How do trump supporters defend alternative facts?

How do trump supporters defend alternative facts?

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With alternative reasoning

You don't know what alternative facts mean, shit-eater? LOL

by not taking lines out of context

with alternative reality

that implies there is an alternate way of thinking?

I'm out of the loop. What is this alt facts thing people have been talking about.

1984. This next generation is going to make millennials go absolutely batshit crazy.

she should have said alternative perspective. she fucked up but i understood her meaning.

of course the media jumped all over it.

trump supporter is beyond facts. in that sense they finally caught up to the zog machine media: make up your own narrative as you go along.

>How do trump supporters defend alternative facts?

If Hillary supported the Wall, banning Muslims and kicking globalism in the balls then there would have been an alternative to Trump.

This is it. It wasn't that she was changing things or lying, as they are implying, she was showing the "alternative facts" that the media didn't show.
They lied by omission. What she was trying to do was present more "facts" to give a clearer picture.


There is nothing wrong with the term "aternative facts".

The media has their "facts" which are mostly lies or half truths loaded with ideology and narrative.

Trump has his "facts" that are loaded with his narrative, and possible half-truths. Notice how all of Trump's supporters use alternative media.

>doesn't trust Jew run cuck sources who are bough and paid for and who's "facts" are purely agenda based
>provides different fact that does not come from Jew source
>libs bitch and moan

How do you defend, not defending alternate facts

"clown dating"
"clown sex video"
"semen based clown makeup"



nope, he said it quite clearly

You think Dems have never used "alternative facts"?



alternative facts are just other things that are also true lmfao why all the anger

Whereas x
whereas y
whereas z

______ (insert opinion)


Who cares about facts, really.

I get all my facts from Sup Forums.

If there is one thing the media cannot abide it is doubt over the relevance of ratings. That is why the legacy media is screaming about the relevance of television viewers even though most people watched it online.

>relativism biggest meme of the left
>right wing uses it
>"lmao that's just bullshit"
>relativism btfo, leftists are now follow objectivism

i love this timeline

What is a fact anyway?
There are no facts in history, only opinions.

>iraq has wmd
>keep your doctor if you like it and it's not a tax
>99.99% hillary will win and trump is literally hitler
gee, i wonder why we do? maybe cause the """""""facts"""""""" have become lies while alternative truth is real.

I don't.
I'm sick of seeing this woman everywhere.

She is aesthetically unpleasant and everytime I see her I want to stop her from being.

She got Trump where he needs to be, but she shouldn't have used that as an attempt at her own fame.

Kelly Conneway, who's in OP's pic coined/used the term "alternative facts" when asked about why Trump's press secretary was focused on the inaugural address. As in "they didn't lie, they just presented alternative facts the media wasn't actually reporting."

It sounds better/makes sense in context but liberals realized quickly that it can be used as a meme phrase out of context. As seen by this shitposting. I think Kelly was looking for the right words and that kind of came out.

This explains it too. But as always, liberals are more concerned with their ziner "gotcha", whatever they can use to make someone look dumb to people who don't know what's going on.

It's really dishonest, especially considering how this started with the media being his honest, the administration directly calling them out on it and then the media being dishonest again and trying to pretend the administration made up the issue itself.

>How do trump supporters defend alternative facts?

I think it just sounds like alternative explanations of facts

Kellyanne Conway did a slip up when some cuck news anchor was attacking her for innauguration numbers. Sean Spicer gave his stats and other places gave theirs. It didn't line up, and Kellyanne said they were alternative facts.

Libs are flipping out because those words can be used to negate legitimate facts in favor of what the in power party claims, which can lead to some 1984 tier stuff.

But I genuinely think she had a brain fart and said something quickly to satiate the badgering anchor.

flipping out is about all they can do for the next 2 years. meanwhile, ill be drinking their tears by the gallon.

>elected a president to spite a group of people he doesn't even talk know outside of Sup Forums

Childlike behaviour

This is exactly why the jumped on "alternative facts" because it sounds bad out of context. Expect this dumb level of spam with the phrase from now on. Also that pic about the term "snowflake" illustrates the same problem with the lefts. They got mad being called snowflakes en masse, so they literally just made up that it's related to Nazi's to shame the people using the term...

When it's obviously from Fight Club. And it was in fight club because back in the 90s telling kids they were all special snowflakes was a literal thing.

>It sounds better/makes sense in context but liberals realized quickly that it can be used as a meme phrase out of context. As seen by this shitposting. I think Kelly was looking for the right words and that kind of came out.

dem mental gymnastics god damn son do you sound like some queer as fag boy

>ruled by and inseminated by muslims for 500 years

cowardly behavior

Alternative facts?

You mean like how there's more than two genders, and your gender isn't defined by what you have physically?

>dodges criticism by making stale memes about poster flag

>breaks the sound barrier of fresh memes with images of fat white kids

They care as much as trump cares about them.

You faggot liberals do realize that while you whip your skippies or flick your beans to meaningless shit like body counts and random misspeak, Trump is literally bulldozing everything that facilitates your permatantrum, right?

By time you fucks finally wake up and start tracking what's going on in the world around you now, you'll be questioning your fundamental viability as a living creature, let alone if there's even a place for you in society.

I don't. That woman is a fucking retard.

alternative facts as in facts that we usually don't hear about. the alt-facts: more truth than the usual snippets that are force-fed into our brains via the media.

Somewhat coherent explanation

do not insult our based goddess

Because the (((real facts))) were false.

>brain fart
I swear only women have brain farts

The media isn't stupid. They know the majority of people only read headlines or tweets and once that bias (which the media created) against someone is reinforced then changing it is very difficult.

Propaganda works.

I don't think the American left, champions of Post-Modernism in all it's deconstructionist and anti-objectivist glory, can say anything about objective facts. They've been pulling the "There is no objectivity! It's all perception!" bullshit for decades now. Reap what you wrought, cultural marxist fags.



She should have simply said that they were disputing claims made by the media.

I saw the clip in question and the press conference they were talking about, and in context, Conway was attempting to explain why the press secretary listed off a bunch of statistics which upon investigation, most were actually off or straight falsehoods.

"Alternative perspective" doesn't work because the press secretary was trying to list off what he thought or what was listed for him as concrete "facts", not subjective "perspective."

Hello ryan K :))))

Yes. Yessssssss.
OP btfo

Alternate facts are completely coherent with the lefts world view. Read very carefully.

The ideas of, 'mansplaning' and, 'whitesplaning' are based on the fact that what is logically true for a man or white person is not necessarily true for another group. This means that the left believes in polylogism, that there is more than one type of logic. If there is more than one type of logic then alternative facts can exist.

freely, you commanist

But factually there were less people there.

This isn't even a big deal. Obama was the first black president and Washington is blue. Trumps campaign was anything but the 24/7 dick sucking, and it's no surprise a bunch of people didn't fly out. They could've just let the media meme about numbers for a couple days and then everyone would stop giving a shit.

It was a dumbass hill to die on, and "alternative facts" was the napalm strike on top.

This. CNN is full of media veterans who realize exactly what bullshit theyre pushing.

>the left is all niche identity politics

lol no people just don't like the president and his aides lying on national tv you infantile retard

That doesn't address anything in my post.

Why are blonde old bitches the best MILF's?

There are objective facts and then there are human subjective attempts at naming those facts. Everyone knows what she means. You haven't heard about the lying, widely hated media, or the problem with 0-integrity online fake news?

>that implies there is an alternate way of thinking?

There isn't?

Here, let me make it simple for you.
>Alternative Facts:
>To the left you see a rotten cunt
>That could mean either:
>A) ill-intentioned female, or
>B) her vagina is a putrid cesspool
>Both are true.

Alternative Facts.

Sounds pretty bluepilled to me tbqhwy family.

How do we make fucktards realise that we are not partisan republicans and/or Trump loyalists. Fuck off and sage!


>alternative facts

You mean the facts that don't fit your agenda and narrative?
Facts don't give a FUCK about ANYONE'S shit-ass, faulty as fuck best laid plans of mice and men.
