/AfD/ General - <Heimatliebe> EDITION

This thread is about the German elections 2017
in particular the party Alternative for Germany (AfD)

>Who are the AfD?
>Program (in german)

>60 Genders - AfD adresses Greens proposal
>Frauke Petrys New year speech
>based Björn Höcke speech
>Frauke Petry in hart aber fair
>Petry's Interview on NATO, Refugees, Sharia, Turkey and Borders
>AfD MEP on Trump's victory

>66-year-old imprisoned for hatespeech
>SPD demands taxation of non-vegan food

>Meme Collections
postimg org/gallery/13dw1v50q
postimg org/gallery/1mmbkgqo0
>Einzelfall Map

>discredit "russian hackers" bullshit in advance
>find or create a friendly guide for voting
>create usable memes (Germany is very Nazi-phobic)
>spell-check memes
>spread memes
>ignore the shills

Previous Threads: OP text: pastebin required

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>redpilled german channels

AfD Program in english:

1st for Grenzschutz


he must be so sad, not being allowed to do his job.

oh hi Antifa, you found us quickly
remember, the billions of Euros haven't been taken from anyone. pic related

Ar those Antifa guys in these threads real or do they just want to troll? Sometimes I can't believe people are really this stupid


wew, the Krautchan horde strikes again.
enjoy your meme circlejerk

Cuckservatives and the >le AfD are irrelevant folks are not better than Antifa.

the fuck, why haven't I heard of this quote before? It enrages me so much. I can't even fathom the blatant ignorance in that statement

The AfD was the last legitimate chance for conservatism and they blew it spectacularly.

Now it's just a bunch of idiots making anti-semitic remarks to veil their neo-liberal bullshit. AfD is irrelevant unless you score enough votes to veto SPDCDULINKEB90FDP

Now summon whatever boogeyman you wish on me but this is how it is.

Sei schlau, wähl blau.

Blau sein, war schon immer eine gute Entscheidung.

Macht Deutschland blau!

HAfDbefehl für X

Wir bezahlen eure HAfDcreme

Deutschland SchAfD das!

Lieber Alternative für Deutschland als Afrikaner ficken Deutsche!

Wolle Petry wählen?

>neoliberalism is bad
Fuck off commie, lowering taxes and stopping gibmedats for niggers and lazy bums is what we need. ANd come on, Höcke isn't a antisemite, he is absolutley right with his speech. He spoke of a monument OF shame, not a shameful monument. You shouldn't just swallow the media narrative.

>defending neoliberalism

Sup Forums ca. 2017

AfD stands with Israel! Build wall!
Let the left moan about dead jews, right-wing is protecting the living ones.

>muh poor people
>muh economic equality
If you refuse to work, you starve. If you want to study a meme science, pay for it yourself and don't leech off society.

Lefties need to be euthanized.

Heil Höcke

Petry Heil.

Anime lappen INS GAS
You are the reason our generation doesn't create white babies anymore, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM

Fool, the AfD is pro-anime.

>hating the most right-wing modern artform

>anime is the reason for our problems

naja..immerhin sind es keine 'fugees, sören :DDD

Freiheit und Vaterland

>yesterday was the birthday of Friedrich II.

>when you are the only larping libcuck on Sup Forums reposting the same retarded phrases and forced Schulz memes like an autist and your opinion is automatically discarded

When did you realize we had crossed the tipping point?

I still predict AfD+CDU coalition. It will be the funniest and safest thing that could and will happen.

Just imagine the butthurt of Merkelbots if the CSU would go through with splitting from the union and forming a black-yellow-blue coalition. Unfortunatly Seehofer doesn't have the balls to do it. I mean, solely based on numbers it isn't even that unlikely that it could work.

I couldn't even collect enough tears after that, it would be brexit and trump all over again

Imagine the Pussywalks all over Germany...

but that's classical liberalism,not neoliberalism kraut

"Neoliberalism" has devolved into nothing more than a buzzword. Die Linke uses it constantly to blame evil capitalists for things they deem wrong, while American anons on Sup Forums will use it as term to describe libs. Generally speaking, liberal means something else in Europe.

CSU splitting would be glorious but I wouldn't bet on it. I assume that the CDU will barely get 30% and the SPD barely under 20%. The GroKo will not happen this year, I cannot imagine that with what's going on. That means that SPD+CDU would only work with the following: Linke, which the CDU absolutely won't accept and even the SPD only hesitantly. FDP, which the SPD would never accept. And the Greens which COULD happen but I would still rule out that possibility. AfD will definately get between 15 and 25% and it's very likely for them to become the second biggest party. So what then? The CDU will have to make a coalition with the AfD and get cucked at every turn or risk a failed Bundestag and sink into the abyss.

One thing is for certain: Every scenario will result in chaos, which will weaken the establishment. Maybe we don't get a fast uncuckening like the brexit, but we will have a lot of opportunities. Even if 2017 won't be our year, it will be the foundation for 2021 and beyond.

We just need to endure, fellow Germanbros.

> anti-semitic remarks
[citation needed]
>Now summon whatever boogeyman you wish on me
well if you ask this nicely
here you go

i want more of that smurf

What about NPD?
Is AfD socialist?

salve smurfs

NPD is compromised.

>Is AfD socialist?
to some extent

NPD is a government honeypot and controlled opposition. Their views are pretty much as "literally Hitler" as possible without being illegal.

AfD is, if you think about it, a socially conservative and uncucked FDP.

>to some extent
Well, that's because whole Europe is socialist to some extent. Compared to the other parties they are way more on the economic right. Their only really "left wing" proposal is to keep minimum wage, which isn't in their Europe program, so I fathom they aren't 100% sure about that yet.

This is true, only the speed of chaos will be determined by this election. Minimum speed at AfD+CDU or light speed chaos at SPD+Linke+Grüne which might under certain circumstances happen.

NPD: 50% of their members are undercover agents.
Also LOL HITLER N SHEEEIT. NPD is stinky. Sad!

Jesus, just imagine Red Red Green. It would be Berlinesque shitskin chaos on a national level. Once even the CDUckservatives start to mock you for your bad politics, you know you seriously fucked up.

>falling for the minimum wage meme

Well yeah, I don't support it, but one can't agree with a party 100% all the time.


>still believing that CSU will deliver
They are controlled opposition.

I don't know anything about german politics but could Merkel really make an alliance with Afd ?? for instance in France nobody would never conclude a pact with Le Pen

Like I said, he doesn't have the balls to actually go through with it, but a Bavarian can dream. And don't worry, they wouldn't get my vote even if Seehofer wasn't a whiny anti AfD shill like the rest of his sister party.

At this point it is highly unlikely. But if all the left parties were to join forces and exclude Merkel from the government, she might reconsider her stance on the AfD. She is an filthy opportunist after all.


If only UKIP was as high in the polls as AfD

Oh look, it's the daily thread about the shit party here.

Nächsten Sommer reise ich nach Deutschland mit einer Gruppe. Werde ich viele Flüchtlinge oder Muslime sehen? Vielleicht werde ich woanders gehen.

you will see muslims 100%

Was geht Brudis? :3

It isn't that horrible as Sup Forums makes it look. Berlin is probably the only place that looks how Sup Forums describes Germany as a whole.

Is it as bad as the memes say? I'll be in Berlin and Munich

Thanks, lads. I'm glad my German was somewhat comprehensible

dafuq is your problem?

Both cities are filled with SJWs, so don't expect to find too many decent people. Most of those live in the countryside.

do not go to berlin

Is it that bad? I really don't want to get ran over by a truck of peace desu

its just that berlin is the epicentre of SJW-cuck-hipsters in germany. people are really fucking awfull there, regardless of muslims.
regarding migrant crimerates south/west germany is worse

Nah, even if its politics are shit and many people there are horrible, as they are either lefties or muzzies, the city itself is pretty nice. As a tourist you most likely notice the really horrible part. You need to live there to fully feel its horror. Just take your time and try to get your own image. Same goes for munich. What I'm trying to say though is, don't expect classic German (post cuckening) mentality. Both cities won't offer that. They are filled to the brim with culture, but not with people of that culture. If you ever have the opportunity, try to go to a smaller German town, too, as it will show you a very different side of Germany.

What is it with cities that makes them so cancerous? Thanks for the info btw

You most likely won't notice*

Universities. They are a cesspool for SJWs and Hipsters and most big cities have one.

The chance to get ran over is higher in Munich, because the people there are awful drivers. In east Berlin aren't that many shitskins, but stay out of the west and Neukölln.

Luckily for me I won't be going into either

I will only take serious answers, that don't come off as snarky or memey from EITHER side.

What are AfDs chances?

Chances for what?
Ruling? 0%
Making the left really afraid? 100%
Getting into parliament as 2nd or 3rd strongest party, forming a respectable opposition? Very good.

It doesn't matter then, unless they win nothing will change

>What is it with cities that makes them so cancerous?
The sordid minds of shitposting neo nazi wannabes, really.

>demands non meme answers
>makes a typical meme statement

Burgers usually fail to understand how our politics work. So either try to at least do a little research or shut up and stop pretending you know what matters and what doesn't. We've got enough defeatist Germans already.

Not true.
When Green party started to get some share of parliament seats regularly, other parties started to adopt green positions.
Same will happen with AfD positions.

Jetzt mal ehrlich Männer,was machen wir wenn die Musel durch Geburtenraten hier das Kaliphat errichten wollen?

Denkt ihr nicht das der linke Kulturmarxismus die kommenden Generationen komplett zu Gutmenschen gemacht hat?

Nö glaub' ich nicht. Die ganzen Gutmenschen sind nur eine laute Minderheit die sich mit Twitter & Co. Gehör verschaffen kann und da sie mit den Regierungsinteressen konform gehen wird es von den Systemmedien entsprechend aufgegriffen und so dargestellt als ob es der generelle Konsens unter der Bevölkerung wäre.

Die Wahrheit ist aber dass der Großteil der Bevölkerung, die Normies keinen großen Fick um Musels oder Neger geben. Sobald es dem fetten faulen Europäer zu schlecht geht und es ihm heiß unterm Arsch wird, wird er mit dem großen Besen den ganzen Dreck rauskehren.

Neuken? :3

Munich is fine
Avoid the """nonexistant""" no go zones in Berlin. Don't make the mistake to stumble into them at night.

Also don't waste your precious time visiting tourist traps.

Oh look it's the daily Antifa Counterspam in the AfD thread.

What do you think of this, German/pol/?

>There are many causes for the absence of a nationalist party in Germany that is bereft of Nazi sympathies.

>Two are particularly worth noting.

>First there is Angela Merkel and the political establishment she represents. The AfD’s rise is a direct consequence of the German political establishment’s refusal to consider the wishes of German voters along a whole spectrum of issues. On immigration specifically, rather than listen to her critics Merkel and her allies denounce them as racists and treat them as criminals.

>For instance, as Judith Bergman reported last week at the Gatestone Institution website, in July 2016, 30 people had their homes raided by German police for publishing anti-immigration posts online.

>When thousands of German women were raped by Muslim immigrants during the public celebration of New Year’s Eve in Cologne last year, German authorities went to great lengths to cover up and deny what had happened. The Cologne police took several days to acknowledge or begin investigating what had happened. For four days, the German media delayed reporting what had happened.

>In September 2015 Merkel was caught on a hot microphone excoriating Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for not erasing anti-immigration posts from Facebook fast enough.

>If Merkel spent more time listening to her constituents and less time rejecting their right to their entirely rational opinions, the AfD would probably not be so powerful today. In all likelihood, AfD politicians wouldn’t be embarrassed when their colleague mouthed off about Holocaust memorials because their constituents wouldn’t include anyone who had a problem with people like Hocke.


please, Mister Antifa

if AfD is a shit party,
what would you suggest is a good one?


They don´t even look remotely normal. I´m ashamed to live in the same country as they do.

has some vaild points,
but a lot of kikery mixed in.

>They don´t even look remotely normal
pretty sure that is what they were going for.

It's written by an Israeli political analyst. Gonna be some kikery in there.

Ich bete jeden Tag,dass ich die Menschen wie Annetta Kahane und das ganze Pack vom Baum hängen sehen werde.

Hoffe ganz Europa macht mit.

not bad.

They reject democracy, at least they are honest on it

it will probably be redredgreen in the end and i am looking forward to that scenario. i feel sorry saying this, but shit needs to go down before anything changes. i mean nobody can actually talk sense into a libtard, they may only understand a good beating.

well he is kind of right as to why AfD has risen.
All of the rest is rather stupid.

I don't think it will be enough for redred green honestly

this chart shows it quite well, redredgreen is around 40, red black is barely above 50.
I think neither is feasible on election day.

this is true. still gonna vote for them because of the lack of better alternatives. i really love everything wagenknecht says, but her party consists of social marxists who would rather keep importing mudlimes even if that destroys our welfare state.

in times where 8 ppl are as rich as the lower half of the wolrds population, i dont get that ppl still hate redistribution, think noone is entiltled to anything, etc. is it the brainwashing for years?

red pill: as long as the government doesnt have the ability to create money, we dont live in a democracy

Ich denke zur Rettung unseres Landes und zur Unterstützung der AfD müssen ein paar sich wiederholende Zahlen auftreten.

Steigt mit ein, ihr Mitpatrioten!

You know that statistic is only right because they included debts into it? So bascially, if you are having a house credit you are poorer than some african street kid.
Germany already has one of the bigges redistribution system outside of communism and it is killing the middle class.
A welfare state was all fun and games in 1980, but in a multicultural society it's a death sentence. It's tearing our country apart.

since the bank owns your house, i dont see the logical issue.

>is killing the middle class.
USA and germany started with 90% max income tax after WW2. nowadays everyone who is rich as fuck gets capital income that is taxed with 27% - thats it. just ESt nothing else.
back in the day, ppl like the BMW oweners who received dividends worth 900 mio (2 persons) would have been taxed at 90%.

still red pill: you cant have a democracy as long as private banks create money and the state cant.

I'm actually reading up on how this shit works exactly and it is really quite complicated and bureaucratic.

Why do we have such a weird voting system?

And some people here even look down on the US one

IIt does in the US, in Germany no.

max income taxes for """super rich""" doesn't work in a globalized environment, they would just move their assets.
Taxes for tich people is just an evasive maneuver by the left. You are already paying maximum tax if you earn more than 50.000 a year. It's just insane.
Also it is not like that money lies somewhere, it is supposed to be invested and create jobs. A thing the state will provide only at a very high cost.
Just remember the """refugees are fueling the economy""" hoax. It actually is a net loss and everybody knows that.
Only low taxes protect the citizens.

i dont come to Sup Forums to read brainwashed neo-lib shit. think for yourself or stfu about it or educate urself
