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Stop being such a weird looking cunt then

Ayy lmao

All part of the plan to have all jews come back to Israel.

>get more slimes
>wonder why there's less acceptance of judeism
inb4 they blame Brexit/UKIP for being rayciss

> love that Der Ewinge Juden is being forced out of public life
> remember that it's only happening because of kebab tidal wave in Merrie Olde England
> hearty kek ruined
Feels ambivalent, man

This is why I don't buy the jewish conspiracy. Why would they orchestrate a muslim invasion when they know it will marginalize them even more?

Because it amplifies fracture points in society.

Look at it another way. Consider the left-right dichotomy. The health of the nation would probably be best served by having two robust parties that could argue opposing views respectfully, but also understand the other point of view and come to compromise. However that requires empathy, intelligence, and a willingness to cooperate. It is far easier to polarize people into extreme positions, and then use those positions as wedges to force them to do what you want them to. So, for instance, you're either pro-life or pro-choice, and you must vote overall commensurate with your camp. Never mind that neither position has had any meaningful impact on abortion in 40 years.

So the jew knows that he can manipulate all of society by forcing the muslim down everyone else's throat. Sure, in the meantime some of their number may suffer, but that is the cost for total control. They are well practiced at playing the victim. They'll just simper and pretend to be pathetic while the nation crumbles around them.

Jews outside of Israƫl are teraditionnally leftits and pro minority, being themselves a minority.
They naively pushed for a multicultural agenda to feel more comfy as a minority. They just overlooked that it will allow sandniggers to move to europe en masse and act like they do in their homeland : racist, sexist, antisemite, backward and violent.

Subhuman Kebab are turning jewish into harliner far rights nationalists when they don't flee to Israel. At least in France.

>marginalize them even more

maybe that's the goal, jews love being victims. oy vey remember the 6 bajillion, now gibs me more money

Pretty much this.

Jews: hey, let's have more immigration guys, it's good for diversity and stuff.

Whites: YEEEEEAAAH!!! Let's bring millions or Africans and Muslims to replace us.

Jews: wtf is wrong with you guys.

>Why would they orchestrate a muslim invasion when they know it will marginalize them even more?
See here ->>> Second of all its something religious like all Christians have to die before the messiah comes.

And 3rd Jewish Hatred for Whites is the biggest hatred there is, and they use Blacks and Muslims as weapons against us.

There's no conspiracy. Jews just tend to be more left-wing because they're brought up with a self-pitying victim complex which causes them to overtly sympathize with "muh fellow oppressed people." They also tend to be more feminine, which leads to them being more left-wing.

>There's no conspiracy.

>not realising that multiculturalism is a ploy by the white man to make the Ashkenazim join forces with us and using their memetic forces for our right wing cause

If you can't beat them, make them join you.

>Unironically believing Larry Silverstein orchestrated the most infamous terror attack in history to collect an insurance claim


This makes it seem like it is brits doing this.
They are not saying who is harassing the Jews.

Asian Brits are also Brits!

> orchestrated

Profited, faggot, greatly. Along with Frank Lowy and many others.

Orthodox Jews like the man pictured isn't in on the conspiracy. Not even 0.1% is in on it.

But those who are in on it know that diversity means fighting and political disagreements within the general population, and as long as we're wasting time with that, we won't go after our overlords.

>daniel nigro

believable until that point, kek


nigro is an italian name, it's pretty common knowledge there are italian people in New York City

See your middle paragraph is on point but your last one is just conjecture at best. I don't rule out many rich Jews being somewhat involved with many society destroying events/measures/movements etc but I don't consider them all in on it.

But I thought the jews were behind the islamization of europe? Don't the jew cabals control everything?

>And 3rd Jewish Hatred for Whites is the biggest hatred there is
Give proofs. We don't hate you.

see the top jews don't give a shit about the rest

The part you have to remember is that the jew need not engage in an actual conspiracy. They share a culture, and that's enough. They all just agree with each other, so they all implicitly collude since each of them is working toward his individual idea of what is good.

Consider that the jew has been doing this since at least Christ Himself. The Pharisees caused Christ to be crucified, but all the jews get the blame for it. The Bolshevik jews caused the Nazis to be anti-semitic, but all the jews suffered for it. All throughout medieval Europe, the rabbinical classes thrived while the rank and file jew was reviled by his neighbors for the crimes of the rabbis.

They're very happy to sacrifice their own for what they see as the greater good. Hence the origin of the meme that says it serves you right: you trusted a jew!

the fuck is a top cross-bench peer?

>jews push for islamization of europe to destroy the white man
>muslims turn out to be the biggest anti-semites ever

Congratulations, Schlomo. You played yourself.

>Jews just tend to be more left-wing because they're brought up with a self-pitying victim complex which causes them to overtly sympathize with "muh fellow oppressed people."
I don't disagree with this. We're brought up to believe that people will try to destroy us. That it's normal. Knowledge of history doesn't disprove this belief.

>They also tend to be more feminine, which leads to them being more left-wing.
This one I've never heard before. How are Jews feminine?

You cant make it illegal not to be nice to Jews if everyone is already nice to Jews (stormweenies do not count, people do not take them seriously

But if there are normal (sic!) liberal people who are extremely not nice to Jews, outrage could be fabricated to push laws to protect Jews from any kind of criticism.

There is no rabbinical class.

Jews argue all the time, there's nothing they won't disagree on.

Tel Aviv is faggot capital of world?

Ironically its because of the fringe left Sup Forums is terrified of. They're anti-palestine and the head of Nation Union of Students often accuses absolutely everything of being a zionist conspiracy.

Of course OP left that part out.

Because its not true dipshit. Its Sup Forums's hard on for confirmation bias. They just make it up as they go along so they come up with excuses as to why they're unemployed.

>Cops cant go into certain areas
Totally not no-go zones stop making things up racists.
>Jews have slightly hurt feelings because of some bad worse.
OMG its another holocaust.

I refuse to believe the universities are that bad.

*Pro-palestine, not anti.

>Pure coincidence.

Classes, tribes, call them what you will. You can't disagree too much, though, since you all infest industries like mass media worldwide.

Okay, that's one data point.

Counterpoint, you'd think we'd be more fashionable.

elite jews =/= average jews

Why can't pol understand the heads of Hollywood studios, the Fed Reserve, heads of tech companies and heads of banks are different from the nice jewish guy who serves you deli sandwiches?

>zero sum what not
On the one hand I wanna laugh at them. On the other, well...Muslims.

Do you see "Jews" here, pointing out the villains of their own kind?

Nope, you see:
>you're just jealous
>confirmation bias, goy
>not all "Jews"

Stop making excuses for the guilty among you, then you won't be lumped in with them.


how you dare to do this with chosen people of god ?
you must pay for this england

>Congratulations, Schlomo. You played yourself.

nope, it's part of the plan.
the destabilization and destruction of european culture and identity is exactly what they aim for.
the us is the biggest ally in this plan, with trump now in charge.
the middle east will get destabilized even more, maybe even war with iran, and guess where they will all come to?

it doesn't matter what class they occupy, all jews are God's chosen people.

You've never been to a yeshiva, I take it. There's a reason for the phrase 'Two Jews, three opinions.'

Because they can easily eliminate feral kebab in one nuclear sweep. Whites, not so much. Basic knowledge of history would tell you that.


Fucking bacon avoiding creeps

You just have to see the bigger picture

Low caste Jews are used as victim fodder to further their goals, it's always been that way. Jews have a whole different understanding of things like loyalty and purpose.

In order to destroy white societies, cause millions of Jews to move to Israel (make Aliyah), and cause Israel's enemies to become white Europeans' enemies, thus ensuring once again that white people become Israel's personal army. Once Europe is in a state of constant civil disorder and violence, white Europeans won't say a word against Israel when they literally genocide millions of Arabs from the Middle East -- Whites will instead praise such action and ask how they can help.

>'Two Jews, three opinions.'

>jewish democrats-republicans


What do they do all day?
Haven't you uncovered all the secrets of your bible over the course of all these years?

No we don't.

What do Sup Forums think of jews who are not zionists?

Nah. They want to destroy the Western civilisation. Completely. Browns and blacks are never the problem unless you're plagued by Christian compassion. They will bulldoze them and sterilise the survivors like they do in Israel. It's the whites and the Asians that have always been a headache for the Chosen People.

How much do you know about the Jewish faith and the attitudes of Jews towards gentiles?




There are exceptions to every rule, but the Jewish problem isn't constrained to the "elites".

>What do Sup Forums think of jews who are not zionists?

race traitors

I think it's more about who they disagree less with.
The system is broken in the US and 3rd parties don't have any chance. If Trump will fix the system you will see a big difference. Besides, Jews are not immune to propaganda either, and maybe even more influenced by it in the west because muh 6 million.

>British university become some coranic safe space but Sup Forums is happy with it because muslim are mean with their jewish boogeyman
Really make me think

Jews don't care about shitskin antisemitism because they have a significantly lower IQ and are not a real threat like white anti semitism is.


>In order to destroy white societies

Literally the first 6 words of my post.

You're a based jew.

Here's a few more links. Human trafficking is huge in Israel. They are ranked among third world countries when it comes to the presence of slaves in the country. Most are Slavic women forced into prostitution via a network that starts with Jewish run organized crime in Eastern Europe who then bring them into Israel where they are forced to be prostitutes.



>maybe even more influenced by it
I definitely agree with this. I think more than anything it's their own propaganda that's ruining them, just like blacks put down other blacks for doing well in school

i thought it was silverstein who did 9/11
are you tricking me?

>Interestingly, one Jewish subgroup does not fit this liberal, Democratic profile: Orthodox Jews. Roughly half of Orthodox Jews describe themselves as political conservatives, and 57% identify with or lean toward the Republican Party.

...They're working on it.

Let me qualify, I don't agree with their views, but this is what they believe.

There's a story, or a statement, or a belief: 'If at any point there are not ten Jews studying Torah, God will destroy the world'. There's also a tradition saying that the tribes of Zebulun and Issachar had a deal. One would do business all the time with their ships, and the other would study all the time. The former woild support the latter, and the latter would split their spiritual earnings with the former.

So, I can understand the Ultra-Orthodox, even if I don't condone them.



But wont they initialize it faster and will be less moderate with it? less IQ is probably worse because they will be more psychical.

poor jews. let's all feel sorry for the poor jews. (article written by jewish-owned media)

Only means that Rothschild only cared about the money, which debunk any conspiracies on him wanting Jewish dominance. Saved.


Because it's someone else that needs to care about Jewish problems?

>Orthodox Jews

They are always getting in trouble for scamming the system. There have been a number of high profile cases of huge tax scams in NY involving them. They worked out deals with Jewish tax assessors to reduce their property taxes in exchange for a kick back.

They also abuse the welfare system.

see Antisemitism is a top seller in Israeli media.

Your problem is claiming that a racial/ethnic group owns America. The rabbit hole goes way deeper than this, and you know it.

Whatever you need to tell yourself. I see it as being able to purchase a judge, a politician, a committee, a nation of stooges, etc.

Bit a complex war against an entire race requires inteliggence

You run the most powerful lobby in our country. You have Congress wrapped around you finger and have since before the Yom Kippur War.

There are of course other interests who compete and it isn't a coordinated conspiracy with guys meeting in dsrk smoke filled rooms, but the effect is the same.

You even got us to pay for a fucking museum for something we had nothing to do with. Every last one of you needs to be deported to Israel and quarantined there or thrown in an oven.


For the same reason they orchestrated their own persecution through centuries. As a minority, you can't conquer. Playing the victim will allow the next generation to benefit

You don't seriously believe that though, do you?

Jews were initially welcomed into European countries but because of the dirty tricks they played such as extortionate usury, chipping bits of gold coins, supporting degeneracy and taking over through nepotism, they were kicked out. Most countries in Europe gave Jews a second or third chance but the Jewish community only wanted a parasitic existence in these countries and continued to undermine their host's authority.

I'm not saying all Jews are parasites of course, but your leaders are, and have brainwashed the rest to think they are victims and eternally persecuted.

Good Goy.


>Sup Forums discusses this literally everyday
>so let's discuss it again cause I still don't get it