America is not a democracy, it's a republic

>america is not a democracy, it's a republic

You burgers realize those two words aren't mutually exclusive, right? Republic just means you don't have a hereditary monarch as leader.

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how about you head back there, waffle

Actually yes we do but in a republic we have a single leader that rules over
In a democracy the power is divided over multiple people
While the US has the division of powers the president has the most power making it a republic
Quit calling us retarded until you understand you're own government

A democracy is lead by solely the people in a vote system where everyone gets involved. Our democratic government is a state government focuses on voting for people to vote for us. Because our government was founded on populism, we are then a democratic republic. Len 2 ingrish

Actually a republic means the citizens are represented via any kind of elective body.

A monarchy still can be a republic

*State government that focuses

Getting tired of being ignored in the other thread? Also that is just one definition of republic. Here's the dictionary defenitions of republic, here's a hint the United states is the first one.

a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.
any body of persons viewed as a commonwealth.
a state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state.
(initial capital letter) any of the five periods of republican government in France.
Compare First Republic, Second Republic, Third Republic, Fourth Republic, Fifth Republic.
(initial capital letter, italics) a philosophical dialogue (4th century b.c.) by Plato dealing with the composition and structure of the ideal state.

Yes, they aren't mutually-exclusive, but they're not the same things.

Stop pretending they are.

The U.S. is a representative republic, not a democracy.

Only thing that republic implies is that country is public property - it belongs to all its citizens as opposed to monarchy where it's private property of a monarch. That's what "res publica" means in latin.

Nice try gypsy, we're an oligarchy.

A true democracy would be 100% popular vote for all policies.
A republic is not a democracy because in a republic you vote for state representatives that represent you.

Also our electoral college system is complex and tries to balance out both population and land owners.
Small population but large portions of land get a fair share of voting power, and small but highly dense populated cities also get their fair share of voting power.

In our pledge of allegiance it says nothing about democracy. We pledge to the REPUBLIC of the United States of America. We are not a democracy, even if we include some portions of the democratic process. We are and have always been a Republic.

its neither you fuck. its a represenative republic

Constitutional republic get it right

Well, shit, the burger education system really is as bad as they say it is.

yeah, they are THAT stupid.

"representative democracy" is pretty much an euphemism for oligarchy though.

>realize those two words aren't mutually exclusive
Actually they are.
A Democracy entitles you to vote whereas a Republic allowed you according to law.
A Republic is bound by law i.e. its constitution whereas a Democracy needs none and the majority dictates the law.
Having a representative electoral system has nothing to do with it.
Also go back to Africa you chocolate crazed kiddie fiddler.

you're pretty a much a dumb faggot.

not an argument

You're literally pulling definitions out of your ass, Hans.

Prove representative democracy is pretty much an euphemism for oligarchy, retard.

You're a stubborn waffle aren't you? A representative democracy and a representative republic are the same. Literally the first line on the wiki page for it.

Representative democracy (also indirect democracy, representative republic, or psephocracy) is a type of democracy founded on the principle of elected officials representing a group of people, as opposed to direct democracy.

It also is a generalization or broad definition of most forms of republics since it goes to describe the U.S. as a federal republic.
Nigger I got a reference library in my ass while you are too retarded to make a 10 second google search or look it up on goypedia.

boy you're dumb. What's your fucking point? US is a representative democracy, but you still deny that by calling yourself a republic. Are you really that dumb?

Do you realise that there is no such political system as "democracy"?

it is true tho.

If they were a democracy then convicts could vote Ivan.

So you are going to argue over semantics? I don't pledge my allegiance to the "representative democracy" for which it stands.
Fucking retard. sega'd.


Literally who? Might as well be your ass.

>President having most power

The congress has more power than the president; they can even override the president's veto

>A monarchy still can be a republic

lol no

State governments are also republican. The only democratic parts of our society is our local communities

>le epic goback2tumblr xD

You sharts don't seem to be able to grasp basic concepts.

Fucking Belgium is a monarchy where said monarchy can not be prosecuted under the law.
What the fuck would a muslim like them know about a government fashioned around the rule of law?


/thread me someone, please, it's hurtful to watch people not knowing basic shit like that, Jesus

but there was

America is a Constitutional Representative Federal Republic. It's not a democracy. At no point can the citizenry vote on a law and there are many restrictions to what laws can and can't be enacted. This is why it is a representative republic. It is a federal republic because rather than be a confederation of states (which america originally was under the articles of confederation), it is a separate federal body with oversight over all of the smaller states, regions, municipalities ect. Lastly, it is a constitutional republic because all of the above is outlined and enforced per a constitutional document.

You're just like any other democracy, get over it, retard.

no, because it's a federal constitutional republic.

>referred to as "rule of the majority"
>government leaders exercise power according to the rule of law
I take it these are legitimate sources for you Ahmed. What now nigger huh?

Thank you Ivan for your terribly needed input, now back to your vodka bottle.

Holy shit people learn what a fucking republic actually is.

The key differences between a republic and a pure democracy is that in a republic there are a supreme set of laws that can not be (or it is very difficult to do so) overridden by vote or decree by government officials regardless of whether they were put in power by vote. Additionally you have individual sovereignty rather than group sovereignty (think states rights) in this way you avoid mob mentality control and tyranny of the ignorant masses.

This is why the popular vote is bullshit. Because the over population of 1 state (say California) should not be enough to mandate life for the other 49 states.

Nobody cares idiot. Just keep saying shart and burger while posting tumblr.jpg and other various images with 0 argument other than ad hominem.

1/10 not even mad here's your last (you) retard.

Burger out.

> in modern usage, is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament.
> or elect representatives

>In modern times, the definition of a republic commonly refers to a government which excludes a monarch.

So, not mutually exclusive from democracy.

You're welcome.

First things first. Republican government does not exist anymore.

Secondly. None has a democratic government.

Get your shit together uneducated fuck.

Can't you change your consitution you dumbass?

I have screamed myself blue in the face attempting to explain this to other Burgers, and it's a fool's errand. What they're trying to draw a distinction between is direct democracy and representative democracy, the outcome of the latter sometimes relying on weighted voting systems like electoral colleges designed to protect vulnerable political minorities.

Most Americans don't understand much about political science, even the meaning of basic terminology like "democracy" or "republic".

We are not a democratic republic either.
We are a constitutional Republic with democratic representation

>This is why the popular vote is bullshit. Because the over population of 1 state (say California) should not be enough to mandate life for the other 49 states.

But having corrupt senators and conresspeople arbitrarily deciding about how people have to live is retarded too. Luckily you still have some popular sovereignty left:

>You burgers realize those two words aren't mutually exclusive, right?
Yes. That's why intelligent people will refer to the US as a Democratic Republic.


Don't bother, most people don't get that republics are a form of democracy.

This a billion times over.

Republic = no monarchy or hereditary rule
Democracy = people having a legally binding say in government by some means

The USA is a Republic because their is no monarchy and a democracy because people have a legally binding say on the government in some form.

Canada is a Monarchy and a Democracy. (like the UK, NZ, Australia, Japan)
China is just a Republic because the people have no legally binding say in government.
Germany is like the USA, a Republic a Democracy.

Most seem to go the "It's a republic, not a democracy route."

Theoretically yes but it is difficult enough to be considered impractical. Instead they just pass laws that are blatantly unconstitutional then elect supreme Court Justices to re-interpret the Constitution such that it is okay.

yeah no

a better way of putting it would be "republic with democratic elements".

We democratically elect someone to represent us. That's the only democratic part of our country.

Congratulations, by your own criteria you are a democracy. You know what, just read what your educated compatriots post.

None of what you said has anything at all to do with being a republic.

I'm not saying we aren't all sorts of fucked up right now. But people need to understand what a republic is supposed to be and that the u.s. was intended to be a republic.

>That's the only democratic part of our country.

I guess you have never heard of propositions. Where by citizens get a direct vote on laws.

and guess what? They can legally be stopped and/or reversed by the government

It doesn't have "democratic elements," it's an entirely democratic republic. We are a representative democracy, we vote for representatives. This is how most democracies work. Republic just means that a monarch is not in charge.


Yes it does.
The fundamental difference between a pure democracy and a republic is rule by the majority vs rule by law of land and group sovereignty vs individual sovereignty.

The only thing democratic about the US is the representation of all adult individuals but otherwise the existence of senators and the electoral college make the US a democratic republic as it should be. The distinction was very real when the US first came about.

>Germany is like the USA, a Republic a Democracy.

by name only, we have parliamentary sovereignty, no democracy, neither do we have any republican institutions implemented, it still is feudalism, just without a monarch. We only can envy your freedoms.

>Republic just means that a monarch is not in charge.

Makes no sense.

>This is how most democracies work

There are hardly if any pure democracies in the world nor would they work anywhere that didn't have a small and educated population like Switzerland.

Way to miss the point moron
Try being less autistic

A republic is a nation ruled by an entirely elected body, i.e. one without a monarch.

>modern usage

Classic logical fallacy employing false semantics.

>Democracy (Greek: δημοkρατία, Dēmokratía literally "rule of the commoners")

The citizens don't directly make laws nor control the military and if the citizens aren't controlling the power within a state it's not a democracy.

You just described a constitional Republic

>Makes no sense

It's literally the definition of republic, Billy Bob.

>being this wrong

alright. Leftists ruin everything, both republics and monarchies, see Sweden or Belgium.

>One criteria in common means they are the same.
The difference is the electing body. In a democracy your sorry ass can vote whilst in a Republic a select citizenry votes like the major families in Venice or the senators of Rome.
You can not deprive someone of their legal ability to vote in a Democracy whilst you very well can in a Republic as it is a privilege not a right.

Republic means the elected delegates decide who to put in power, not the people.

Switzerland isn't an entirely direct democracy either.

>A republic (from Latin: res publica) is a sovereign state, country, or government which is organized with a form of government in which power resides in elected individuals representing the citizen body and government leaders exercise power according to the rule of law. In modern times, the definition of a republic commonly refers to a government which excludes a monarch.

It's basically a nation that's not governed by unelected officials, meaning no monarch or anything like that.

We are representative democracy, just not a direct democracy. Still a democracy though.

A republic is a government ruled by who is deemed competent whether by inherent right (aristocratic republic) or democratically elected. I care not at all for the modern and erroneous usage.

>resides in elected individuals representing the citizen body

individuals REPRESENTING the citizen body not the citizen body itself

This is a pointless argument. We know the founders were antithetical to the concept of a pure democracy and avoided using the term democratic as an official term in any title designating a federal or state government.

Your reading comprehension is terrible.

> a non country trying to explain things about countries


Yeah, which ties into the whole REPRESENTATIVE democracy thing, which is how most democracies work, by electing representatives.

This. The word democracy does not appear at all in any official terms because the distinction between a democracy and republic was very real. The USA was founded as an aristocratic republic in which only land owners could vote for politicians from among themselves.

And elections do not occur in a democracy? A democracy can not have an elected body?

Perhaps take a few minutes to look up Republic v. democracy.

A representative democracy would not have the electoral college or the senate.

Not necessarily the rule of law doesn't have to be outlined in a constitution but a key difference between a pure democracy and a republic is a set of laws that are essentially untouchable I.e. the mob can not easily vote to destroy them.

that is the best way

if your country had the amount of poor and stupid people MY country have you would be BEGGING for a state election instead of a popular vote one.

What is the Roman Republic

that's why they are no democracies, 1 parliamentarian can't possibly represent 100k people of his district, and parliamentarians are not bound to the people's will, their own election promises and can't be made accounable for what they vote for in parliament. "Representative democracy" is a contradiction in itself, it is a patronizing order.

Elected delegates are elected by the people desu....

A monarch is indistinguishable from any executive in a republic.

>leaders exercise power according to the rule of law.

This is a key thing. In a pure democracy they are not limited by rule of law just by what people vote for/don't vote against.

>We are representative democracy

No you're not.

In a representative democracy a parliament/senate/house/etc. has the final say.
In America the president has the final say since he can issue "executive orders" to get whatever he wants.

yep you're right.

retards here don't know what a textbook democracy is though.

No you are retarded who is conflating the two. It doesn't matter if wikipedia defines Republic as a government with no monarch or that a democracy allows votes.
The point is who can vote and by what virtue.

>a term shouldn't exist but it clashes with muh feels

You can't just invent definitions, you tard. "Representative democracy" is a commonly accepted term in political science, regardless of what your own views may be.

noun: president; plural noun: presidents

the elected head of a republican state.
"the Irish president"

See I can link definition too. But mine is more relevant.

United States. Not people.

Popular vote IS NOT nation-wide tallied. It is STATE-BY-STATE.

Hillary DID NOT win the popular vote. She won a fictitious contest.

So not only did Hillary lose electoral vote, she lost popular.