Trump Inauguration Crowd

Is this image an accurate representation? I remember seeing proof that the trump crowd pic was actually from 8:00am... Can't seem to find it now and would love to prove normies wrong if possible. If it is in fact accurate I would like to know that as well.

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Who cares. People who vote for Trump have jobs. The monkeys that voted for Obama don't.

Trump supporters actually go to work.

At Obama's inauguration, his entire crowd walked from the welfare building to the White House.

There was another picture which showed almost full attendance. Its another biased liberal media sabotage. They should shut down CNN and the likes.

>Who cares
Obviously trump cares deeply
*leans into mic*

Youre literally deluded if you ever believed the inaugaration of a highly controversal figure who only won by being slightly more tolerable than his equally controversal opponant was going to draw greater numbers than the first negriod president in a predominately democratic state/region who won the popular vote overwhelimigly while being a universally likable personality regardless of your political view.

Majority of DC voted Clinton. Only people who showed were largely visitors and party insiders.

Problem with using this argument against libtards is:


>proof that the trump crowd pic was actually from 8:00am

No. That image was time stamped at about 11:30 a.m. at the time it was released. The angle of the shadows in the photo confirm it.

There are also about ten thousand other photos that confirm ... this one is being used because the vantage point is identical (from the Washington Monument) and released as an official document from the United States Government.

> I remember seeing

Back off of the meth and stop visiting Info Wars.


The only reason this shit is even brought up was to drift attention away from the pussy March (and it worked)


People who voted for trump were literally the uneducated and working class. Plus, old people who don't have a clue how modern society functions, and how gender roles have changed

People with an education voted hillary, People with a degree voted Hillary, people with good jobs voted for hillary and even establish and respected people voted for Hillary

All that needs to be knows about this is that there were more people at Obama's inauguration, and this triggered Trump.

yeah I would like the proof so I can share on social media.

I guess #socialsignaling isn't the thing with the silent majority.


im not saying he drew more, just saying that his crowd was as laughable as my op pic suggests

It's true.

There was also that gigapixel that CNN is tossing around too.

I'm sure they could have taken a day off at the meth lab.


Still 100 times better than a Clinton rally.

CNN sucks at photoshop

check cnn's gigapixel

The Trump pic was taken at least two hours before the Inauguration. I remember seeing it sometime between 6 or 7 am in California, meaning 9 or 10 am in DC. The Inauguration wasn't til 12. The CNN gigapixel shot shows a much larger crowd than this pic.

>Obviously Trump cares
You seem confused. He doesn't care about what people say about him. He only cares about putting them in their place. He cared about the media making a huge fucking stink of it when it wasn't a big deal. He still had more people than most. Obama was a phenomenon and to compare someone that is supposedly unpopular to someone that is supposedly flawless? You're a gigantic faggot. That's why I'm no longer a democrat. Because you can't see how fucked the DNC or media has become and you don't care to. You're so caught up in the memes that all you can do is laugh your pain away, through spiteful non-comments such as these. I don't often say this but you could use some introspection. When was the last time you had that many people to any of your parties? That doesn't feel so good, does it? Well, that's what happens when you compare a child to a great man.

Am I calling Trump a child and Obama a great man? I'm only trying to speak your language so you'll understand how fucking ridiculous all these comparisons the left has made.

You claim to be oppressed but you're outraged when Hillary doesn't win. You can't be an oppressed minority and win a fucking popularity contest, the FUCK.

I got you fambro. Look at timestamps in lower left and upper right.

Lol typical cry baby liberal, "bwaaaaa, we are educated, bwwwaaaaa we are smart, news as Hillary didn't win I need a safe room"

I should probably add Obama didn't have the media suggesting everyone not go to his inauguration or protest. If that would have happened, oh lawdy, das rasis

This. He wasn't the one who brought up the crowd size, the media and NPS did. He was simply trying to weed out the lies that the media regularly publishes. He should fire whoever runs the NPS twitter. Would you be allowed to mock your boss at work without getting fired?

>Idiot if 7

thank you

what the fuck is this?

check the photo with the clock tower and you'll see that trumps was actually taken at 1:15pm

There is a cnn live panoramic thing you can see the full crowd. There is also an image that zooms in on a clock tower and you can see its after the inaguration happened

See, liberals would reason this as an attack on free speech. The companies are owned by the same people, so they're going to lean one way or the other. All we can really do is allow them to be faggots and hope people catch on.

Or Trump can be brazen like he always is and just fire them all and replace them. People will be upset and protest but what's new? Trump says he doesn't want to talk to the media that was talking shit about him, so he goes out to eat with the family instead. HOW DARE HE AND HE EATS HIS STEAK WELL DONE WHAT A FAGGOT

How do you argue with that amount of autism? You just can't. Let the people realize.

It isn't. CNN debunked its own images the other day.

>people voted Trump because he'll bring back their pathetic and ultimately doomed factory jobs
>people who voted Trump are smart and successful and have jobs

Pick one

Fox News already covered this story, they already admitted the crowd size was small, they already gave the Trump administration shit about it. Only Trump still keeps going on about it.

Move on.

He is no Hitler, thats for sure!

That's true. The more the dishonest media brings up stupid shit, the higher the chance that Trump will be re-elected. People are sick of their shit.

>I don't understand how the world works so i make everything a false dichotomy

This. Don't get rilled up by CTR shills. They want us all to look like idiots. So don't be so hasty jumping to conclusions and doxxing everyone etc!

>be 2011
>be depressed high school kid because rejected again
>have friends but don't really hangout with them much
>spend hours upon hours everyday walking in the sun
>get depressed waking up every morning because I wish I had died in my sleep
>still lift every night but see no purpose in life
>one day see all these "arrow in the knee memes" on the internet
>from a game named Skyrim
>have never played an Elder Scrolls or Bethesda game before, only FPS with my buddies online
>buy it during Christmas break of 2011
>most amazing and comfy experience ever
>the open world
>the exploration
>the music
>the adventure
>spend the next 3 years playing it until I've discovered all there is to see in Skyrim
>tfw I will never experience the joy of playing Skyrim again for the first time

one of my favorite games no doubt

also OP is a fag


it's not sadly CNN Gigapixel showed that NYT looped the am shots but drumpfkins still got btfo

Would you be surprised with how insane the leftists have been acting? MADONNA said she'd bomb the inauguration or something. Leftists have been making terror threats a month before it took place.

>drumpfkins still got btfo
MSM was caught lying again and this some how means we're btfo?

We are younger and smarter than you. Our views matter more than yours because we are younger and smarter than you. Dumb people shouldn't be allowed to vote because we are younger and smarter than you. Dumb people have divided our nation because they are old and dumb and voted for the wrong things.

Who's dividing the country again?

I'm a millennial and I hate this "we're hippies too" movement. you fags don't get it