Explain this eurofags

Explain this eurofags

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Indian concrete is made of a super resilient material that contains poop extract which makes their buildings last much longer.

In our defence poo in loos' scientific and architectural achievements peaked centuries ago while europeans' never stopped eveloping

>peaked centuries ago

Euro one actually has working sewers.

The indian structure is advanced apeman tier, the base is much wider than the top floor, while the leaning tower is pretty much the same width all over and still standing despite its angle.

You might want to post the Pantheon, senpai.

they built it leaning on purpose. It's a tourist trap.

220 feet high tower molded out of poo

fun fact about the Pisa Tower

during the early construction, the tower was already leaning on a side beacuse of some foundation problem . People said fuck it and still finished the job

if you look closely the tower, it have a banana shape, its is not full straight

forgot pic

Theres no banana shape there fag

nearly everyone knows the building on the right.

nearly no one knows the building on the left.

>European engineering

I really wonder which version of the Pisa tower they measured. The one where it was still standing straight?

look another time, it's not straight

he means it is curved
which it is, slightly, becoming more vertical closer to the top

>posting one of the worst of european marvels in an attempt to discredit european engineering.

Rome, nigga. Collsus of rhodes. The Colosseum. Countless aqueducts. The Lighthouse of Alexandria.

You could've picked anything yet you chose a shitty tower that's only attraction is that it's slanted.

It's built by a white guy, so yes.

PewDiePies's natsoc name should be OttoVonOtto

The base is greatly shifted while the top is parallel to the ground you fucking mongol

Bad example. This failed structure still standing despite leaning just shows how great Euro engineering was.

The other one is a glorified anthill.

well we get more turists than india so our fucked up tower is actually more appreciated, explain this america

And this is the sole reason the Indian engineers get all the big building projects handed over to them and not Europ-- oh wait, forget about it

Made by an american of european descent.


Yes there is. There's a slight curve to the left

My benis bends slightly to the left

I didn't even know the tower of pisa was that old

>455 feet
>built in 2560 BC
African Engineering

the egypts built some crazy shit.


>Random temple thing nobody has heard about
>Famous landmark tower known the world over

Is not Yellow either, that fucking pasta nigger lied.

Big base to support a big plinth, that would support a diminishing girth obviously stands without problem. Then add the fact that Pisa Tower was built under soft soil.
t. Architect

You know it was built intentionally leaning, right?

Indian space program when?

That successful Mars mission though


Italians built 10000 towers like this one in the renaissance. Some collapsed, some were removed for all kind of reason.

This one got a funny particularity so they injected concrete in the ground to keep it this way.


HERRO my mongrorian cousin

Largest dome in the world for 1300 years was European. Stop posting your monkey stacked archless bullshit.

italians are subhumans.

Daily reminder that poo's haven't developed sewage system yet. Even Rome had it 2000 years ago.

It's the settling of the soil underneath the foundation. A building in Italy
can't be compared to one in India; the underlying geology is different in those locations.

Also, Italy has more seismic activity and volcanoes, India doesn't have any active ones on the subcontinent, only one on in the territory of the Andaman Islands.

It's not apples to apples.

We had a sanitation system when the Hwhite man was still in caves, we don't fall for the porcelain jew that's all

2000 years standing

European masterace




more seismic and volcano activity than the belt of fire? wtf


India has less than 0.00001% of buildings before 9th century. Nice cherrypicking. Most of their old buildings are from 1500 and above.

>We had a sanitation system
the beach doesn't count

indeed, nature hit hard right here

>muh Indus Valley
How pathetic, taking credit for pakistans aceivements now?


>inb4 Pakistan

So that's made before poo in loo meme? Impressing. Some knew.

>ruins europe 4 times
>i-its the italians who are bad

you mean indian vs italian engineering

India is not on the ring of fire maje


>hi res

Refusing to eat with the bare hand you use to wipe your ass with does not count as a sanitation system.

>Primitive pile of rocks vs international architectural icon


Indians might have good engineers, but they have terrible plumbers.

From thumbnail it looks like tower of Babel

>inb4 Muslim

I know it's hard for your mongol slanted eyes to see properly so I made this for you

Actually built by Samsung.

The buildings next to it are way more impressive. In fact, the tower is shorter than them.

Like pottery

>still falling for the toilet paper jew


Indian are the highest earning ethnicity in America

when willl you bow down to your Indian overlords Sup Forums?

If that is not a phallic symbol for the ages I don't know what is.

They're referring to Casino Indians.

Italians are Moorish, Moors are Arabs, Arabs have 20% black blood

IT's not European it's Italian

pajeets have been shitting outside the loo for quite a while

Domes are fucking magical

Designated shitting street

Wouldn't call them terrible just because they have no experience when it comes to fixing a toilet. Superpower by 2020 btw

>big pile of rocks

The only impressive part is how they managed to force so many people work themselves to death on that thing.

I know this is a blatant bait thread, but I'll say it, only to be ignored by all the shitposter and bots

India has a table underground with most of the cities existing for thousand of years with each new generation of building being built directly on top of the previous one foundation, basically compacting the entire thing into a massive solid block. There was even a temple that has something like 11 foundations under it, like they were floors.

Italy has a marshy land that while it can look dry and stable on the surface the underground may be gorged with water and uneven. So what happened is when they were still building the tower, they saw that the ground was starting to give in due to the weight and instead of letting it fall/destroying it, built a couples of additional floors so the weight would balance itself out and make the tower stable. So in fact the tower of Pisa is a greater show of engineering by the mere fact that it is still standing nowadays, which show the cleverness of its architects at bypassing a flaw that would normally have asked the reconstruction of the entire tower starting by the foundation themselves.

>ayy lmao

Italy has the best historical architecture in Europe, you leaf nigger: italicroots.lefora.com/topic/1254/Italian-Architecture

Nordcucks can't compete.

they did some impressive shit.
some of the obelisks they had near their temples weight over 250 tons. and the kind of stone they were made of were several hundred kilometers away from the place they put them.


>not knowing what will happen in 2020
do you even superpowers?

Before you ask: Yes, this is real.

>that turkish flag on the top

India is one of the most space active nations.

The European tower is actually straighter (see pic)


that name is perfect

am i banned?


>one post by this ID

Why do people keep falling for this shit?

The Meeknakshi Temple doesn't have millions and millions of visitors every year though.