How do we deal with the problem of Climate Change deniers, fossil fuel globalists and Pollutionists...

How do we deal with the problem of Climate Change deniers, fossil fuel globalists and Pollutionists? How do we stop them from polluting white countries?

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> implying that the collapse of economy, society and ecosphere is not inherently and inevitable due to the thermodynamic nature of the universe

>Prepping for the heat death already

We need to just start shooting people that want carbon taxing in the head in public squares.

>Americans don't believe in climate change

I don't either desu. I'm 26 and have been hearing the whole 'blah blah climate change gon kill us all', 'blah blah it all get worse' shit since I was like 12, fuck all has happened. What a load of bs.

Good on trump for putting the shite EPA money into other stuff. If people actually care about climate change as much as they claim, then the free market will allow them to put their money towards business that do. It should not be a concern of a government since it's clear it hasn't had any noticeable negative effects.

Even ya goy Tillerson supports that

>Tillerson stated in 2009 that he favors a carbon tax as "the most efficient means of reflecting the cost of carbon in all economic decisions—from investments made by companies to fuel their requirements to the product choices made by consumers."[48

Yup, it's like half the population. Probably overlaps with the half that think Jesus walked with dinosaurs, pizza is a vegetable and tax hikes on the rich are a shoah

>Laugh at preppers
>Think Carbon Taxes are going to save you if Climate Change is real

lol libs are dumb as fuck

Nope, just the planetary decrease of complexity due to resource depletion, pollution and accelerating climate change.

>, then the free market will allow them to put their money towards business that do.

>The free market will eliminate obesity, surely fat Americans will eat salad and eggs not fried butter and cheeseburgers!

The changing climate along with overpopulation is already making shithole places near the equator and muslim world drier and harder to live in. Those billions will be trying to get into Europe by mid-century as water gets scarce. Being a europrepper might not help you there, have to put up a fight early

Good point.

But you can't deny that humans are speeding up the process.

That is what we are here to do. That is what 'intelligence' does - increasing the rate of entropy and degrade the difference of energy between planet and space.

but earth is flat you retard.

go back in to the tube, dentifrice


Intelligence doesn't eat its entire supply of food because it tastes good when saving some for later keeps it alive longer.

Retardedness does that.

> doesn't eat the entire supply of food becuase it's tastes good
The pleistocene megafauna would like to a have a word with you. But it can not. It went extinct. Also, volumetric digestive capacity and fat americans.

well these same "scientists" said the oceans water level will rise 4mtr by 2014....but has it? These same "scientists" said it was "global warming" now that did not work out they renamed it "Climate change"

Well for fuck sake it does change otherwise we would still be in the ICE AGE YOU DUMB FUCKS!

>4 meters

Pleistocene megafauna.


your mom

(not sure what your point is)

My metaphor: "Food" is non-renewable resources like oil and metals.

appeal to ridicule. sage

My point is that from the advent of the first technology, fire, we became the juggernauts of destruction - from simians firmly in the middle area of the food chain to the gods of death.

Sup Forums ridicules a lot of things tyrone. If we can ridicule how feminists look and numales behave, we can ridicule climate deniers too. Not your safe space

>white countries

Chinese aren't white tho.

you say gods of death

I say more like pyro-downies with a lighter, gasoline and an attitude.

>Not your safe space
Irrelevant, retard. Appeal to ridicule is a fallacious non-argument. It's fine to derp about how stupid a position is, but not without an argument.

>Other people did it, so it must be OK
Those people are what make this board cancer

No matter what way you put it, you have made an appeal to ridicule, with no tangible point-a nonpoint


Start getting predictions right and stop changing central tenets of the proposed mechanism every decade


What specifically are you referring to when you say "thermodynamic nature of the universe"

Sounds like user means entropy

Different faces of the same coin.

Yes, entropy - the observation that order/complexity can only be maintained and increased locally, it the amount of total disorder still increases - hence systems.

first, stop calling them "deniers."
you expose yourself as a half-educated fuckwit desperately attempting to parrot the smart people.
that's fairly disgusting to observe.
luckily for you, it's unlikely you're bright enough to feel the shame you have earned today.

the day you start using proper science terms is the day i'll explain why you're wrong.