White College-age Liberal has mental breakdown in coffeehouse

This has to be spread. The breakdowns have begun, and they are glorious. Even the black barista looks like she's taking the red pill.

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I bet he doesn't even drink lattes

There is so much going on in this rant it's hard to keep track of it all

Twatter videos dont work on my phone. Someone put it on youtube somehow


It's like she's shouting to try to talk over herself.

she is, the voices in her head are too strong and are yelling back at her.

This is satire you fucking morons. It's some sort of performance art piece meant to mock benevolent white feminists. There was this huge roe between the feminists after this weekend's march where the nigs started hating on the white feminists.


is this the biggest outburst of virtue signalling ever?


>This is satire
Just like those protesters.

This isn't real. No way.

The ending is too perfect for this to not be performance art.

Its obviously fake
Not that liberals are not capable of that but the barista asking the order at the end is just too much

This cant be real. I refuse to believe I share a planet with these people.

The shilling has begun

I'm a liberal and this shit annoys me.

People who overuse the word "like" should hang.

We need to exploit this immediately. Lefty cannibalism is best cannibalism.

Prescription medication is a hell of a drug.

>sjw has a meltdown with barista
>barista ask if her order was with chocolate or vanilla
>sjw responds wih "caramel"
Cmon thats taken straight out of a shitty sit com

Fake and gay

I watched up until the truck driver part and skipped to the end where I knew the punchline about ordering coffee would be

This is exactly what Spencer shills post when they want us to discredit the movement

call the cops or mental health people or something jeez

This is what it looks like when a human short-circuits.

Fake video uploaded by racist DRUMPFkin
Fuck white people

Was this woman the IRL Elaine Benes?

She's acting like she's on amphetamines

>non whites are mad at white women
>trannies are mad because they're shouting about pussy
>white women are either mad for people saying they supported "the tangerine" or self flagellating
>all of them are pissed at men, especially white men

This are the people scream "he will not divide us"?

I'm not saying it can't be meme'd into something worthwhile, just don't believe for a second that the performance was sincere.


Sup Forums is always right!

Is this real or fake?

>Was it a vanilla or a caramel?

Do you not realize by now that the content of their propositions is irrelevant to the reaction and organization that spring up around them? All that matters is that the proper form be provided in which they can spew garbage while attracting a crowd.
The Alt Right would be doing the same thing if it didn't consist of autistic shut-ins who have no experience doing things that involve people.

Believed to be fake.



>being this mad for nothing

Probably fake. Memeable nonetheless. Sup Forums really should be working to further exploit the divide in the Democratic party.

>ignore all tripfags

A good portion of Sup Forums IS the divide in the Democratic Party.
t. Trump Democrat from Massachusetts

This bitch wasting everyone's time is driving me crazy.

Her curved nose - a Jew?

This, even if she isn't actually a butthurt liberal someone should have told her to shut the fuck up. Why is everyone in line just letting her rant like that? Did this happen in New York or somewhere full of cattle like that?

Hahahaha just look at the face of that poor woman, as if working at starbucks wasn't bad enough, even for blacks.

>crazy azz crackas

>irl shitposting while on pcp

i like her style

Clearly satire.

Come on. This is clearly meant to be a joke.

either way it's a victory, divide and conquer

It's fake. It turns into a shitty web skit thing at the end.

Which makes it even worse. Democrats are lunatics if they think anyone is going to watch a crazy woman ranting in a coffee shop for seven minutes. I watched LIKE LIKE a minute and a half and I LIKE couldn't even watch anymore. People are going to watch enough to get the jist and then stop. LIKE LIKE only LIKE 5% of people are going to last through the whole video to see that it's a joke.

>vanilla or caramel

Trump democrat from Texas here.

Though I've basically become full 1488 over the past year starting with "the triggering" when I realized most liberals are fucking insane.

I started reading Jack Donovan and the likes, taking more and more red pills and am nowhere even near a democrat anymore. I'll likely be voting red as long a Trump is at the top of the ticket.

There is nothing funny about getting between me and my coffee. Of course I don't drink that starbucks hipster shit so I never run into these fuckwits.


Get this man a memedal!

Bernie: Trump is "trying to divide us up by race, religion, gender and nationality"

>what is the WOMEN's march
>what is BLM
>muh identity politics

Also, "I know she would have gotten around to cating about the Dakota Access Pipeline EVENTUALLY!" Too obvious.


>Comedy troupe/performance artists parody SJW derangement and lunacy
>funnier than anything SNL has done in years

this is fake as fuck

Jesus creeping Christ on a cross.

>that outro
Ugh, fuck YouTube.

>vanilla or caramel latte


same. fucking hell thats annoying

How you expect libtards should react since media tells them that the new president is literally new Hitler?
Of course, they are freaking out.