I have an idea for an app

I have an idea for an app.

An under-age girl takes a photo of herself nude/masturbating/whatever with her smart phone. The app stores the image encrypted, so no one can see it, not even her.

When the girl turns 21, the app unlocks the image and the girl is able to review it. If she's happy, she can choose to release it for profit.

Will I run into any legal hurdles?


Yes, producing child pornography.

I'll donate to your kickstarter

Autism - the post

She is then an adult disseminating child porn.


Even if the woman is "of age" the fact still remains that the nude picture is of an under age girl. There is no statute of limitations to child pornography. A 40 year old woman can still go to jail for selling pictures of a nude 12 year old girl... even if those pictures are of her at 12 years old.

I didn"t produce nuffin

So, did you accompany your retarded post with a picture of a full blown extra chrome ironically?

distribution of child pornography

yea but you wish you did, perv

How would we go about changing the law for this? I don't think demand for this product will ever go down, and this way there is no unwilling victim.

Kek is literally telling you to try to lobby for it so you both look like an autist and get arrested.

so, just do it.

you should've encrypted this idea with your app.

I didn't distrubte nuffin either. Try harder to find a flaw, friendo

Kek justtold you to join me

I believe that Kek is telling me that OP is a faggot, so I'll have to pass.

cognitive dissonance

btw you're disgusting for even considering this and thinking it's a good idea

I'd still hit it... from behind.

Here's hoping you get arrested for being a pedo

This is a safe space

Is it me or does this just sound stupid as hell?

Forget legal hurdles. Underage girls get new phones every two years tops so they'd lose that image anyway


The girl will get busted for distro of cp. No matter what the pic in question is cp no matter what

pic related got downs or something?

Store in in the cloud then.

You made this same thread with the same image a few days ago faggot.

fuck off

>she can choose to release
why wait? if parents give their consent it can be done straight away

Fucken fight me