What do you think about this,apparently new, kind of levitation technology?

What do you think about this,apparently new, kind of levitation technology?

Japs BTFO?

On a side note: fair skinned,blue eyed (northern) italian.

>gold standard
>not platinum standard
They don't even believe in their own tech, what a waste of time.

>fair skinned,blue eyed (northern) italian.

Doesn't make you any less of a nigger

Fucking magnets
How do they work?

I was talking about the dude in the vid but whatever my 56%er

This is what they aint telling us
This is not like Japan maglevs where they need electricity in order for the trains to function
Apparently here they are going to use a combination of field generating materials but i could find more info on how this is all supposed to work.

Interesting, will this technology be used to fast track migrants into europe with maximum effeciency?

Why don't people use meglevs on the moon and shoot things into space?

Seriously, why not? This has so many practical applications for it.

expensive rare metals

The advantage is in a reduction of friction, but just how much more efficient is it? Is it significant enough in preservation of power, cost of materials, and construction?

But how do you break
>shoot things into space
Railguns are very expensive to build and require a lot of energy


Regular maglev needs 2 sets of magnets. One on the track and one on the train.
Pulsing the magnets on the train will cause propulsion.

This system only uses magnets on the train, that are attracted to a iron rail.
Basically magnets on both sides of the track are attracted to the iron, combined with the slider on the bottom, it reaches equilibrium.

Why this won't work in production:

1. Look at when he pushes the train, he puts in a fair amount of force and it bearly reaches the end of the track. :/
> where did all the energy go?
magnetic "friction".

2. This system is not akin to real maglev, real maglev has propulsion, this does not. You could add a wheel running on those rails, but then its not really "floating". there is no way to turn this in the equivalent of real maglev without: adding more magnets, or ruining the floating aspect.

3. Those magnets need to be as strong as the weight of the train. Real maglev has electromagnets so they can change power to produce the required lift. This system does not.
For every person that gets on the train, you will need enough magnets to raw lift that person added to the train. It only works in this models case. If this were scaled up to life size AND filled with passengers, at least 50% of the train weight would be magnets.

Leave inventing to real white people.

Doesn't fucking matter since only Japan, Korea and developing economies are gonna see this while we'll be stuck with our shitty ageing infrastructure because we need to import and feed more shitskins and buy those we elect more fucking holiday/retirement packages while (((our))) glorious free market conglomerates sit in tax heavens.

you only have a reduction of friction on real maglev because the poles of the magnets are switched rapidly.

in this case, any bonus from loss of friction is more than undone by the magnetic "friction".

If you have a magnet near a piece of iron and try to move it, it takes MORE effort than if it was just 2 bits of iron.

You can tell this in the above video, the fact he pushes it pretty hard and it doesn't even get to the end of the track...

also see:
> Is it significant enough in preservation of power, cost of materials, and construction?
certainly not in the UK.

our rail network is a disaster.
90% of construction cost is buy the land back from plebs.
houses are built so close to our outdated rail network that we can't straighten the lines and trains are stuck about 60-70mph.

would take Billions to redo.

looks like a giant cock cage

He says it uses magnets and levitates without any need for power

but dont magnets dull over time

How is it going to move though? Rockets?

good post

He's bullshitting straight away.
At least one of the rails need to be load bearing since something has to do work against gravity.

It's magnets you fucking idiot. Maglev has been a thing since the 60s.

>fair skinned,blue eyed (northern) italian.
Its a germanic

Her/his ancestor raped and destroyed the roman empire then adopted latin culture and customs as theirs were savage and barbaric

Ok. Strap a load to it and let's see it go around a corner.

Italians are best ally.



>whe just discovered magnets be amazed world!
>whats weight
>whats propulsion

what about quantum locking?

Jews push it.

seems to rely on high precision - what happens when the metals are stressed from age, and expansion from changing temperatures...?? This will never be reality.. they need to develop something that is more robust that can be installed and maintained with lower precision


Yeah, this guy completely missed the point like the arrogant anglo he is but whatever
literally fucking said this is not maglev but then again

But the point of the video was not propulsion?
He showed how they achieved maglev like levitation without using electricity?
Why are anglo so arrogant when it comes to any kind of invention, revolutionary or not

Another year, another kickstarter scam.

>You could add a wheel running on those rails
why not jet engines?

>He showed how they achieved maglev like levitation without using electricity?
No they didn't, he claimed he could violate the conservation of energy.

Why not laser powered hyperloops?

why not hyperjet laser powered fruitloops?

Doesn't look to be the most practical thing, at least for larger objects. It'd need electricity to make bigger objects float though, if not it'd just be a mess of magnets.

While it is cheaper, due to the lack of electricity to power it, I don't think it'll replace standard maglev. I guess you could use it to suspend things in place, but the lack of electricity really reduces the versatility of this when it comes to lifting loads of different mass.

How does it, or can it, change its output?

Long story short, they are planning on not using superconductor magnets.
What they plan to do is use electrical permeability with the materials used for rails , so iron, and the skids, nickel or some other metal with certain magnetic characteristics.

Thing is, they aint telling how this works exactly

Italy discovers magnets repel.

electromagnets can change their polarity to push and pull the train, these magnets would at best eliminate track friction, you still need something to move and slow down the train, but when he pushed the model it slowed down, so it looks like an epic fail

>thinking Japs invented Maglev

Well my assumption is that he did not apply a lot of force or somthething
after all he just pushed with with his arm

>buying Italian trains


>implying they've found room temp superconductors

publicity stunt

checkd and kekd

Way to expose your stupidity, gianni

At least elaborate you arrogant idiot