directly affect me, just let them shriek and cry. They will get tired soon and stop.

We will see hoss, we will see. They already have your info.

Because you only want to kill people who are a threat to you.

Take ISIS. Those fuckers are organized, they know exactly what they want, and they are determined to get it. Extermination is the only solution to an enemy like that.

These people are brainwashed victims. They're confused and upset. And most importantly, they are only making themselves exhausted with these demonstrations while revealing their violence and stupidity to the world.

Why the fuck do you think Trump won? Because America saw the true face of SJWism for the first time with Mizzou, and BLM, and numerous other debacles. Let them keep shooting themselves in the foot.

fuck off fbi, we good boys


Oh shit. Brady?! You're on here too?