Redpill me with provable facts

Don't get me wrong, memes and shitposting are hilarious!
But what are the redpills that you can prove and where you don't have to be fed bits and pieces of (mis-)information in a 3 hour long youtube "documentary" about xy Obama is Kenyan and so on...

Redpills provable with statistics, evidence?

Other urls found in this thread:

Antifa is a terrorist group that should be put down

They're using their executive or Vice President positions to exploit culture

It explains how we're in the state we are in

Lol that's exactly what I meant.

Now prove somehow that Antifa members are in executive positions in larger numbers

Why do you need to be spoon-fed? Once you read the information here it is up to you who will identify what is wrong or right by seeing it being played out in real life or reading more about it.

Well, some of the stuff said here is provable, a lot is not. I just think this board would be a lot more powerful if it developed a culture of proving facts and citing reliable sources for the claims

majority of journalists trying to end conservatism are jews. It's provable: Read their names

Pic related is the monetary course of life of any currency until it drops to 0.

Monetarism is based on wrong theories of how reality works. Central banks cause distorsions in the economy leading to bubbles, recession and inflation that erases your income and savings (making you poorer on top of designed future fuck ups).

btw. Barry has Indonesian upbringing

>a lot more powerful
>literally meme'd a person into the Presidency

Okay retarded dane, we are not powerful.

Prove that the average middle america white man who elected trump actually gives a shit about memes

> check out taz redaktion
> read names
Hmmm, doesn't look like it

Okay and my father too.

My dad understands the power of memes and social media.

What proof would you like?


Burger education

Correct. Noone denies that

lol we shoad them :p

check american news

pointless. its impossible to make leftists notice facts because they rely on an authority telling them what to think
anyone genuinely curious ends up on the right naturally

> retarded Dane

Isn't that what the Danish Vikings turned the Frisians into after they fucked a new generation of kids into their women?

Right. Obama's muslim apologism is a well known fact.

Choose one:


This Shia labeouf thing is set up by known antifa activist Luke turner and his crew of new hive worker bees

>Gets punched in the face for being a smug autist, spewing negativity and non-facts all the time
>Threatens to punch black people in the face for existing and smoking weed and shit
>It's not terrorism, it's my civic duty.
Don't flatter yourself.

If you faggots actually think you're even remotely responsible for trumps presidency you should just end your fucking life

I would love to go fist to cuff with you faggot

You're leadership is constantly trying to get in my shit

I've been baiting them to build up a case. What the fuck are you gunna do when your nu-male savior is put into solitary?

>says a leaf

Look at the recap of "He will not divide us"

It is full of Sup Forums.

Steal another get so you are not alone forever faggot.

So why are there still anti-conservative journalists in Germany?
M-maybe it doesn't have anything to do with race

>statistics, evidence





It's esier to star with what CAN'T be proven:

>jewish conspiracy
>white genocide
>flat earth
>ayyliens and reptilians
>climate change is not real







>spoonfeed me
do your own homework, Dutchie


The Wage gap is a myth, woman are just in average less productive than men.


Blacks are violent monkeys.



Guns don't cause an increase in homicide, it's the opposite in average.


Black on White crime is much higher than the reverse.




driving under the influence is because blacks don't have cars

Thanks leaf!
Two explanations for that are discussed:

1 Culture

Any statistics regarding adoptions of black kids into white families in your folder?


That's an interesting one


Its just systemic poverty and oppression user, didn't you listen in mandatory diversity class?


Don't take into account that women often times will get pregnant, at least once over the course of their careers, so slight drop in (((CORPORATE))) productivity is to be expected.

But when half of the worker in the US make less than $30K per year, yet just six us employees create on average $1million in wealth for they're employers per year, it's important to focus on racist and sexist arguments so that the people remain distracted by the memes.


Regarding the nature/nurture impact for IQ, you have the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study

tl;dr: even when raised in white, wealthy families, blacks have a lower IQ.





Over 90% of white people are killed by white people.

How Sup Forums does its research

>look up topic on Internet
>disregard everything they disagree with
>compile everything they agree with

>when nation-ruining faggots tell you that there's nothing wrong with being gay


I find this chart very interesting


Dutch leftist goes to /pol, thinking they have nothing but memes, get showered with facts - REDPILLED.
Many such cases!


What are you calling "facts" here? I see a bunch of numbers, but no methodology to collection and not a whole lot of exegesis on what the numbers actually mean. Let's just agree to call it data, and go about our day?

I love this chart because it's different every time I see it

>people who identify as mixed race
Probably more to do with the fact that they are brainwashed into thinking that way.

Either way, study is shit. Based on self identification. Says in first line.

Would you like to know more?


i want to be the lefty for once

survival of the fittest in evolution means those who have kids who survive who have more kids and so on, not that you have blond hair and blue eyes kind of thing.

Doesn't that mean whites are the least fit and will die out?

So, without even acknowledging the "data", you are going to dismiss it out of hand?


Most of the images have associated links you can follow for methodology. These are typically known as "sources" and "citations".

For the "exegesis of what the numbers actually mean", there's the rest of the board :D

But yeah, it's just data, which is already much more than what's available on the left.


SeeData is numbers, facts are truths, opinions are opinion. You can use data as evidence to support an opinion, but that doesn't make your opinion factual.

I don't have much on jews



Yes, I see "citations," I question the reliability of the source and the methods used for collection. I could engineer a graph to make almost any argument seem appealing, yet that, again, doesn't make it true.

Really did not expect that.

Not a leftist, pretty much open minded on any issue as long as arguments are based on facts

Sure, let's believe (you), there's not an international consensus on climate change nor data that shows DuPont poisoned millions of people by dumping toxic chemicals into the Ohio River... wait those are facts which is why DuPont lost a court case on the matter. .

Most of the sources are the BIS or FBI; which you'd know if you actually looked at them, which you have not even bothered to do.

You'll have to bring up your "issues" with the sources and methodology you never even looked at, to the US Federal Government.


I think there is not too much there anyway. They may be over represented in media and banking, but at the same time they're in all higher professions such as doctors, professors and so on. It's a culture of education combined with high IQ DNA
There is no conspiracy there I think








