Richfags (including hedge fund managers, reddit CEOs, Silicon Valley fags) are buying escape pads...

Richfags (including hedge fund managers, reddit CEOs, Silicon Valley fags) are buying escape pads, remote islands and land in NZ in preparation to collapse of some sort. They are absolutely sure that they can hop on the plane in San Jose and just fly to NZ is shit hits the fan in Cali.

For such supposedly "smart" poeple how can they be so dumb? Do they really think that a pilot on that plane will take them and not his family or that their for hire mercenaries will not cut their throat in a sleep one day. Plus locals already know about all these hideouts starting with silos in Kansas, areas in NZ or Paraguay. Richfags will be raided, their pampered asses will not last a month anywhere.

pic related, one of these "preppers" who should worry more about potential heart attack and not NZ

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All I want is my own tropical island away from the useless eaters.

Society is shit just FYI.

well, tropical island is good, but when money are no longer valuable (like in a collapse) why do they think "peasants" will continue to serve them?

Society is shit because we are overpopulated, smaller societies can function just fine

Same thing happened after the dot com bubble burst and 9/11 happened.

Also with Obamas re-election in 2012, though by much more conservative types.

It's happening again, sure, but I doubt it'll lead to those assets actually being used for their intended purpose

Here's a good article on it

Why do they think that instead of reducing inequality and tensions to avoid collapse, they are better off in some god forsaken island in the North pacific like one silicon valley fag just did, bought an island, stocked it with shit and ammo.

Nah you are just jealous.

Btw when do you all think the war will begin? What country is the safest? Will balticum be safe? I am planning to move there

Money does not become worthless overnight, nor will every currency in the world collapse. You seem to think an American happening will suddenly plunge the entire world into turmoil instantly.

Also most mega rich not only own their own jets, but their own air fields as well

just look at this fat sac Linkedin CEO, do you really think he will last in some remote NZ pad in all his lonesomeness? He will need helpers, and what reason would they have to not get rid of his fat ass and take all supplies and shit he has accumulated there??

The war begins when some liberal scumbag assassinates the god emperor. Short of that, a purge isnt coming any time soon. America is possibly one of the most stable places on the earth right now

> be Kiwi
> know about secret airfield cause you are local
> richfag plane on approach
> sabotage landing
> take all loot, supplies
> ???

Because NZ isnt going to destabilize over a limited American insurrection and mega rich dont exactly keep their assets in cash. US wealth isnt going to disappear overnight, nor does a civil war begin overnight.

By the time shit really starts rolling the majority of rich will already be out of the country and their assets exchanged to foreign currency

and yet these people are in full blown panic mode. I just do not understand how they imagine they will survive. Some fucking hedge fund manager, really, how long he will last in NZ wilderness? So, he needs help, but what prevents help from getting rid of his lame ass?

ok, what will prevent Kiwis from raiding them and their assets?

The fact he is worth billions and his wealth didnt go poof just because the USD lost 90% of its value in the last 3 months.

The fact that the NZ citizens arent exactly crime prone, and NZ is just as functioning when the US disappears as it was before the disappeared. For that matter, what stops them from robbing the homes of the mega rich that actually live there now? Police, laws, prison, etc

if it is a full collapse his billions worth shit, his only worth is the stockpile of shit he accumulated. If he runs, it means it will be this type of collapse.

the only scenario they will run is a full blown collapse, if it is just a civil unrest they will go to Austria on vacation and see opera. In case of full blown collapse, police, law and prisons will not exist.

>Short of that, a purge isnt coming any time soon. America is possibly one of the most stable places on the earth right now
No America is extremely unstable right now and it is just getting worse, the whole country is crashing down into two parts...its devided af and all americans seem to lose their fucking minds and going bat shit crazy

Money doesnt devalue that quickly. It took 3 years and a loss of a war for Confederate money to become worthless. It will take far longer for the USD to do it as so much is held over seas (over 70% of USD is held in foreign countries)

Beyond that, the rich dont keep cash laying around. I can cash out every asset I own into a foreign currency as easily as changing a check box on an electronic form.

Beyond all this, a civil war doesnt start instantly with no warning. Warning signs of a larger scale fight would be occurring for weeks or months before a civil war actually kicks off. Even if you waited until the day the President declares half the country a terrorist threat, your money will be just fine.

Oh my god I hate clover

NZ police, law, and prisons exist no matter what happens in the US.

A US civil war doesnt destabilize the entire freaking world and suddenly turn normal peaceful citizens into robbing murdering thugs. If anything foreign countries would become more secure as they would most likely put their military's on alert

America will be just fine. Every 8 years since the founding of the country, half the citizens freak the fuck out. The difference between now and 2008 is the snowflakes are vocal about it. Back in 08, we just bitched to our friends and drank beer.

Same thing in 92 when Clinton was elected (militia movement, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City, Waco, etc) Same in 80. Same in 72... Its a cycle that repeats. You just notice it now because of 24 hour TV and the internet blasting you with information every second of the day

Again, the civil unrest alone will not cause the massive run. If it starts they will go on vacation to Europe. The only reason to run to NZ will be some sort of global event. In that event even if initially NZ will have police and prisons it will deteriorate with time and they will be raided.

They arent prepping for a global event. They are prepping for the collapse of the US and the ensuing military crackdown/martial law that would follow. Or worse yet, the US government dissolves itself and you end up with what would essentially be warlords holding territory.

NZ is preferred because it is cheap, stable, and remote to the US

are they gonna fly those planes themselves over the Pacific?

> be the pilot
> get your family and friends on board
> toss fatass billionaire to warlords to eat
> fly to NZ and live happily in prepped compound