Redpill me on the gender pay gap. I know that pregnancies and such affect it but I can't find the sources

Redpill me on the gender pay gap. I know that pregnancies and such affect it but I can't find the sources.

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Wage Pay Gap Myth:

It's not a pay gap or wage gap. It's an income gap. Basically women are taking jobs that don't pay as much as men, disrupting their flow of income through maternity leave, taking time off for their children, etc. Feminists think it's the man's fault this is happening and they demand to get paid more to compensate for it.

I know the wage gap is a myth. I need actual sources to prove it though. Not YouTube links.

I can explain all of it in 3 words. It doesn't exist.

It doesn't exist in real life, it is a statistical trend affected by pregnancy lowering total earnings which is "explained" by progressive academics to support the collective victim complex the left has.

I have never offered a woman a lower salary because of her gender. As a recruiter I have made job offers to a lot of people around the US.

Either salary/wage is defined or the candidate provides an expectation to perform the duties described.

It is illegal to make adverse hiring decisions based on a protected class, which gender is.

Feminist approved source

Why Men Earn More by that shitlib that did a bunch of research trying to prove women right then choked on 1000 redpills and became an MRA

If women get paid less why are there no companies which only hire women?

Because there is no wage gap. Free market proves it.

Women get paid the same. But they fall behind overall because they are females. They do not climb the ladder as fast as men. Some get pregnant, some are working only part-time, some are taking few risks, some dont negotiate well and most just want to "feel" good. Feelings dont get you far in the corporate world.

Women don't have much in the way of an ego or lust for more. This is proven by studies that show women are happier with lower pay, but men are never satisfied.

In order to get paid better, you have to let your boss know that he has to keep giving you raises and treat you well to keep you. Women don't do this. They expect to be handed everything without trying, and so when they see men get raises, they get jealous. What they don't see is that men take more risks in their careers, they jump from job to job, they mildly threaten their bosses with moving on if they don't pay them more.

Women work less hours than men for the same pay.
They try to divide their pay/hours the exact same way as men.
Women fail at math.
Women can't be wrong, it is math that is wrong.
Thus, clearly, there is a pay gap.

Is that princessavamarie? Is she posting again?

That Stefan video has all the citations

What the shit am I looking at here?

Thanks for the God tier source.

Women make different choices. They do not get paid less for the same work. Anyone who says so is lying.

There is a pay gap but it is ridiculously small and is only found in some fields of work.
The "gender pay gap" that is often brought up is however a misreading (purposeful or not) of statistics and misinterpretation of facts by using large average, basing it on lifetime earnings and thus it really doesn't indicate much other than varying career choices.
This misinterpretation remains however a powerful tool for identity politicians and other ideologues who then use it to justify their existence, keep churning out "solutions and advice" to companies to reduce it (and sell it of course), create """academic""" material, etc. Ideologues create the justification for their existence and insure their own legitimacy.

tl;dr : a very minor issue only found in some cases but that can be amplified by using irrelevant statistics and reading them wrong. Then used by cunts who make a living out of its existence.
I wonder (((who))) could be behind that last part...

Nope, just a dude trying to argue with feminists. They wanted actual sources so I'm giving it to them.

who is this semen demon?

Oh alrighty, I didn't click it. Didn't realize it was stephan, thanks man.

Basically women stay at home, don't get high paying jobs, and don't ask for raises. Whole thing is a myth

Christina Hoff Sommers is what Feminism was supposed to be.

A lady with no ass and a lot of free time.

My wife makes more than I do. But then again, she has a 4 year degree and CFP & CPA certifications. I'm a tradesman with only a tech school and various certifications. She makes 90k and I make a lowly 65k.


This guy gets it.

To add: the myth being sold by feminism doesn't take into account that the original source material for the statistic took all men in all fields working all total hours and compared that average to all women in all fields working all total hours.

Of course a male surgeon with 30 years experience working 90 hours a week will out-earn a female hair stylist with 3 months experience working 20 hours a week.

Feminists don't look at the explanation, just the (((bullshit))) claim.


I work in a pay structure that is COMPLETELY EQUAL.

My female colleagues who are OK, go away and have babies, cut their hours and then moan about the 'pay gap'.

Thankfully, UK law would literally make it illegal for these stupid fuckers to pull of their plan (enhanced terms for women).

OK, I can show you the door, but I can't make your bitch ass think. Watch the vids and quit being a cunt.

10/10 for truth.

Good post user.

Thanks for the sweet link.

It's not entirely a myth, there is *some* discrimination, in some fields more than others. Mostly though, it's a factor of what work they choose to do and the complications of choosing to have children. An employer being worried that they might have children is kind of a gray area - it is discrimination but not without a good reason.

So yeah, where there's obvious abuses current law is sufficient. Where there's women being held behind by circumstance, throw them some assistance programs. Add in some inspiration to get into STEM and other not shit careers and we can call it a day. They'll still be a "gap" but they'll just have to accept it.

Fucking based. I love you dude.

its an earnings gap... women earn less they dont get paid less

>"redpill me on x" threads
cuckchan really needs to die

Watching the videos as we speak.

Which one is cuckchan again? I can't keep these denigrations straight.

This pic brought my pawg fetish back. Welp time to go fap :P


Women have the same hourly salary as men in average. The paygap is a myth.

The yearly salary gap maybe come from their menstruation or other factors involving traditions of women spending more time with their children. Either way , they get the same salary for the same job.

Don't buy into the leftist gender dogma, its all made mainly to destroy peoples marriages and make women hate men.

yeah, here's page 2 if you want it.
(National Center of Policy Analysis)

Sorry mang, don't know. Wish I did.

nobody ever seems to mention that typically female jobs like waitressing "pay" very little but also benefit from tons of cash tips

>be me
>be scientist
>work with a smart woman
>woman gets pregnant
>works out a deal so she only works four days a week
>this only happens bc she takes a 20% pay cut and she is actually good at what she does

according to the people who came up with the (((wage gap))) the only reason this happened was bc of the patriarchy


Fuck thats insanely hot.

There are companies that only hire women. When I was looking for a job a jear or 3 ago I found plenty of such companies which could not hire me because of my penis. Before you ask I wasn't applying as a substitute stripper or anything of the sorts.

Sorry mang, don't know. Wish I did.

Petroleum engineers earn more than nursery school teachers. That's the 'gender pay gap.'


True mvp.