Why do so many white people have white guilt?

I do not see any other "races" be sorry for their color of their skin. Why are there so many self hating white people and where did it come from? Yes "White People" have done horrible things but so has other races to. But when you look at whos invented shit its like 70% white men

Why all this white guilt?

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Because they've grown too comfortable

>Why all this white guilt?
Because they're retarded. I'm white. I don't feel any guilt because of anything some white guy once did. How is that "on" me? Should blacks feel guilt because of O.J.? Well why not? If you want to know what real racism looks like, here it is. White guilt. All blacks have to vote democrat. All women must vote for hillary. Notice a theme? If you don't fall in line, there is hell to pay.

i dont know we just do
its really hard being this white

I am white and i have to say, I really am not ashamed of anything liberals claim is so horrible in the past. I look at the whole of white history and see nothing to cry about. Lefties conveniently leave out how slavery was a thing for all of humanity, and is still a thing. Children are still abducted into sex slavery right?
this really. Things are looking up though.

Indoctrination from the feminist run education system. A percentage of people take that kind of treatment seriously. Sure maybe you went through school thinking a lot of the stuff they told you about gender relations was stupid and duly disregarded it. Some people believed.

I don't know any white people who feel 'white guilt'. It's definitely an American phenomena. Naturally, there are always cucks in this country who adopt American cultures, i.e. SJW and BLM shit.

They don't

It's virtue signalling to raise your status

Watching some National news and so far it's been 20 minutes of guilt tripping me for voting Trump.

>the jews
I forgot to mention the obvious. Buy into the sneaky merchant or not, things like the media, porn, Hollywood and regular old tv have been programming people for a while now. Not just whites mind you, they are breaking traditional family values and the cultures that revolve around the family. Just look what the blacks used to be so recently and what they have become now. I am even starting to see spics breaking apart, despite how catholic they all are.

Pathological altruism is an inherent trait found primarily in Europeans, specifically Scandinavians. See Stockholm Syndrome.

Because they see Jews saying anti-white shit and they think that Jews are white, so they think anti-white shit is normal for whites to believe in - because they don't know that jews hate white people, and jews hating white people is an alien concept to them, because they're fucking n00bs lad.

It's all part of KGB psyops started in the 50s

Because Jews.

No guilt here~

"white people" just americans

White guilt is a strong argument against the existence of races, isn't ti?

Something has to fill the void of lost ethnic pride.

Yeah I find the concept of guilting yourself (and others) kind of silly. I don't really care for the south at all, but I wouldn't tell anyone in the south today that they should feel guilty for slavery. The point is to realize that while white people have done some shit in the past, you can be/are different.

West Euros have a genetic mental illness that causes pathological altruistic behavior, this same mental illnessis the exact reason Cucktianity became the dominant religion in Europe because it allows West Euros to live out their madness..

What about all that 'grooming gangs' I keep reading about over in your neck of the woods? About all the police too scared of being called racist to put a stop to it?

I actually don't know anyone personally who identifies with the white guilt thing aside from my past college professors and the entire degenerate city of Austin. I mean there's always fags and women with daddy issues but no one actually takes them seriously anyway. Texas btw. I assume it is more rampant in the north.

Propaganda about how white people are undeserving of their race or their successes.


huh, that wasn't the link i posted

Reminder that these are Brits

It's funny that after all the bad things whites have done through history you hear "not us, in the past" but all the accomplishments are somehow shared valor while other races somehow share all negative traits and history with each other. Really makes you think.

makes me wonder if that trait came from and lead to the downfall of the Neanderthals.
Took in the poor hungry homosapiens and eventually were overrun with fuckable tribbles.

Meh. Just typical in group-out group bullshit.

Like listening to how Romney can't be president because Mormons killed some fags150 years ago but not all Muslims are terrorists so let a few million in.

Just so you know every non nigger is part Neanderthal so they werent cucks they were rapist.

Because kafkatrapping works.

I don't have it any more, its liberating!

Free yourselves whites!

You are the jailors to the prison of fear and guilt you find yourselves in!

I think most of these people that feel "white guilt" are simply white and privileged people. People that came from well-off backgrounds and have little to show for themselves personally....like being able to live in nyc and stand around 8 hours a day infront of a webcam.

I'd feel some sort of guilt if I could just mooch off my parents and live an upper middle class lifestyle. If I was stupid and white I could be duped into thinking it was white guilt.

I have black shame/embarassment when i come across ignorant low class black people.

it's a socially created phenomenon that intensified about 100000X with social media. It's basically just a modern form of what used to be called moral authoritarianism with religions, sex, etc... it has now taken on the form of a sort of insane over-tolerance of things that have no need for being tolerated. it's basically what happens when a bunch of individuals which might have been Puritans have no leaders to turn to for religion, so they turn to "tolerance" and that is their new set of ideals to relentlessly harp and shame one another over

white people always need the concept to feel ashamed about, if it isn't sex or religion, it's tolerating being murdered and intimidated into silence by Islam

It's easier said than done. guilt is socially mediated, you probably DO feel guilt because you aren't speaking in public to the world at large about these things. if you did, you would at least partially be feeling a need to guilt/shame

all this new social media guilt/shame is completely, 100% a social phenomenon. without other people judging you and trying to enforce shame on you, there is no shame. it's only once you try to share something that the shame begins to manifest itself because it is a fundamentally PURITANICAL thing

Liberal brainwashing, obviously, but they deserve it if they're that stupid.


and now that ability to raise status is being taken from them, there is a new way to raise a status and that is through being honest and good

this too, once you open your eyes to the fact that Jews aren't exactly the same as Europeans you do completely change your ability to see "through" things and you realize that they're imploring you to feel those things.

fuck neoreaction for ignoring that aspect of things

Why do so many Catholics feel guilt?
Because when you feel guilty you can undertake an action to feel better. (by preference an action that doesn't really cost you much)

Indoctrination since birth, they've internalized all the blame that society puts on them and think it defines them now.

Hmm....so if someone can convince you to feel guilty, you would do anything to atone for that guilt. Especially punishing yourself or forfeiting something.

You forgot to mention that only western cucks feel the guilt

sionist jews

Isn't all the racism on Sup Forums basically the same thing as "white guilt"? Both these things are basically "Some people who are of the same race as you did some bad things, therefore you should be judged and shamed, even if you as an individual are completely innocent.".

>But when you look at whos invented shit its like 70% white men
(((white men)))

>killed some fags
kek they were good wholesome families on wagon trains. And I happened to be related to some of them. Which is neat I guess.
That said I don't blame Mormons for mountain meadows, I blame Brigham Young. My discomfort for Mormons are for completely different reasons altogether.

Education system and media pumps them full of it

I have 0 white guilt and I berated these faggots to their faces when they came to my city.

It helped nothing and 10 years later we are overrun by niggers anyway.

I have a feeling the pendulum may come swinging hard the other way soon, our murder rate went through the roof last year and we are already on pace to break the record again.

Even the guiltiest of whites start to get redpilled when drug dealing niggers are killing each other a block from their million dollar mansions.

encouraged by the jews