Why do you guys dislike Ben Shapiro so much? He's a super smart guy

Why do you guys dislike Ben Shapiro so much? He's a super smart guy.

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Quit breitbart to virtue signal his opposition to Trump


>joined a lying feminist in a psyop to ruin trump
>claimed trump was hitler and a racsssit
>never trumper who saw the writing on the wall and came crawling back without principles
he was a never trump so why the fuck is he pretending trump isn't the evil guy he was claiming as he tried to torpedo him?

fuck off ben shapiro shill. we still remember how he lied.

Nevertrump cuck

Hi ben

Michelle Fields.

In all honesty I still like him despite this.

he's a very retarded jew

was it because they could already see their own deaths coming from thousands of years ago?

He's still not a Trump supporter. He's pretty open about that. He just doesn't want the Democrats in power.

In fact he's been completely upfront about his beliefs from day one. He is a conservative and he doesn't like Trump because Trump isn't a conservative, it's fairly simple.

When I hear him he's always defending Trump from attacks from liberals. Just recently he talked about agreeing with Trump more than Rubio on one issue that came up.

anti-abortion manlet

Yeah I watched that same clip, can't remember the issue he agreed with, but any support he gives Trump is openly grudging.


I respect him and he makes good points but he's also a complete anti Assad anti Putin neocon who shills for Israel any chance he gets.

The thing is, Ben Shapiro isn't really valuable to anyone (other than using some of the sources he uses for your own debates). He is alien to both the lefists and Trumpers at once. I say, let him keep doing his thing, he does more damage to the left by dismembering BLM debaters and anti-gun fuckheads than he has ever done to us.

I declare ben a member of ISIS
where's my airstrike?
I want good footage too to make sure it was him

>One example, Shapiro told me, jumped out at him: a kid he met at one of his college speaking events who introduced himself as a Trump supporter. “We do the event, and after the event, as he’s walking away, I make a joke about how the Trump supporters are constantly mocking me about being short and all this stuff. And he turns to me and says, ‘Another Shoah,’ which is one of their online things. He grins at me like it’s fine to say this sort of thing.”

Alright fess up, who did it?

>ever respecting a faggot who uses feminist assault/rape lies as a political tactic
you're the same garbage as libtards. he's a kike who uses virtue signaling and the feminist agenda so he's as bad as liberals

he's a fan of trumps, but he'll never admit it.

because virtjew.

but shappiro takes repub cock like yo wouldn't believe. just b4 pussygate broke ben was posting on his twits that he had an inside line on trump's end.

he was getting insider info from the paul ryan camp, which aired the shit, i'm sure. He's probably the only sane moralist left in the biz, and I still listen to him.

None of us, it'd be anudda shoah.

He's an Israeli-firster jew that only cares about America as long as it keeps giving Israel money, and will drop it when the money stops.

He tried hijacking the conservative movement and dragging it back to an Israel-first policy, after many conservative back Trump, who said America-first.

When it looked like Trump might win the primaries, Shapiro took a play out of the Torah and tried to fake an assault on a women to de-legitimize his run.

He's a jew that doesn't give two fucks about America, he only pretends to.

He is another capitan obvious LARPing kike, doing it to get some credits for his agenda.

A worthy man for now, but ultimately should not be trusted. If he wont do anything strategically-bad, should also be widely acknowledged and praised, so kikes would have a role model.

I think he supported Fields because he's her friend, plain and simple. It also gave him a way to resign at Breitbart, the most openly pro-Trump media organization in the country, the fact he was editor-at-large there at all was already a huge conflict of interest.

ben shapiro is fake news - see, michelle fields

he is a fag

He's been anti feminist on everything except that one incident, and all he really did was help his lady friend lie.

oh jesus.

that fucking woman hammed that shit up so bad, i wouldn't even doubt it that ben took that opportunity to throw it in bannon's face and bail on moral high-ground.

when bannon was chosen, ben was bombarded with free, unadulterated attention. Probably new all along and tried to kill the baby in the crib.

In fact he's been completely upfront about his beliefs from day one. He is a cuck and he doesn't like Trump because Trump isn't a cuck, it's fairly simple.

fixed that for you, familia

One of the best examples of the Jewish problem.

Extremely conservative, pro-guns, pro America but as an orthodox jew he 100% shills for Israel. How can he defend shekels to Israel while denouncing welfare and infrastructure spending for America. I don't understand it.

If he wasn't Jewish he wouldn't be so fervent about it and he doesn't realize it..

1. He's a Jew
2. He's a liar (see point 1)

There's video evidence of Michelle Fields lying about the entire ordeal, yet he has never once owned up to it to this day. Never trust a Jew.

Here's a little text I wrote a while ago based off shit ben Shapiro's taught me. By the way, I really am Jewish, just not religious. It's anti socialism.

Democratic socialists steal from people. Fucking socialism harms so many more people than it helps. Those tax raises stress Middle and high class families just trying to maintain themselves and get along, while the lazy ass (mostly) blacks in the lower class are just trying to play the victim card and have people feel bad for them. The people that do get the blacks to side with them, call those who don't illegitimate, and deny that their policies harm black America(might've said that wrong). As a Jew, socialism breaks three of the Ten Commandments: don't fucking steal, the government isn't god, and don't be jealous of your neighbor. Fuck socialist democrats.

Because he just recently laughed his ass off at "nazi" richard spencer getting punched. He has a huge jewish agenda.

Backstabbing false flagging kike.

this, his fanboys can fuck off.

Listen to his podcast every day. Its pretty great, I look forward to hearing his take on things every morning

>tfw no good trump bad trump this week

shapiro is a white nigger
a manlet heeb
someone who isn't fit to eat the shit out of my ass

Poor kid has a Napoleon complex

He's a hypocrite and a manlet

He's toned it down since the incident, but I'll never forget it

He calls out the left on their bullshit, he defends Trump when liberals attack him with bullshit, but he is also critical of Trump's proposals.

Whether he's right or wrong, he often brings up counter-points, which can only lead to a more complete understanding of the issues.

he goes on and on about how innocent fetuses are in the womb, but butchers his son's penis because the Bible said so

besides that he's your typical libertarian/conservative

>caring this much about circumcision
It doesn't really matter one way or another. It's a safe procedure, and most women would say it looks better after.

Oh shit i'm late did anyone call him a Jewish manlet yet?

You answered your own question. Sup Forumstards are dumb as dogshit, hence the W and Drumpf love.

>He's a super small guy.

It's a catch 22. If he wasn't a jew he wouldn't be so smart. But i agree, his foreign policy is horribly biased and he would never admit it.

But I like Benji. Even if he's kind of a faggot about Trump. Remember, the enemy of my enemy (i.e. commies, SJWs) is my friend.

I didn't realize "Trump is a meany" was a counter-point.

4 U :^)

>his foreign policy is horribly biased and he would never admit it

If anyone wants to go one of his lectures, ask him who he would support in a hypothetical war for survival (meaning one side has to die), America or Israel.

permanently mutilating 8 day old babies is not ok in any civilized society

Haaaha.Op is faggot.

its not hard to shit on SJWs.

not what I said at all. Is this that famous assy shit-posting I've been hearing so much about?

why dose ben hate trump when trump is a shill for Israel?

I think the early days make it hard to say dislike. I have to admit that this long winded c-span interview with him, which I was linked to here, turned me from apathy to Thomas Sowell. Really just through suggested links but it was engaging enough to follow recommendations. I understand that this isn't the red pill that would generally be prefered to speak about here but it is the closest thing to feeling that way as a result of viewing this website.


Shapiro gave an interview with Salon a couple months ago where he said Western civilization isn't white or something along those lines. That's when I was officially done with him. He's only in it for Israel.

Read Shapiro's interview with Slate and tell me he's an ally. He might be the most treacherous Jew I've seen in politics

He's been pushing that for a while now. There was another interview where he said that believing there's a racial component to western civilization is "literal white supremacy".

I hate him more than any other person that i can think of.

He's a jude

Ben Shapiro is the fucking best

Yeah how that's not a disqualifying comment from the right wing I don't understand. But then again I wasn't raised as an Evangelical so I'm not a braindead cuck.

Do you think there's a chance that the old saying about being young and not liberal having no heart and old and not conservative being without a brain has a sort of chance for a reverse effect?

>When I hear him he's always defending Trump from attacks from liberals.

Because instead of just sticking to things that are true about trump, retarded liberals think they have to make shit up on top of that.

Found it


He is amazing.

Every blue and redpilled person should listen to him speak.

>Shapiro gave an interview with Salon a couple months ago where he said Western civilization isn't white or something along those lines. That's when I was officially done with him. He's only in it for Israel.

He said it was not tied to European heritage. Which is true.

That's not true at all. Imagine if a white gentile Republican insulted Jews like that. Western civilization is certainly white.

That kind of latent antagonism towards whites is why I had to write off Shapiro. Inexcusable.

>white supremacy
Because the status quo of Jewish supremacy is so much better. Is China Chinese supremacist?


*most amerifat women

Fuck off Ben.

Sup Forums loved Ben before he (with very good reason) spoke against Trump.

jewpiro embedded himself in the movement then came out with all the other kikes and shills to stab Trump in the back

He is smart and a great debater but Sup Forums shouldn't let him back in. He will turn into a SJW in the blink of an eye.
He talks about intellectual honesty and facts but what about his spread of lies with this Michelle Fields story or when he said how Trump was behind all the booing towards Cruz at the RNC. For both cases there is no evidence for. We can't take him back he's a hypocrite.

Also Sup Forums always talks how much this guy only cares about Israel and Jews, I actually somewhat believe that Sup Forums is right about this. He has defended leftist Jews.

Exactly this.
>Muh principles
>Pushes false stories

He's a fag, big mouth small dick

That's pretty bold coming from a guy whose country both looks like and functions like a chode.

Because he's a Jewish Neocon. He's against Trump because the latter doesn't want an (((interventionist foreign policy))). He's also one of those retarded conservatives who glorify free trade, he's very rich so he's blind to the effects of that on the American working class.

Protectionism is a leftist meme. Free trade helps the working class.

1) Michelle Fields (lying little Jew)
2) Likes the idea of Israel First, hates the idea of America First
3) Manlet

Make aliyah.

Karl Marx endorsed free trade because it breaks down the middle class, leads to the formation of a revolutionary proletariat, and hastens the demise of traditional society. But hey, what does uncle Karl know about leftism, anyway?

He talks really fast to sound smart.
It's a really low tier trick to sound like you know what the fuck you're talking about
>you sound sure of yourself
>your interlocutor's little brain and its critical thinking apparatus cant keep up with the stimulus so it subconsciously accepts it as fact
>you dont give the other time to respond or correct you
He says nothing of real consequence, he's just a numale that chose the right instead of left route.
I have not that much against him other than he sounds like a real beta low test guy

>curl to press lunges
to be fair that kinda makes sense since he doesnt have much time and that's pretty "functional"
I bet 85% of people that post thing couldnt do 10 reps

Once again retards on this board fall for neoconservative deception and lies.

>He will turn into a SJW in the blink of an eye.

Lol really? He destroys SJW's at almost every campus talk. He clearly has a massive problem with their ideologies as they are all rooted in democratic principles, and he is clearly a republican. This I cannot see him shifting on ever.

I mean this in reference to him pushing the false story of Fields. He called Trump and Lewandowski "thugs" and "sexists".

He's a total neocon that, while hating the MSM's spin on politics, will still take the MSM's spin at face value if it supports destabilizing the middle-east.

Other than that I find him pretty enjoyable and I listen to him so I don't feel like I'm in a Trump-supporting echo chamber. The problem with the left is that their criticism of Trump is fucking loony, while right-wing criticism of Trump actually seems reasonable to an extent.