Watch Vikings

>Watch Vikings
>First two seasons are some decent Viking drama about crazy raiders pillaging Christians and murdering each other like savages, pretty cool stuff
>Then there are black extras, Chinese princesses, lesbian queens, armies of shieldmaidens, and a Viking converting to Islam
Well this was a turn I did not expect.

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you sound like a raging faggot. go suck a dick and get your mind off things

Yeah, it tried to copy GoT with too many shit plotlines that led absolutely nowhere and muh feminism. Trash writing.

It is called History

>Chinese princesses

she was a slave. Scandinavia was the center of trade at that time, chink and Muslim slaves weren't uncommon.

tip top kek

that game For Honor sounds more based in reality than this show

The real question is why did they make a show portraying Vikings of having any sense of honor or dignity, when they were the ultimate degenerate snowniggers?

Kek. I bailed at the start of season three, as soon as that mysterious stranger showed up and started riding the women back in Scandinavia.
All the Mercia stuff got a bit too dramatic also.

That scene where they executed Jarl Borg was fucking amazing, the show should have stayed like that.

Are you implying that vikings weren't diverse you shitlord?

yup, trash like all television. the first and second seasons were good though. reminds me of ivanhoe where after depicting realistic medieval culture in the first half of the series the jews/sjws at the time jumped on their shit and turned it into a steaming turd. hopefully this will be the last season of the disgrace that is vikings...

It did. Did you not see Ællas death?

>she was a slave. Scandinavia was the center of trade at that time, chink and Muslim slaves weren't uncommon.
Scandinavia was not the center of trade. Hansa cities came much later and even those were nothing compared to mediterranean trade hubs. Muslim slaves existed, but they were extremely rare, since vikings didn't actually bring everything back home. They often sold and bought stuff along the way to their home or colonies. Chinese slaves likely didn't exist at all. Extremely few people actually traveled the length of the whole silk road, only the goods did.

Well done though. Your post managed to be only 100 % wrong.

A lot of it is bullshit, but the Islamic conversion stuff is based on reality. The warlike teachings of early Islam and its great success in its recent history made it very appealing to Vikings, especially those who came into contact with them by sailing down the Volga river (which led them right into the heart of the caliphate). Probably the only reason that the Rus people didn't convert to Islam and chose Orthodox Christianity instead was the Islamic prohibition on alcohol. Also shifting trade patterns moved the Rus over to the Dnieper, which took them closer to Constantinople.

>chink and Muslim slaves weren't uncommon

Literally no evidence. You need to find burials and look at the stable isotopes to tell where the person grew up.

>i get my history from pol

In no universe did Chinese people end up in Viking era-Scandinavia, much less princesses.

What is a hansa city?

I stopped watching in season 2, when a bishop crucifixed the monk for apostasy. That was retarded as fuck.

She was sold by a muslim you dink. Open your squinty eyes.

>Literally no evidence

lol, ask a historian then.

What? There are niggers in this show?

>Scandinavia was the center of trade at that time

The Vikings massacre a bunch of Christian monks in the first episode. If they do that, what makes Islam any different? To Norse Vikings, these religions should be indistinguishable.

its fucked up show just a show


Basically Sweden?

the hanse was an alliance of northern german and danish cities which took over the land and sea routes of northern europe in the middle ages


right an (((historian)))

You forgot how they had the woman in charge of the tribe for a while and she told the men YOU MUST TREAT SONS THAT ARE NOT OF YOUR BLOOD AS YOUR OWN!, flat out endorsing cuckery

Islam had no monasteries. It was and remains a very distinct religion from Christianity. The Vikings had only a limited concept of monotheism and struggled to conceptualise the idea that there was ONLY one God. They would not have immediately conflated Islam and Christianity simply because they were monotheistic.

arabs did not travel too scandanavia that plot line is ripped out of turkmen contact with the kievan rus 2000km south east of the shows setting. you are being totaly infeasible lies and literally suck it down like a stupid whore

Somehow Chinese metals ended up in Scandinavia? vikings were mostly traders than warriors. When Ivar ruled half of bongland he forced people to sail off and market by spain and france because bongs had nothing new of value.

>(((history channel)))

The only thing Scandinavia was ever a centre of is refugees.

>If they do that, what makes Islam any different?
Time period. Back then armies and war bands committed war crimes and human rights violations casually. Even Christians. Probably because those things didn't exist back then. Then there's the difference that viking stopped doing such things 1000 years ago, so Islam is a millenium behind even these 'snow niggers'.

Standard tactic. Get conservatives hooked by producing conservative content, then gradually introduce gay characters, subversive messages etc. to get you to make allowances and start to give on what you find acceptable.
Don't watch television, or just bail when it INEVITABLY occurs.

>Vikings never reached north africa
>there was never an extension of the silk road

Keep being retarded

we still have hbo's rome, the only show that managed too avoid total degeneracy and ahistoric portrayals for the sake of liberal media's insanity

arabs did not travel too scandanavia
the silk road was not a conduit of non-european immigration into europe

This is my favorite show and Floki converting to Islam is indeed fucking bullshit

just cause hollywood made that movie the 13th Warrior with that idiot mexican antonio bandarass does not mean mudslimes and vikings were hanging out. dumbass

Don't forget Black Metal.

Loosely based on reality. Vikings and Muslims did come into contact with one another in both the Caucuses and North Africa. Muslims even had a name for them in Arabic.

>arabs did not travel to scandinavia

I didn't say they did. I said scandinavia was a center of trade, Muslims obviously couldn't walk through the Mediterranean.

But the Vikings did land on north africa.

burger education

30 years ago noone even talked about muslims now it seems they are getting credit for everything. did you know thier countries were not always deserts? thier culture is one of use shit up and move on.

How is it giving Muslims credit to say that the Vikings made contact with them?

i consider the vikings to be the norse people in scandanavia NOT the rus NOT the visigoths
its like a show about ghengis khans armies invading throughout the world with a concurrent side setting about fucking attila the hun

That made me REEEEEEEEEEEEE uncontrollably

>whites were taken as slaves by muslim conquerers and mongols ( your greatx100 grand fathers )
>but chink and muslim slaves weren't anywhere else

Sup Forumstard delusion.

Rus were Vikings. If they're not then neither Icelanders nor Greenlanders can be considered Vikings either.

I dont know I just enjoy trashing thier culture.

no they did not. the closest the vkings of northern europe came to north africa would be a thousand year leap to when the normans and franks fought against the almohad caliphate

ffs, chinese slaves only became a thing in the 1500s when we reached China

its a fucking shit show m8

You can walk from Scandinavia to China you brain dead faggot

>we still have hbo's rome, the only show that managed too avoid total degeneracy and ahistoric portrayals for the sake of liberal media's insanity

And that was only because it was made earlier in the 2000s and it was produced by John Milius.

I am an archaeologist. Show me the bodies buried in Scandinavia that grew up in China or NA/MENA.

>In 860, according to an account by the Norman monk Dudo of Saint-Quentin, a Viking fleet, probably under Björn Ironside and Hastein, landed at the Ligurian port of Luni and sacked the city. The Vikings then moved another 60 miles (97 kilometres) down the Tuscan coast to the mouth of the Arno, sacking Pisa and then, following the river upstream, also the hill-town of Fiesole above Florence and other victories around the Mediterranean (including in Sicily and North Africa).[45]

>chink and ''''mus_lim''''''' slaves in scandinavia
balts and slavs were used as slavs nothing else.
Now jump in a bog or something tranny.

except there is a divergence of thousands of years of seperation in cultures between the viking northmen and the volga rus
while greenland and iceland were settled directly from scandanvia and britain

perhaps you'd like a show about the spaniards fighting with carthage against rome while colombus discovers the new world?

Next season: spanish mudlime rapes a shieldmaiden and livestreams it on VikingBook

It's fucking HBO you idiot. It's own and produced by kikes. What the fuck is so hard to understand?


What? The Rus were Swedes who colonised and sailed the Volga and Dnieper in the middle of the 9th century. They're within one or two generations of the Vikings who raided Lindisfarne, and chronologically concurrent with Bjorn Ironside's Great Heathen Army invading England.

I have no idea where you're getting this phantom figure of thousands of years from. 1000 years after the Rus colonisation would put us in about 1850AD.

This. Sweden was the end of the silk road.

It's rumored they were hired as mercenaries in Italy too.


yes well that was a singular generation of raiding and not the supposed formation of cultural integration depicted in the show where arab traders are selling chinese women at sjaelland

Yes that goes too far. But the notion of an individual Viking converting to Islam is still well within the realistic boundaries of possibility.

>Scandinavia was the center of trade at that time

Hedeby and Gotland were big trading hubs. More coins were found dated to the 9th century in the tiny island of Gotland than in the whole of Francia over the same period. But most of Scandinavia was wilderness and very sparsely populated.

>The Rus were Swedes
wowee. and therefore the gothic armies fought against each other in the spanish civil war in 1937
just a difference of hundreds of years. ARTISTIC LICENSE

You do know the Vikings traveled to a ton of places right? From North America to North Africa and Arabia. Given their trading and slave practices it isn't odd at all to find foreigners like this in Scandinavia.

Swedes in the sense that they were the 9th century people who came from the geographically contiguous area now called Sweden. We could call them 'East Scandinavians', but you're being deliberately obtuse.

The more you know. Thank you Hans.

>she was a slave.

She was literally the daughter of the Emperor of China.

>Muslim slaves weren't uncommon.

Proof, please.

I struggled with it when Ass-log started talking about being the daughter of a valkyrie and her father slaying a dragon or some such shit.

Since those things legit don't exist.

The only evidence we have of this is from Ibn Fadlan, who says:

"They are very fond of pork and many of them who have assumed the path of Islam miss it very much."

That's a very small snippet to say "lots of Vikings converted to Islam" or "It was common for Vikings to convert to Islam".

Keep in mind that the Vikings that did convert to Islam probably retained some or even most of their old customs, and wouldn't be recognized as Islamic by actual Muslim populations.

>she was a slave. Scandinavia was the center of trade at that time, chink and Muslim slaves weren't uncommon.

During the viking era the intercontinental trade was at an all time low.

There's also numismatic evidence and ritual jewelry. It's slim, but it just about matches the sort of evidence we found for Christian conversion in the 9th century. Which we know from later sources did take place.

It's not like they carried around their certificate of conversion. It's even possible that they 'converted' but only did so perfunctorily as with the Christian ceremony of baptism.

you could say that the rus of novgorad were ruled by varangians out of sweden. you could not say that concurrently the king of uppsala was the king of novgorad

the seperation of the nordic scandanvians and the alpinic kievan rus is thousands of years apart

Pretty sure you're just one guy shitposting from argentina.

The artifacts could have came from trade with Byzantium, though, or just from trade, and not necessarily conversion. Also, Islamic style burial rites are easy to identify (we've found a great deal in Southern France recently) and I don't know of any Viking/Scandinavian burials buried with Islamic rites.

We need something like this to say for sure:

they were told to add left wing propaganda if they didn't want to be canceled, it happens in every show that doesn't align with the globalist agenda of multiculturalism and "strong independent women" (read: easily manipulated voters)

>big bang theory first season: 4 nerds and a dumb blond
>all seasons after that: add nerdy girls

that's just one other example I can think of right now
examples are hard to find as most tv shows follow the agenda right from the start

There was never an army of Women.
Niggas didn't exist in NE until the 1950s.


A Viking settlement in Spain did convert to Islam.


No, and even in the true center of trade you can't find anything similar.

Simply Viking is a shit tier series gone full HERCULES and XENA.

Oh look, it's "redpilled trap" again.
Fuck off, you mentally ill cunt. Or at least stop tripfagging. You always post the dumbest shit.

Obvious bait.

We have never been the centre of anything except LARPing fanatsies

>watches tc show creates and financed by (((liberal media)))
>wonders why it promotes degeneracy
What did you expect?

Well I can let a chinese slave princess... its not impossible and its only one.

And honestly if there were 1-2 shield maidens i would also not be too bothered. I mean there must have at least been 1 in all of human history.

Plus there was a brief passage by some arab adventurer that implied a few vikings converted to islam (and they were prob as good muslims as they were christians which is to say horribly bad)

I dunno man

>hurr durr the vikings were the visigoths and the kievan rus and the norse of scandanvia so therefore mohammed was ragnar lothbrok

the confusion between very different groups of people as a common culture the "vikings" is the problem here.


2 wrong letters after mobile posting... Will never this shit again

You were. Weren't you?

Were Vikings the niggers of this time period?
>pillaged every town and stole shit
>raped women at every chance
>were lazy, loved sitting on their ass and never made any technological developments
>always complained about other people bringing them down

War crimes existed, but didn't affect wars abroad. In a King's realm, rival land feuds killed at best 15% of the males, and virtually no civilians. After all, taxes and land were the goal. There was more of a code of honor for every group and they wouldn't do just anything to win.
This changed after Genghis Khan innovated the field of war by terrorizing the civilians and ruling with fear. Destroy a city completely and the neighbors will gladly surrender without a fight.

You were