XXL super size woman asks German's about Donald Trump

Are Germans more subservient to media and politicians than other nations?

Why does Germany always ending up making enemies all over the world?

We are now more or less enemies with all other European countries, enemies with Russia for some years again and now our politicians seeing the next enemy in Trump. Is history repeating itself and in the end Germany allies again with Africans and Muslims?


All German Media is just parrotting what CNN and the rest tells them. Thats where they get their news from.
Average Germcuck also doesn't care much about the US and their politics, they just heard somewhere that Donald is a bad guy and just say what they heard earlier to appear smart (especially dumb cunts).

>Are Germans more subservient to media and politicians than other nations?

Yes, historically speaking you're human lemmings that follow any orders given to them.

>Why does germany always end up making enemies all over the world?

Because you guys have only two gears; All or nothing. Cant seem to find a middle ground. Middle ground tends not to alienate people whereas going full one or the other is very tryhard edgy.

To be fair, I hope that doesn't represent your whole population. If it does, your country is finished.

>I hope that doesn't represent your whole population
it absolutely does man
even here in my cozy east german city I never encountered anyone who thought Trump is good.
shit is fucked

This. Same in every European country.

This fat bitch said she would donate money to anti racist organizations for every racist comment she gets.

Noone in germany likes trump.
My parents dislike him with a passion. They are Merkel voters though

>Are Germans more subservient to media and politicians than other nations?

yes they are. thats the strength and the weakness of germany. they will follow orders and rules to 100%. normally this is good.

the negative side of this was shown the last years though. 1.5 million of refugees were let into the country - zero protests and funded by the german tax payer.

something like this could only happen in germany.

Sorry, kraut, but the time for living in the past is dead. If this video is a correct representation of your country then I will no longer care for its implosion. If you're a good user then flee while you can and try to come to the US.

To be fair they might have edited out all the people that said they liked him.

God just listen to his effeminate cuck voice. Nobody is more cucked than Germans. Sorry Hans.


Story time?

>at work
>election just ended a few hours ago
>pic related happened to me because Sup Forums is always right
>some lefty coworker cunt hears in the radio that the Don won the election
>is like "woah what??? HE WON????" she was literally shaking at that point
>she looks at me with the "are you kidding me look" through her thick rimmed glasses
>tell her how I won 7,3k € and she is like "WTF?!" and then says "but I seriously hope you don't like him and only placed your bet on it"
>I'm like "He just made me 7k euros for FREE"
>she shuts up
>few weeks later, new Trump "scandal" she asks me if I have to give the money back if they don't make him POTUS
>laugh in her face

God damn German men are fags.

Check'd and correct.

I often forget they're victims of social engineering but so are nigs despite their abysmal IQ. I have high standards for Germans and this video represents everything wrong with the left. I'm just surprised they weren't letting refugees fuck them on camera to "spite" Trump.

>Why does Germany always ending up making enemies all over the world?

There's a theory that mostly landlocked powers are doomed to be permanently in conflict, especially with powers with water.

> people who care what a person with a neck tattoo has to say?
> no one.

I think it represents a lot of people, and in Germany you are a way more socially fucked when you speak out you are for Trump or the AfD. Even in America many people didn't said before the election that they were Trump supporters. But there are many many people who really think the great emperor is evil.

lol, they guy is an American...

all the good ones were murdered

Why do you think german ''women'' fuck black/arabs and other foreigners?

*this quote is not available in your country. REASON: hate speech (there is no such thing as a nation)*


Lived in Nürnberg last year. Everyone vehemently hated Trump.

Mostly Bernie supporters.

remember fellow Burgers. Germans are better than you

Whenever I start to feel bad about Europe committing cultural suicide I just remember every last one of them would have voted for Hillary/Bernie.

The video and the comments are making me so fucking furios. They all think they are so intelligent and know everything but all they are is fucking brainwashed.

>German geography for economics: perfect
>German geography for war tactics: bad


I saw the autistic screeching from them when Trump insinuated about it, and that was the ones who came to this board. Imagine how the average braindead ultracuck in Cologne will react.

Normies killing Pepe.

maybe you are wrong Adolf

People at work where totally not used to hear people talking pro Trump, when I told them I'm in favor of Trump, they just didn't know how to reply.
I'm so fucking blessed my close family is 100% fucking redpilled, it's so nice to have normal people when I get home, even my dogs are redpilled as fuck.

this pretty much. we are in the centre of the fuckfest that is europe and if shit hits the fan we are always blamed afterwards.
thats not a germany dindu nuffin post btw

yea its horrible when you have to listen to this shit in real life. like fucking braindead zombies.

>Imagine how the average braindead ultracuck in Cologne will react.
probably not much, they're too busy bashing the AfD for everything and call it at every possible moment a fascist nazi party.

Yes, it's sad.


>every last one of them would have voted for Hillary/Bernie.


>Pssst. Hey, Kraut, remember me?
>Think of how much fun we use to have. Go on. Give it another go. They won't see it coming this time.

nope. When I read austrian newspaper I sometimes think "well that article was biased" but then I open up Welt, Zeit, Focus, Spiegel, FAZ and most of the articles are pure propaganda

>your country is so shit that you care about things you cant even change

Americans spend zero minutes thinking about German politics

some cunt said to me that Trump seem to be aggressive as fuck and I was like "did you ever see any of his speeches? dude is calm as fuck".
she just stared at me not knowing what to say because it was true, she really had no fucking idea.

>even my dogs are redpilled as fuck.
how do you figure this out?
they always shit near a mosque?
near a Jew house ?
bark at niggers?


Most young people would have voted for Bernie. The older ones for Hillary.

Yes and germans don't spend much time thinking about american politics, they have no idea how the election process work etc.

MSM is blasting them from all sites with retarded info and they gobble it up.

They must be melting right now ahaha

The meaning of the general public opinion narrative, at least in Germany, is though the loss of trust in media very important.

Friends told me they can't say in school that they don't think Trump is an evil monster because the public opinion crested in the last years is so powerful, that people can't even think to break out anymore because of the (for what is for most people important) complete loss of social things.

>Make sure to steal the passports of your grandparents so they can't register to vote.
Wow Germany. Not cool.

well, thats not every last one of them

>last 2 years logging into my email account
>nearly every day something evil Donald Trump "did"

>apostrophe s for purals

You need to stop doing this. Now.


ok, thanks

The German youth would probably do this... to do the RIGHT thing...

Leftists here are acting like a SS officer in talkshows. You can see the flaming ideology in their eyes. Totally crazy.

I wonder if it is a common point of view in Germany? Like you had a nice country about 15-20 years ago and now you are invaded by muslim refugees that can detonate theirselves at any moment, but you still stay liberal?

Now in a relevant language

I hope Trump is creating a saving program for Europeans to flee to the USA. At the moment it's nearly impossible to immigrate to the USA I think.

I wonder too but I think most Germans just don't realize what happens everyday. You don't read the daily rapes in newspapers, only in your local maybe. If newspapers would publish the everyday statistics of migrant crime, many people would switch their thinking I guess. But at the moment, people for to work, watch TV and sleep. They don't browse on blogs or pol to find these information.

Do you always think "I am hungry" when you see Pepe?

> those teeth
> tfw imagining just yanking them out with full force

The very first guy to talk is some fag in a pink shirt. Being German he's probably about the manliest guy in the whole country.

germans will believe everything their leaders tell them and they will follow a slogan or an ideal (something like that) more fiercly than fighting their real enemies.

Why to me the full extent of pole abwolute unirocnically end of the spectrum autism expressed in naziabooism is apparent , is because I actually live and know Germany , it's history culture and people.
It is especially triggering hearing shit like Slav=slave or "Russian slave mentality"
Haha if you only knew
We are the apex slaves of all whites like Asians are of all races.
German,=slave mentality

German are EXTREMELY collectivist and surprises individualist revolt with absolute force.
Never in history have we revolted against our masters/goverment NEVER
From medieval landlords cucking the average male tover preussen with its strict Zerg psychology over Hitlers Germany to Merkel's Cukmanistan.
Even the words "Der Staat" (state) or "Die Regierung" holds a gloomy, unisputed , awe-inducing , contesting the status of absolute authority

>German Professors in higher Mathematics will laugh at you because what you said was not "in red Zeitung" and therefore can't be true, it's so absolutely self explanatory for germans you can't even point out it's not an arhument

>Germans will do as they are told. Always.
Wether it is conquering half of Europe in months or gifting their daughters to the savage Achmed for gangrape

>Germans will stand at a empty sidewalk and not cross the road because it's red . At 4am.
>Germans won't tell the cashier to open a new register even when the line reaches half the supermarket and he has to wait 25mins to buy one snickers bar

>Germans are absolutely Godless yet worship any kind of sorely authority. " Der lieber GOTT" is how they speak, conveying ridicule , yet you'll get ostracized for ever ridiculing some fucking popular SJW belief
We are basically are autistical biorobots with high IQs, capable of exercising every command perfectly. The apex slave

thats how I know you big brother

Germans are super conformists. Maybe except some rural areas and the former East.

But it's basically 70 years of Western Media brainwashing for them.

If you look at post-socialist countries like mine, you can see the signs already among the youth.

However most of us are also racists and pretty much Sup Forums tier compared to the average German, Dutch or French, not to mention Sweden.

The only real way is to get the far right into the spotlight. They dont even need to be in power, young people just need to know they exist and they will naturally rebel against the mainstream sooner or later.

This is how it happened in the 60s too

>"Die Regierung" holds a gloomy, unisputed , awe-inducing , contesting the status of absolute authority
This, and the average German has highly respect of Police, even if they aren't violent. And this clashes now with the Arab mentality to don't follow authority in the beginning. Maybe after a while, but in the beginning the average Arab isn't following orders. Fuck I hope Trump opens the gates for red pilled Europeans. I want out of this melting pot.

>Germans won't tell the cashier to open a new register even when the line reaches half the supermarket and he has to wait 25mins to buy one snickers bar
true kek


Same procedure as every year, ma'am!

In Austria they start to complain when they cant instantly put their shit on the fließband (sry don´t know how this thing is called)

What did romanic ireland mean by this

It's called fluid sleeve duh,idiot

Oh GOD my cuck German instructor made us watch this bitch. They did a bunch of videos on multiculti migrant shit and nobody in the room was buying it. Probably the only decent part of that class.


They're collectivist by becoming laziness, especially from being over worked. Basically, give them a lot to do and they'll be collectivist, deprive them of tasks and they'll start thinking of things to do... Like take over the world.

Basically the German people only rise when they don't really have a reason to.

Don't feel so superior, the Hispanics, Americans and Mediterraneans are always lazy, so they're always collectivist.

You're a great person



>refugees well integrated into German girls

Germany is now at the center of this, the last and toughest stronghold of globalist islam faggotry. But they'll wake up eventually. I always knew Russia and eastern europe dont stand for this kinds shit but I was genuinely suprised at Brexit and Trump. Next will be France, Italy, Netherlands and Greece where native europeans are finally standing up for themselves again. Germany will be the last major piece of the puzzle.

Your people are so gay. I want to go back to Germany this summet just to trigger them. Your country will suffer the same fate as the Austro-Hungarian empire, A small minority of Germans in the ruling class and the rest of the country overrun with foreign hordes. Fuck Germany. How many patriots are left there? Send them all here, they could be of much better use.

I really don't care that Germany is suicidal but it bothers me that they intend to take their neighbors down with them.

Hopefully after Brexit the UK's main EU export will once again be firebombs.