What was this even about?

What was this even about?

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Men not paying for their stuff.

I honestly have no idea, sorry.


It was originally supposed to celebrate Hillary's win, then Trump came along and too much money has been spent so they had to turn it into some sort of protest.

((Orchestrated)) effort to establish the precedent that "Trump" represents a division between white men and women, despite the fact that white women voted majority Trump.

Cathartic release for many.

Demonstration of voting power for represented congresspeople.

Congresspeople tend to pay attention to the number of angry letters they get, you know, as they are inversely proportional to the number of votes they'll get.

This is basically what I gather, but was there any actual basis to this? Or just women doing women things again?

adult children having a tantrum

holy shit poor little girl3

Muh pussy

Jewish tricks

Organized effort to really make you think.

women doing women things basically

Virtue signalling festivals. Nothing more.

A protest that uses idle hours of idle people, that had no mechanism to achieve anything.

Modern protests are shit, people are only there to signal virtues, and have no method of achieving what they strive for in the environment they spend so many resources to create.

you just know it was this

White Women destroying the West

Yeah. They're mad we defunded international planned parenthood.

They're mad we stopped giving out free abortions to all women throughout the globe.

Let that sink in a bit.

As much as I'd like to believe this demonstration was powerless, we also know from history of protests in China having severely disabling effects on govt. and other bodies. Like Tienanmen square etc.

Go back to where? What the fuck are they even talking about? What the fuck are they protesting? Just "Trump" in general? Is there some specific bill going through Congress that has women going nuts at this thing? WHAT EXACTLY ARE THEY EVEN TALKING ABOUT AT THIS POINT?

Oy vey goyim. Delete dis. Dis video is nuddah Shoah.

I wish that they were declared "Domestic terrorists" so that we could send the military to kill them

Difference is no one finds these cunts anything more than that.
Literally no one is talking about this shit, its all virtue signaling and it will be Kony 2012 all over again

Women's power and privilege in the Twenty First Century.

This is the most educated, empowered, legally protected and privileged caste of human beings to ever exist and they want more.

> Men get up and
> walk off the factory floor
> leave the front lines and refuse to fight
> abandon their positions of power
> Watch how quickly Stacy Virtue Signaller changes her tune.

What do these people even mean when they spout "Love?" It's like that, "muh dick" macro, only you replace the black guy with a liberal.

The only thing I can gather is its some idiotic argument entirely using semantics. They just label themselves words with positive connotations and hope anyone who disagrees with them will be too embarrassed to risk taking the opposite position.

As I understand it, it was some garbage about women having to pay sales tax on tampons but sometimes in select states men don't need to pay sales tax on Rogaine. If I missed anything it's because no words except for these ones can possibly explain how much I don't care what they want.

Things like that make me sad.

It makes me wonder how roasties can be so dumb.

Way to tell the world you're a big cunt

This isn't true though. People ARE talking about this. Google News traffic stats show increases in people reading this news, comparable to news Trump supporters cared about, like the news on how he crushed the other republicans during the primary.


You missed the part where i said it was virtue signaling
Thats all this is, they cannot legitimately do anything by marching and screaming about their cunts. This isnt tienanmen tier as there is no government oppression, the government isnt gunning people down for having the wrong thoughts, they have no ground to stand on.

They're talking about how annoying it is and how annoying it was not being able to get through 5th ave in NYC yesterday.

>What was this even about?
This guy

That's true. But I think it's hard to flatten this as being powerless without looking at its effect in 10-15 years. Historical reasons

These marches are the ultimate proof of female hypocrisy.

Women didn't care that Hillary did her best to silence the many victims of Bill Clinton's numerous sexual assaults. They even said things like "well Bill isn't running for president!" As if that excuses his deplorable behavior or Hillary's collusion with it.

Women also didn't care that Hillary defended a man who was guilty of raping a 12 year old girl. They made excuses like "well everyone deserves a lawyer!" They didn't give a damn that the victim was raped so badly that she couldn't have children. They didn't know that girl. She wasn't their daughter. So why should they care?

And these same women didn't give a damn about the millions in donations Hillary received from counties like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Qatar. Literal blood money. Countries where women have no rights whatsoever. Places where "honor" killing and acid throwing are a daily occurrence. So while these hypocrites obvioisly cared about the political ambitions of one corrupt American woman, the very lives of women in other countries didn't mean a damn thing.

Now karma is going to take away everything they hold dear. Everything they have struggled for over the past several decades. Trump is truly the president they deserve.

Women, you got what you deserve.

It wont have any historical staying power in the slightest, if Trump is even a half decent president it will just be remembered as a time where worthless cunts and thier equally worthless boyfriends stood up and complained that they lost a democratic election and whined that the government doesnt foot the bill for every cunt pill they need.
If anything they will be remembered for being obnoxious, entitled, rioters, and litterers, because thats the only things i hear, and i live in a dem stronghold.

I'm willing to admit that this is plausible, that it'll just be a minor shitstorm in a teacup.

But it's just speculation either way. We don't know until after a generation or so.

Everyone I ask gives me a different answer. I have to assume they just want to protest for the sake of protesting. You know how fags here will idolize the Nazis? Well the leftists do the same thing but instead they idolize the anti-war protesters of the 60's and 70's. They want to be like those people and emulate them.

Trust me, these things never have staying power
They were not peaceful
They were not fighting for a cause
They were hypocrites in everything they were complaining about
And they lied during their demonstrations abouy almost everything like how men apparently get free razors
The only way this could set a precedence is if we are under complete SJW control in 10 or so years, in which case i fully expect this country to devolve into extreme violence, so it wont matter.

The entire crowd was counted in Dublin.
100 people turned out.

Don't fall for it when they say large numbers turned out all around the world.

Boston only had a few thousand

Soros already spent the money.

It's the biggest march/protest movement in the history of the united states.

>Huge marches all around the world...and also mumble mumble in Dublin.

The media are just demonstrating they are fake news again.

This pasta is soggy

And it is for what?

fucking KEK.
That Jew had nothing to say after getting called out!!!

Woman suffrage was a mistake

That's nice 30 million women marched into voting booths and voted for Trump. Much bigger numbers.

>Muh free birth control
>Love trumps hate
>Isn't my pussy hat cute?
>Like and follow xoxo

Like most protest movements, no policy goals. A self-centered exercise by people who are totally out of touch with the real problems in the world.

muh baby killing and free bc pills

why the fuck are foreigners always protesting shit that happens in america thats not even remotely relevant to them
like tornoto had one of these protests and then you have BLM niggers in the UK where police cant even have fucking guns
I think you cunts just want to be us.


A cursory google search could answer that for you.

The main focus was definitely around advocating for Planned Parent Hood, Pro-Choice Agenda, and Reproductive Health/Rights.

However, between interviews, official statements, and pictures I can discern that the march also protested...

-Trumps nominees for his cabinet, specifically for secretary of Health and Education.
-Tax Breaks for the wealthy
-Repealing the ACA without having something strong to replace it with
-And a lot of reference to Trump's Character (thin skinned, derogatory language used, etc.)

In essence, basically the stuff more than half the country is worried about. Obviously with the "women's march" spin, the focus is primarily on issues important to them.

They called it a "women's march" but really it was just a massive anger venting exercise, a cry-in if you will to publically air their grievances over the existence of and being defeated by the Donald.

My dick.

lol the largest protest in US history happened yesterday and most of you can't even identify why anyone would be protesting.

This place is pathetic.

>What was this even about?
Not even the protestors know now.

Case in point, at the woman's march, a male sucker punches a female in the face, and women rush to protect the male.



A political movement based off the fact you have a vagina like 52% of the rest of the world.

We live in a society where the media has become monopolized to censor government wrongdoings and promote government narratives. 40 years ago women marched against vietnam. Today they marched out of an irrational fear of losing rights because cnn/nbc/nytimes falsely claimed this would happen as part of their campaigning for the democratic party similar to when Al Gore threatened that the republican party would shackle blacks and make them slaves if elected.
Meanwhile no mention of the obama-backed yemeni genocide at the hands of the saudis. No mention of syria where the entire world sees us as the financiers of isis (except for our allies, you know, the ones who got dragged into iraq because of us). No mention of libya Obama's self-admitted greatest regret, where most of the women protestors probably think the problem was the Republicans' harassment of Clinton on Benghazi and not the fact that we killed ghadafi to prevent him from uniting africa into an economic union.
In today's America the most spoiled and privileged women in the world threw themselves a party because they don't appreciate just how good they have it. The fact that they go so far as to feign a civil-rights-era-esque oppression shows you that the entire movement is based on ignorance and media brainwashing.

Also bitches be on the rag.

Women being retarded. So nothing new.

Because it was stupid and no one cares what they want and how can anyone say it was the largest in history show me the tally sheet

>muh free birth control

Is a policy goal in essence though. It's a health policy that is important to them.

Here is where "establishment" types can lose credibility. And keep in mind, I'm not arguing with you, I'm trying to help.

Don't pretend not to understand why they are marching, and don't minimize the importance. Instead, form logical counter arguments or intelligently explain why you disagree.

It's not as hard as you think.

lol.. not even close

jesus christ, dude, do you speak in rambles too?

Yeah this country is definitely in the shitter.

The make no sense. They say they want the government to have to say over their body, but then the demand that they want the government to give them free birth control and fund tax payer dollars for abortion clinics.

Some of what you're saying is right on the nose, but you're making a mistake by taking this weird "pivot" stance.


You may have some great points, but you're not actually addressing the concerns of a lot of people. Rather than calling them stupid, and the media stupid, and Obama corrupt, why not intelligently explain why these women SHOULDN'T be afraid? That's how you convert hearts and minds, instead of keeping the debate split 50/50.

No one really knows. It will be another of the world's inexplicable mysteries.

This is a case of numbers of bodies. It's not really debatable.

Pretty much mostly factual.

No one gave a shit about Bill Clintons past back up with facts, witness, and actual rape victims.

this will help

I had 4 beers and I'm a lightweight bitch boy so I've lost 90% of my respect to grammar.

This graph proves feminist are full of shit and dangerous , watched the march on utube , can't let these assholes be in charge

Do you seriously think anyone in the US cares what we fuck up over there as long as Americans aren't dying for it?

The Republican party has successfully managed to hinder abortion rights over the last decade and now they control the federal government. The President brags about serial sexual assault. The Republicans are going to colossally fuck up healthcare worse than it already is.

These are issues people in the US care about.

It makes sense if you believe the government is supposed to take care of its people -- and you're willing to concede that this is one of the ways it should do it. Whether you feel that way or not is obviously debatable.

But you can't say "if the government pays, then you don't get a choice". That is not the basis for how social and civil services, or taxes in general should work in America.

Sure it is a policy goal, but it's an absolutely insultingly insignificant goal to focus on compared to all the epic problems we're facing.

I fully understand why they are marching. They are well meaning useful idiots who have been brainwashed by criminal organizations who, through the complicit Hollywood, mainstream, and social media, push their agenda of division and ignorance, and are funded by globalist billionaire white men.

Thankfully their idiocy is being exposed by their own actions.

We can't placate them because at least some of their fears are grounded in reality. No, Trump isn't going to legalize rape, but yes, Republicans do want to defund Planned Parenthood. To liberals this makes him literally Hitler and anti-woman. To us, it just means they don't want federal funding going to abortion providers. There is no winning them over at this point. We're arguing with them on stage to win moderates and making them seem like crazy bitches and pointing out their hypocrisy is a good way to make their ideology and character seem undesirable to those on the fence.

3 minutes past al dente

So your next step is to show these people how they are being manipulated. Because they can't see it. If they could, they'd be on your side, right?

Also, never, under any circumstances take someone's problem and say "this is insignificant compared to...".

If you do, you're creating a power struggle between the two of you of whose ideas are more important. In reality, you don't want that struggle, you want them to understand WHY you disagree with them.

They're just mad a Republican won. Notice how these cunts didn't march when Bill was President and the allegations against him actually had evidence.

Fair enough. Follow up question: What would you do wit the federal funding freed up from Planned Parenthood?

"Solidarity." Not really aure what it means though, you'll have to ask a woman or a black person.

Fuck me, this is probably true.

They already plan on redirecting it to other federally funded health providers that don't give abortions.

I think it's a bit more than "A Republican won". George W. Bush didn't receive this kind of resistance. He was made fun of just the same in the liberal media, but he did not attract this kind of distaste.

I know. I was asking you what you think should be done with it. I'll assume you agree with the present course of action.

Finally: Would you make abortions illegal, or only ensure federal funding doesn't provide them?

>power struggle betwee ideas
Mate, that's exactly what I want, and that's exactly what the point of this Philippino Jai alai forum is.

Reality will soon hit them in the face.

So, you're not actually interested in making things better -- as much as you're interested in being right?

Yes, this was all planned out ahead of time when Soros had that 3 day meeting with Dem leaders after the election.

I imagine that everything we have seen so far from the recounts to blaming the Russians was discussed there, along with timelines as to when to have the media focus on one thing or the other.

I have women on my FB feed calling this bs.

Granted there some cucks who are supporting it as well. Overall though, I'd say its gotten more ridicule than support.

Haha I saw that piece on the CBC news too.
>fat disgusting single mother, brings fat disgusting single daughter because they booked the hotel months ago.

Then they both got btfo by those two trump supporting women.

Go back and look at the Civil Rights protests and Vietnam War protests and then get back to me.

they needed some exercise, glad they got it

"Nice try, Schlomo."


To be most effective, you need to use both the carrot and the stick.

Sup Forums may or may not be the stick, but it certainly isn't the carrot. Know your role.

>3 results
Oh, well nothing more to be said.

>typical tricks shlomo
hearty kek
