What do you guys think about suicide? when and when not is it applicable?

what do you guys think about suicide? when and when not is it applicable?

I should do it now but foolishly think I can turn it around but I never do Damn XD

When you know its over, when despair has ruined everything for you.

Christ and Catholic cucks will save never. I like the Japanese view on suicide.

Applicable when you have no family anymore who could suffer from your suicide

not my thing but I'm fine with the rest of you getting off the planet as soon as you like.

Buried 2 of my m8s to it
>Literally the single most selfish act a human can do.
>The ultimate drop out - leaving friends and family to pick up the pieces and also have to deal with doing that while grieving.

That's usually already too late when you do it

Om du är svensk, de är ganska bra

Rather shoot myself in some secluded corner of the planet rather than dying of sickness when I'm old

The final act of cowardice.

Interesting that Sweden is posting a thread on the subject.

why bother killing yourselves if you're just going to die later anyway

The taboo should be removed from suicide and we should stop calling it a depression thing, just consider it a normal choice and don't mourn people who choose to do it

10/10 finbro - preach the truth

>don't mourn the dead

I bet you're a kike.

>just consider it a normal choice and don't mourn people who choose to do it
This guy's never buried a friend or relarive.

Trying to get to hell that quick?

Seriously, you will spend the rest of eternity in eternal torment and agony soon enough.

There's nothing wrobg with it

>christcucks unironically believe this

Grandfather, brother, and girlfriend

>Christcuck supreme

But it is a depression thing most of the time.
But i agree, it shouldn't be looked down upon, even tho it is a clear sign of weakness. If trannies cutting their dicks because of a mental disorder is considered normal then cutting your throat because of a mental illness should be normal too.

This might not make sense to you people but I'm pretty sure suicide is actually impossible.

Your conscious will filter to the reality in which it continues to exist.

I've tried a bunch of times, I even put a gun to my head and fired and each bullet misfired.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Stop worshipping a kike. And the few christians over here, are lutherans; hell is an abstract thing for them.

Have fun in hell faggot.

If I am wrong... so be it.

If I am right... no hell for me.


"When you're going through hell, keep going!" -Churchill

have faith, it gets better

Enjoy hell.

Suicide is justifiable under these circumstances:

1. Old age or terminal illness
2. Avoiding being captured by the enemy in wartime
3. You've been convicted of a serious crime

What Kurt Cobain did was not justifiable, he was a drug addict faggot who left his child to be raised by a mental case.


when you are at the end of your life. now that doesn't mean old age, just when you know that it's over. you're gonna die eventually, just know when its time.

interesting ruse m8

you could have saved them, but you probably think depression isnt real

good going "mate". they killed themselves because of you


it is the ultimate surrender to circumstance

wow what a big circle

how stupid can you be?

look up "quantum immortality"

If you like to gamble, i tell you im your man...


When you are so severely disabled you have no dignity or freedom and are completely dependent on the efforts of others. Like myself, once I get my settlement so I can leave a couple million behind for spinal cord injury research I will be ending my life. Better off going to that, then buying diapers and catheters, etc.

Any god that values feigned belief over sincere unbelief is not worth worshiping.

'murica never disappoints

Prove that hell and heaven exist. I will convert your denomination of christianity.

Not always. The people that call suicide the act of a coward, have a live all too sheltered of a life I assure you of that. I know a quadriplegic that voluntarily resorted to starvation to end his undignified and pathetic Life of burden on others. It took over three months, coward yeah right.

Enjoy hell faggots!

Prove that it doesn't exist.

Also, you will die and find out so you take you bet on where you want to go.

when you're about to be tortured by the mexican cartels

You know nobody has actually been there to tell you. Surpirsingly every time somehow is about to die and report about what comes after death they see a bright light and their family members. Have they seen heaven or hell? Who cares? What if hell is the forbidden fruit and its pretty chill down there. The people telling you you should have faith or you go to hell fear hell because the're told to, not because anyone actually experienced it. I for myself am pretty much certain theres nothing to fear after death even if you dont believe in any god

Depression is far too vague of a diagnosis. The human brain is so complex it is completely out of our league to understand. If you think doctors know the exact proper chemical balance of every individual you're delusional or just naïve. There's a reason placebo effect is so efficient at "cure" depression, you throw a crutch on the ground at least five out of 10 people are going to use it. There are circumstances where suicide is an act of courage not weakness, it can be an honourable decision

Enjoy going to the church on sunday, ill enjoy my beer and sex with my gf while youre there

God and spirituality exist

Religion is a manipulative belief system centered around control

Completely naïve and ridiculous sentiment

write about why you think you are "depressed", then read it
consider the people you will affect because of your death
if you are still completely convinced that you cannot move yourself from this perceived condition then you can kill yourself
if you want to take other people down before yourself, you must also consider what will happen because of this
this is all obvious
why is this being discussed

>Implying Kurt killed himself

Lmao morals are just a social construct

>ill enjoy my beer and sex with my gf while youre there

Ok that's cool. Enjoy all of eternity in hell and damnation with the likes of the anti-God left faggots.

Seriously, you can do what you want but I can not stand the idea of you ever saying that you were never told about this option. One of the greatest parts about all of this is you get to choose and if " beer and sex with my gf" is worth eternity in hell... that is your choice.

>you could have saved them, but you probably think depression isnt real
>good going "mate". they killed themselves because of you

Normies don't give a fuck about people with depression - and only once depression results in suicide (which is simply the cause of death for the disease called depression), they ... oh wait, they still don't give a fuck, they are just angry, that the depressed person was so "selfish" - and yet again those fucking normies only think about themselves and how it made themselves feel.

I feel bad for people with depression who contemplate suicide but these fucking normies who whine about the "selfishness" of suicide and how they were too "weak" to stay alive, although it takes fucking GUTS to actually kill yourself, it's FUCKING hard to actually do it - if it would be the easy way out, I would already be dead...

Acceptable for Democrats.
Morally wrong for Republicans.

>everyone who opposes my views is a leftist

Religiousfags speak like they saw hell or heaven. You are claiming supernatural things exists. Then prove. I dont know whether it exists or not.

Weak sauce m8.
Come back with something better. That was shit.

>he equates selfishness with morals
Probably tells me more about you than you'd care to admit to yourself.

>sadly it's probably the demographics here (young blokes) that have the highest incidence of sewerage pipes.

Hey buddy enjoy hell.

No one is going to stop you.

Suicide is the easy way out.

One way ticket to hell


The funny part is that youre both wrong

Christcuck is getting manipulated in submission and hedontard is being controlled through stimuli

You both are simple minded animals compared to me

It's something that only my enemies should ever consider.

A deity that creates life, gives it free will just to test if it will spend its life worshipping its creator; and if it doesn't banishes it to Eternal suffering. Is no "God" worth following. Just seems far too human and Patty not to mention vein, greedy, manipulative, cowardly etc. This "God" basically encapsulates the pinnicle of every sin it advises against

Doubles of Truth, some of these christians are just as brainwashed as feminists

also very cucked and don't care about the jews ruining the country becuase they think god will sort it all out in the afterlife

Enjoy a boring life

Are you implying that selfishness is a bad thing? Wew lad it's literally just you making a decision you think is good.

But on suicide, I believe you can do it if you know you are going to die and you want to go out on your own terms.

Also I have thought about this subject alot because of depression, and in reality you just need to accept and change your life, so many people do the same thing and think "why am I not getting better"

Depression is a choice, even if you can't accept this doesn't change the fact. You are most likely addicted to being depressed or think that if you are not depressed then you "fell for" life tricking you into being happy.

Plus you never really die when you commit suicide, just wake up with strange memories and a different colored iPhone...

I have distinct memories of this happening to me many times, so maybe the afterlife is this.

Fine by me.

I normally avoid phoneposting, but i have to weigh in on this.
I work in an infusion room in an oncology office in south FL.
I see people, daily, knocking on deaths door, still taking chemo drugs. Their bodies literally falling apart, in incredible pain, vomiting blood and parts of their own intestines. Most of these people are dead, they are in their 80's and 90's, and their last months here are filled with agony. Its cruel amd unusual punishment with a thin veneer of false hope. These people need the mercy of the long rest, not literal poison pumped into their failing bodies. Thats the sad part.

The rage inducing part, however, is how so many of these people are on welfare. Medicare is at least 75 percent of our patients. OUR MONEY, OUR TAXES that i see taken out every paycheck, i watch get taken from my wallet and pumped into a 92 year old jewish womans arm to prolong her life by a few weeks from her self inflicted lung cancer. I can use that money. I NEED that money. Why is it being wasted on lost causes? Ive lost family of my own to cancer, and still, after seeing what ive seen? If it were me, i would go into the woods, build a cabin, and live out my days their until i become too feeble to care for myself. At which point, i will meet death standing on my own two feet, and embrace him like a old friend, instead of cowering in front of him lile a beaten dog.


>tfw I check all of them
Do I just go full lgbt color on my ass to clear my chakra conscience desu senpai?

You probably also mourn every day because your childhood friend moved away and you haven't seen him since then? No? What's the difference between a person moving away and not staying in touch with you and a person dying, other than the fact that in the latter case you know they are definitely not coming back (which may very well be the case with the supposed childhood friend, too)? Life moves on, with or without them. Not the suicide is egoistical, mourning the dead is, because you are claiming their death as your loss - as if losing a loved one had a bigger impact on your life than the suffering they were going through had on theirs.

>People should live just for you
>Call them selfish if they don't.

Still better than finnish winter :D

Enjoy hell with the faggots, Jews, and Muslims faggot!!!