Shaniqua, Laqueesha, Barkevious... Where do these names come from? Are the blacks inventing them? Why?
Ameribros, why do nogs in your country give their kids weird names?
my guess is that they're trying to be different. They don't want white names because their last names are already names given by their original slave owners.
well their ancestors' original slave owners anyway
In Poland chavs give their kids American names like Brian, Nicole or Kevin
>because their last names are already names given by their original slave owners.
This. Plus, those names are supposed to be "traditionally African" but if you actually go to Africa, everyone's name is George and Mary and shit.
If you've ever read Freakenomics, there's a great chapter about black names and their effect on the indiviual's financial success.
How hard is it to hear proper names and give your kids respectable names? You don't need an education for that...
There was (and still is) a movement in the black to embrace their African heritage by wearing colorful robes with beads and head wraps. Part of this movement was to give their children tribal African names but when they didn't know any they made them up.
Yes this is true.
You need to keep in mind that whenever an American Black does anything it's usually a reaction to their near absolute lack of culture.
African tribal culture is just that. Tribal. It doesn't translate well in modern countries. They have a god of yams. It's that retarded.
Basically they are insecure and project that on other.others cultures.
Real first names of 1st - 4th graders at my sister's school (she is a counselor). Pic related, 4th name pronounced as "innocence"
"Kazualtie" is a boy btw. Think of all the "Harambe" kids that will be flooding kindergarten in a few years
Casualty? What the fuck is this for a name?
Nigs my dude
Don't think too hard about it
Audi Casualty No Sense.
I cannot think hard about this even if I tried.
>original slave owners
Other blacks?
American niggers are separate from american blacks and while plenty cry out for their stolen culture and lost names, they would get their asses beaten regularly in both modern and tribal african culture. Especially with those names.
My favorite is shanaenae
>Where do these names come from?
You should know, Seamus McPaddy. Nigger names are mostly corrupted versions of Gaelic names
>those names are supposed to be "traditionally African"
Maybe they think they are, but they're clearly Gaelic
The dash don't be silent
>American niggers are separate from american blacks
Stop this, you fucking retard
Don't comment on shit outside your knowledge, this isn't fucking /k/
in mexico too.
imagine a shitskin with the name of Bryan,Brandy,Kevin
no, idiot. White slaveowner names. jews bought slaves from slaveowners in Africa, sold the slaves to white slaveowners, then those slaves took on their white slaveowners name as a mark of property and then after the Emancipation Proclamation, out of necessity because they never had any other family name that they know of.
In the 1960s, Anglo-American names were common among African American children. It wasn’t until the 1970s and the rise of the Black Power movement that this shifted in the other direction. ”The underlying philosophy of the Black Power movement,“ writes Fryer, ”was to encourage Blacks to accentuate and affirm black culture and fight the claims of black inferiority.” The adoption of “black” names is consistent with other cultural changes—like “natural hair"—prompted by the movement. African Americans wanted to distinguish themselves from whites, and naming was an easy means to the end.
Leave it to black people to find yet another way we can discriminate against them, and this time without even seeing them. kek
A fucking shame and a teenage mother I assume
Lots of nigs like to name their kids after alcohol and cars, but lately they've been going crazy with apostrophes and alternative spellings, so you get the train wreck of N'nyasense or Airwrecka (see pic)
Actually It's saved me a lot of time, people see my name and either call me back or not, so I don't go places and shock them when I'm not white.
But on the other hand I always get harassed by the NSGAY when I'm flying.
airwrecka looks like a failed onomatopoeia spelling of the way they say Eureka's name in Eureka Seven. There are a lot of black weebs.
You call me an idiot and then confirm that what I said was right? Their original owners were other black Africans that sold them.
right but the last names we're talking about were from the white slaveowners they were eventually sold to. Try to keep up.
The thing is that they have no culture. They have no connection to their homeland so they have no knowledge of what Africans name their kids. So they just make shit up because they'd rather name their kid something retarded than give their kid a white person's name.
Its Erika you fuck
it could go either way.
Funniest shit is it's always poor shits who want their kids to have "sophisticated" names, but Brian literally means "strong country boy".
right but that's not what you said. Try to keep up.
no it is, you just can't read or you're leafposting.
ko sa praish na u4uden?
sqkash mangalite tuka nemat takiva imena...
it also happens in argentina, only shitskins do it like in mexico
You don't fly around your pyramids with a name like Tom.
>"their ancestors' original slave owners"
Guess you must be right even while wrong.
>they never had any other family name that they know of
They probably didnt in africa either
>"their ancestors' original slave owners
as in the white slaveowners. Which everyone but apparently you would assume
true. at least for that time in africa. It would have probably been their tribal name.
their original american white slave owners was where their white last names came from. You are such an autistic fuckstick.
No but it's american owned friendo.
I hope you're trolling.
I went to school with a Shaniqua that demanded she be referred to as Shanigga.
Not even joking worked with nigs named Tehran and tywan.
Someone needs to name their daughter Classi and let memes be memes
The niggers in the US have no culture and no traditions of their own. These, uh... 'Unique' names are an attempt to build their own culture within ours. It's also the reason they walk and talk and dress so strangely.
I'm waiting for the first dindu that tries to name their kid an emoji.
pure cancer
I sure am. Think the point got across though.
this trend did not start until after the welfare state kicked in and the first WE WUZ movement
before hand most had normal biblical names
Nicole is not american but French
Brian and Kevin are Irish names
Good catholic names
They literally just pick names that they think sound african.
no, because I'd already covered and stated what you were trying to get across. I already mentioned the african slaveowners the jews bought them from before you started leafposting.
>They literally just pick names that they think sound african.
Which are all just Gaelic names anyway
What the literal fuck you moron?
George and Mary and shit? Those are literally ENGLISH (as in England, King George and Queen Mary, heard of em?) names. So any Africans with those names are at best post-colonial.
Jesus, some people are fucking idiots.
Dude here in Chile is the same but only like very poor people chose to call their sons "Kevin, Brian Brayatan (Brian + Jonathan) or even Maicol (which is Michael spelled wrong)
Niggers is the answer.
Im actually curious about that freakonomics chapter now that you've mentioned it. Wanna give me the tl;dr on it?
European parents usually look down into history or their own family and give them kids that name in hope of raising someone worthy of that name...It used to be way until stupid shitty pop and celebrity random started and mums started giving retarded names of retarded normie celebrities.
On the other hand coons have neither history nor dad to name after,so they have to use prostitute and pimp names
It's a combination of Roman-Latin, French/Creole, African/pseudo-African, Spanish/Latino-Caribbean, made up shit, and combination of those.
So you'll have something like JaMarcus (prefix + Roman-Latin), or DeAndre (prefix + French/Creole), Shaniqua (African/pseudo-African), or La-a (or La-dash-a, because the "-" is a dash; also made up shit).
It's a way to signal uniqueness and imply being powerful or of noble ancestry. It does nothing but show recruiters and HR that they're niggers and they should be screened out. And they keep wondering why they can't get hired to jobs that's beyond flipping burgers or frying chicken. Because serious jobs don't like niggers. They've no one to blame but their parents (and by extension, their nigger culture) for fucking up their lives by giving them nigger names.
isn't eureka a town in california?
yes it is.
>already covered
I replied to the third post in. Wasn't mentioned yet.
Please stop, because I can't.
They're trying to sound different and "African," despite the fact that there are tons of good legitimate African names out there. Nigerian girl names in particular are really pretty.
I was in USA and met several negresses called Natasha and Tanya which is funny because they are dimunitives of Russian names.
>I replied to the third post in. Wasn't mentioned yet.
alright. fair enough.
They think having an arbitrary handful of Scrabble tiles makes their crack baby a kang
>he still says "Murica" unironically and thinks it's funny
i cant tell if this is bait or if you're retarded or if you misread that guy's post.
regardless you're the moron here bud
"Celebrity", "casualty", and "innocence"
God damn niggers are stupid
Got you beat.
Worked with a she-boon named Carion.
This is incorrect mostly, but an interesting thought nonetheless.
>So any Africans with those names are at best post-colonial.
So... Most modern Africans then? There are some relatively untouched tribes in the interior, but almost every kaffer speaks either English, French, or Portuguese.
To be fair a lot of white millenial Americans have really stupid names
easiest game of cluedo ever
Nigs do love emojis for some reason
I remember some black comedian actually did stand up regarding retarded names like that and what they should do at hospitals.
"Where's my Shaniqua?"
"Oh, you mean Courtney? We're giving her to a family who will love her."
The poster was Italian...
>American niggers are separate from american blacks
Mason would be alright if it's also their profession