What is Wrong with Abortion?

Abortion allows freedom and self determination, which is right wing.

Abortion allows women who kill their babies to remove their genes from the genepool.

Abortion allows society to make economic decisions about the value of children, "I would rather enjoy 500000 dollars of disposable income than raise a child"

What exactly is your problem with abortion pol? You aren't women, you aren't doctors, so how exactly is any of this your business?

what if the cure to cancer is in the brain of an aborted child user

what if aborting babies cures cancer by eliminating cancer genes in embroyos?

Oh that's what they mean with yellow.

What if no nipples behind plasters

cancer is a defect in the double helix its not hereditory

Or you could simply use protection when having sex

Sounds like bait, but what if an aborted baby was the next Hitler? Plus, no baby starts out with the cure to cancer in their brain retard


.) is abortion right?

its based on a moral and a moral is weighed as a standard we set ourself
so ask yourself this should i lower my standards for someone because they wish to act on the depraved act?
i think in time you'l answer that question in ever conflicting matter you may encounter.

.) Should she have a right to choose?

if choices are the point of argument then we should take responsibility for those actions she has placed herself

.) what if she was raped?

children should not be punished for the crimes of their fathers

.) thats wrong/not fair

neither is it right/fair for the child as well, its a horrible predicament to be placed in
but consider all victims before casting your judgment into a crime

.)getting an abortion before (time period suggested) is ok

you base this over saying the fetus isn't aware and again this is set on your own standards, define self-awareness
(conscious knowledge of one's own character and feelings) if we were to apply that to every organic lifeform then
we could justify killing anyone that we claim to not fall under this definition (including newborn babies)

.)my body my choice

you may own your body but the child is made up of 50% DNA that isn't yours

.)its just a few cells its not even human yet

by definition were all just cells doesn't make it more or less reason to justify abortion
your just looking for a reason not to emotionally attach yourself to the matter at hand.

I would be fine with abortion if the white race wasn't dooming itself by not having enough children.

i meant when they grow up like they're super smart or somethin

Pretty soon we are going to go to space, and we will need people to colonize new planets

So, abortion is not a good thing

She's pretty

Thats a chance we are willing to take user
I mean were talking about curing cancer here

>believing in The Great Man theory

If the mother is aborting it I doubt it was going to be that smart
Intelligence is inherited

Murder is wrong.
The child has done nothing to deserve death.
If anyone is to suffer it should be the irresponsible party.
Justice is reason enough.

>but what if an aborted baby was the next Hitler
exactly, we can't kill off the saviour of mankind

Liberals are pro-choice so Sup Forums has to be believe the opposite for the sake of being contrarian. That's the only reason.

Fuck off Hillary Clinton!

i hope your mother aborts you idiot

>implying any race has a right to exist
>implying every person on earth doesn't deserve to be forcibly sterilized in order to stop humanity from carelessly destroying the planet because they feel the need to expand instead of voluntarily slowing down the population growth and enjoying life with fewer people in it.

Probably nothing if it's done properly with strict guidelines and professional care. Pretty much everything that isn't done in the USA with full term abortions being available in back yard butcher shops.

we give women a choice to be whores

What if I didn't eat that bagel this morning? Who knows.

The government constitutionally is not allowed to regulate life I'm pretty sure. Either way it's in most human rights lists that you're not allowed to kill people just because. You have to ask yourself why it's allowed in any country since life scientifically begins at conception.

Megumi Aisaka

exactly, that would be horrible if he died

>aborted children are usually from stupid people and niggers
>implying those will find the cure
cuckservatives, everyone

It's a symptom of wider social problems that is exists and is used as much as it is. That said it should remain legal.

And a husband should be informed if thier wife gets one.

Abortion is murder

this is the only thing i can think of. that or pol is trying to exact some kind of revenge by proxy for women's increasing social and economic clout.

im not even criticizing, i can't wrap my head around why right wing would ever be against abortion. it's libertarian. it's advanced technology (selective human breeding via selection ideal embroyos and eliminating other). it's economically amazing as it frees up women to work and eliminates the genes of cruelty and ruthlessness in women (since those are the ones that kill their babies). im not saying abortion is ideal anymore than snorting crack is ideal but outlawing it makes no sense and does more harm than good


Scientifically it's a grey area.

Rape child = ok

otherwise abortion is bad, its better to prevent than to correct one's mistake at the cost of a child's life

I'm OK with abortion as long as men can also legally "opt out" before birth too and be guaranteed totally immune from any responsibility to the child, financial or otherwise.

Or they could not have unprotected sex until they know they want a child.
You wouldn't drive a car without a driving license.

>deleting your post

>nonthinking, unfeeling smatterings of tissue
>anything close to a person

whoa lad...

Please start with yourself. I bet you believe in the manmade climate change hoax, too.

i hope your mother aborts you too

All the problems solved by abortion can also be solved by not being a student whore. People keep getting caught up on the morality of abortion vs the problems of dealing with unwanted children. This is not the real dillemma. The real issue is do you stop unwanted children by not being a dumb whore or by killing the child. Which is no fucking contest, which is why the mainstream narrative will never being it up. It loses instantly. Pro abortion people think they are defending women's rights to their bodies, and they are...The right to place your personal pleasure over the life of the child.

We want abortion stopped because it's necessary to give women incentives to not be dumb whores and keep ruining society.

That's why I like it
kills off mostly niggers and morons

literally only people trying to justify murdering living things use this word in this context.

Scientifically how? Sperm meets egg, it starts multiplying. That's life, you nigger.

i just said rape child is okay for abortion and other cases are not

stop thinking in black and white retard

Nothings wrong with abortion

Everything is wrong with the state paying for abortion

Cancer can be hereditary if either a gene or its promoter region is mutated or misplaced in a gamete.

I'm just telling it like it is. A fetus is not a person. A fetus is barely human. A fetus is just a wad of meat.

How is it the child's fault that some whore got raped?

i hope your father aborts you too

Don't care about abortions.
Can you sauce me, or post more? I think I found a new fetish!

It's the childs fault because it will be born a nigger

i hoope your sister aborts you

abortion is great amd should be free for anyone that makes less then 40k a year, we need less poor people not more

I support abortion only if the child is a product of rape or is suffering from some genetic disorder.

I bet you pull the wings off flies for fun too because "they're just flies it's not like they feel it"

Part of me thinks abortion is good because it's inherently eugenic. On the other hamd maybe if we stopped funding abortion, single mothers, etc., maybe women would stop turning themselves into dumb sex toilets. That may take a while to set in, though.

But even if you take measures contraception is never 100%.

>be me
>come from healthy bloodline
>accidentally get irradiated

well shit

You make less poor people by teaching them financial responsibility in school and not pro-murder doctrines.

>Not to mention fewer niggers.

shut ub bro

so your just gona ignore this then----your not looking for answers, your looking for excuses.

how is it life if it isn't self-sustainable? it's essentially a parasite unlike a couple of months into the pregnancy

if something has no morao agency its no human so why not treat it like an animal nobody wants and put it down

I fuck your sister, allahu aqbar!!
or whatever you people say

id gladly sterilize myself if it didn't mean i could no longer enjoy sex. the mere thought of bringing another kid into the world who will likely grow up into yet another piece of shit is so horrifying that i would rather stick to jerking off than risk having fucked some baiting whore

your entire pot-smoking, wooden-shoed, fudge-packing country, however, is more deserving of a good carpet bombing than anything.

are you a retard, I am against abortion

fucking sandniggers


>hope mother aborts user
>user already born and posting here

More pro-life intelligence on display

Because he shouldn`t have fertilized the egg, when he was a Spermatozoon, in the first place.

I'm sorry Sup Forums

Today I masturbated and jizzed all over a tissue. Thats hundreds, maybe thousands of lives that are now gone. I've already called the police and let them know about all the PEOPLE I've MURDERED.

I'm truly a monster

The contraceptive pill is much more of a factor in that behaviour, abortions have always existed even when it was illegal and women would just fall on their bellies from a stepladder.

Who are you? If you pull a hair off your head it contains your genetic material but would you consider that murder?

(You) are more easily defined by your consciousness, which a collection of cells does not have.

shut ub idotes

i wish ur moomther aborition u now

>implying humans will stop reverting to their primordial state of trying to fuck as often as possible

imagine all the money that the government could put into the worse school is they didn't have to give a poor fuck with 5 kids as much

No I don't do that. Animals feel pain, and I don't go out of my way to enact suffering on animals.

Neither do women who seek abortions.

Thanks. It would have been less painful than the things she did do.

But I'm here now so oh well.
Just like abortion. We'd be better off without it but it's here. Oh well.

Not like those mothers wouldnt just dump thier babies in the Walmart toilet or the dumpster or the river anyway.

We should probably jam an IUD in them on the first one though.

Adult humans can't survive on Mars yet this doesn't seem to disqualify any of us from counting as "alive". Certain organisms have certain habitats, that's just how nature is.


It's a VPN lads!
We've been RUSED!

lolz shutub now !//!

xDD XD lol idiots

4shan is stobid

ur mom is getin abortion becuz i tell her now

I'm personally very pro-abortion. I think abortion should be suggested (or even mandatory in a perfect world) for women who do not have the financial or practical ability to raise a child in today's world.

An unemployed single woman with below average intelligence who gets knocked up and doesn't know the father shouldn't be able to have that kid as it will be a drain on society for at least 18 years, and statistically for an entire lifetime in most cases.


way to give him (You)'s you fool


>People questioning if a fetus is human being just because they can't admit that sex adiction and hook-up culture are bad things
>sex is already considered more sacred than god, religion and family

i don't know about you but that sounds like the peak of degeneracy to me

Countries don't actually have to have a balanced budget you know. It'll take a large initial investment, but it will be returned in magnitudes with a new generation of financially-independent young people.

Most being aborted are children of morons and niggers
So it's safe to assume all aborted children have genetic disorders

I'm going to post something even liberals can agree with, taking something from their god, Sam Harris. It gets down to concern for conscious creatures.

Just for the record, I don't give a shit about "life starts at conception" and "muh gawd". You don't need to be a christ-fag to hate abortion.

I have no problem with abortion before a certain point. That point is when it can feel pain. I don't buy these philosophical circle jerkings that all basically follow "if it can't survive on its own" and "it would of had a shitty life anyway", "horrific suffering and torture is ok, because since you kill it afterwards, it won't remember" and "its her body, because reasons" as justification for torture and murder.

What matter is there is a living thing, that can suffer.

Liberals love to claim its just a clump of cells right up to seconds before being birthed. Magically it becomes a human with emotions and feelings after it crosses the vaginal event horizon.

The problem is any women who has actually gone through with a pregnancy knows its not a clump of cells. Even in the womb, you can pick up personality traits of the baby, its mood, and the baby can even react to your mood. Once a woman has gone through that, there is no denying that you are killing a sentient creature.

What if the aborted child kills the one who can cure cancer?

>my body my choice
All pregnancies are a threat to the woman's life, only her and her doctor have enough information to make an informed decision on whether she should continue to risk her life to use her body to grow another life. Abortion should be culturally discouraged but it shouldn't be banned.

it's rather broad...


>.) is abortion right?

from a utilitarian standpoint, yes, it eliminates harm and creates good

>.) Should she have a right to choose?

she should, others don't have to pay for it

>children should not be punished for the crimes of their fathers
>neither is it right/fair for the child as well, its a horrible predicament to be placed in

it's not a child, it's a mass of tissue

>you may own your body but the child is made up of 50% DNA that isn't yours

it's her property, its life is directly linked to hers via anatomy

>by definition were all just cells doesn't make it more or less reason to justify abortion

sentience and agency are given status by our laws, which blastocytes, fetuses and maybe even late term babies have not. and again, it's directly linked to her body

op pic make me peepee hard

yeh I am

>(You) are more easily defined by your consciousness, which a collection of cells does not have

I don't think we can say that for certain. There is no reason to believe that only humans have consciousness. As we learn more we may find even amoebas have it. She don't want it, let her kill it. Whatever.

Because women are selfish and rarely think about anything but themselves.
Which is fine, she'd probably just starve the kid while she goes clubbing anyway.

Nothing, it reduces the number of degenerates in the world.
Most of the women who abort their babies are the women you don't want to breed.
Abortions should be mandated and forced by the government on certain populations.

Because it makes bitches irresponsible

>babbys first VPN post

how much of a retard do you have to be to pay for a VPN and do this