What is so bad about Obamacare/Affordable Card Act?

What is so bad about Obamacare/Affordable Card Act?

It forces people to buy a product they don't want or need. Or in some instances, more of a product when they need less of it.

You have a job, right?

What products?

This explains it. If you don't have Obamacare you have to pay hundreds of dollars in a fine to cover the homeless fucks that do have it through your job.


It's not affordable.

>forced to have healthcare
>It affordable guys
>it really is not
> fine is less then actually paying for healthcare

>ACA requires military children to buy insurance at 21 if not in college. If so then it's 23. All other Americans at 26
>premiums are high as ever even though more people have insurance than before. You should expect the complete opposite
>most insurance is useless to those forced to buy it
>still expensive as shit for those with pre existing conditions
>Overall, it's not affordable
>passed in Congress with minimal review

Obama giving extensions to key parts to avoid even more massive increases during his term should give you a hint of how it screwed the middle class.

I'm 22 and still on my parents plan, hoping to be until 27. If Obamacare is repealed, what are the odds of the alternative having a similar measure?

Dont forget the only reason it still even exists is because the supreme court practically "rewrite" portions to validate it

Mortgage interest deduction, same thing. Have a mortgage or pay more taxes.

All I wanna do is put my dick in her mouth
is that so much to ask for

If she sucks my dick it will cure my hypo-cancer

> Told it would fix health care
> Didn't fix health care

What does she care she's a muslim these days in Saudi

Drove up costs
Universal mandate to buy a product
Changed people's doctors and plans
Did not significantly increase the pool of young and healthy

My healthcare costs have skyrocketed. There is only one insurance provider left in my state. I live in a major city and I have to drive a half hour to a doctor which accepts the only plan I'm able to get. This is the story for every American you talk to. I didn't believe the conservative talking heads when they predicted Obamacare would be a disaster, but now it's a reality.

The penalty for not paying, and also whenever the govt regulates anything competition goes out the window and costs become nonsensical

It was blanket government regulation that took the power away from the free market which leading to market inefficiency which ultimately gave us Shitty healthcare at a higher price.

>pay out of your ass
>huge deductibles
I pay less than most insured Americans ($2k/year), I'm covered in all of Europe, I have no deductible and I can't remember the last time I did something that wasn't refunded 100%. You can't even dream of that in most US states.

If Obama care was repeal, you could likely actually afford to buy your own healthcare because you won't have to pay for a policy like you're a 400 lb diabetic AIDS patient.

>the law reduced most full time jobs to part time so they didn't have to pay for employee health care
>failed health coops nation wide
>patients lost family doctors and plans because it benefitted doctors and insurance companies wallets

You're right. Public option is our only choice.

>forces you to buy expensive insurance that covers things youll most likely never need
>deductibles so high youll never see a cent of saving from the insurance company

Nope. Not the same thing. One is a fine, the other is a tax deduction.

Yep. I get healthcare through my job and the total premium is about $350/month. I just went to the doctor for the first time in years and now I have to pay $400 for a 15 minute doctors visit. Fuck Obama.

They're only different if you're so poor that you pay no income tax. Otherwise, no matter what you label it, it's the same thing. Government "forcing" you to buy a product or lose money.

Most countries in Europe pay medical professionals far less than they do here in the US. Another downside of government intervention- people who aren't doctors or insurance professionals deciding what to pay and charge

Our two systems have similar goals but the way we went about ours is just... just disappointing

It infringes on the right of association enumerated in the 1st Amendment by imposing federal penalties in the form of a fine on anyone refusing to associate with health insurance companies in general.

My biggest complaint is the penalties. For either not having, or having too good insurance. Thats bullshit.


My deductible went from $500 dollars to $5,000 dollars, and insurance only covers 80% in network when it used to cover 95%.

Obamacare fucking sucks, but please don't paint doctors and insurance companies on the same side. Every dime doctors take home is bitterly grudged by the insurance companies. Insurance wants MDs to basically be living hand to mouth so their profit margins can increase (in fairness, that's what insurance is, it's a business, they need to make money), but the (((ACA))) forced such bizarre regulations upon the Dr - patient - insurer relationship that so-called "coverage networks" have dried up so small that many services are completely uncovered in some areas...
e.g. Atlanta has a large black population. Sickle cell anemia is common. If you're black and on BCBS in Atlanta (~750,000), and your child has sickle cell (call it 1%, or almost eight thousand families), the nearest IN NETWORK treatment facility is in fucking Savannah. A six hour drive away. How fucked up is that?

The people it was designed to help aren't actually helped by it because it's still too expensive.
The people that didn't need it to help them have ended up paying more for less.

I don't mind my taxes going to help people get medical treatment that isn't going to the ER because they got a cold, but this wasn't the way to do it. Literally nobody has benefited other than insurance companies.

Socialism doesn't fucking work. Why? Because it reduces productivity.

Healthcare is a market of goods and services. We want as much of it has we can get. Only the free market, and low taxes, can create such an environment.

Socialism decreases productivity. It is like a sinking ship. I always fails. It will make healthcare simply unavailable, and we will have to tax people into slavery to keep the whole sub-par system running - destroying our economy, the future of young people, our wealth, our prosperity, for no reason at all.

It is always better to let the free market work it out.

Nothing happens in europe for a reason. it's a socialist hell hole. The please is a giant cemetary being overrun by muslims, because the people are taxed into submission.

You're too poor to afford insurance? We just made it more expensive...

Still can't afford it? Here's a fine.

I think the free market should dictate cards. why do I have to pay a fine if I don't have a card? those who prefer cash deserve rights

Hm... I think americans are coming about it in a wrong way: it's not how expensive products and services are, it's that ACA does not provide products and services associated with the payment.

if you don't have health insurance at all you pay a fin, not if you just don't have ACA

My penalties.

t. on the fringes of the state-level reimbursement regulatory fight.

LOL you're not getting an alternative

What you'll get is the same amount of choice you have for ISPs and they'll bend you over just the same way.