Hey Sup Forums. Just a little warning about these executive immigration orders

As a British university student living in America, I have one thing to say.

The millions of armed White males who voted for Donald Trump have literally set this country back 100 years. There are undocumented students at my university who are literally considering suicide because of what Trump is doing.

Today will go down as one of the worst days in American history. From now on, people of color won't be so friendly anymore. And it won't end well for white people.

Civilized, progressive Americans no longer see whites as friends. And this shit with Trump is a big part of it.

You're in for a rude awakening. Listen or don't. It's on you.

Stop being a cunt, we're winning.

students at my university who are literally considering suicide because of what Trump is doing.

I guess you won't stand for it, you'll die.

>progressive Americans no longer see whites as friends.

That goes both ways.

>You're in for a rude awakening.

Which group was armed again?

So you're threatening violence against a group of people based on their skin color?


Shut the fuck up faggot. Really 1917? Women can no longer vote, and segregation is back! The fuck outta here.


Get aids and die you fucking plum.

>millions of armed whit males who voted trump
>pedro in psych 101 is suicidal because he didnt come to this country legally like my family did
>things wont end well for those aforementioned armed white people

im no bigot. you come to america, get your citizenship and you are an american in my eyes. your heritage comes second to your citizenship. And im tired of people telling me that because i am white and male i cannot have an opinion, even though my family never owned slaves or tread upon the rights of others.

so you know what? fuck off you stupid bong. go back to your shitty country before sticking your nose into mine.


Any time any place faggot. Prepare for the eternal sleep

1) we armed
2) majority of military and police are white
3) majority of these two groups voted trump.
4) White people really good at killing folks.

>From now on, people of color won't be so friendly anymore.
They never were. You can threaten all you want but you wont like it when the white man fights back. This is our way of saying: stop being a nigger or else.

kek sucks for those undocumented (illegal) students then you fucking faggot, why should I give a shit what some beaner getting a free education on my dime wants to kill himself?

I hope you end up choking in your own blood
now sage thread

>people of color won't be so friendly anymore
>The millions of armed White males who voted for Donald Trump
Why are leftists so stupid? Have they forgotten who has the guns?

How many dicks have you sucked today? Gotten enough attention yet?

how were people who have broken federal law and are fugitives allowed to go to state and tax funded schools?

That would be amazing. If only...

Stop abusing the word literally and fuck off back to the UK.

Top bait, here's your (you)

But honestly, how to fuck can you claim to love a country when you don't even respect it enough to follow its rules?

>Civilized, progressive Americans no longer see whites as friends

The 'civilized' 'progressives' ARE all white

How could they even enroll in university without having proper and legal residency papers?



I didnt think we could win any harder. Tell those fucking cunts to do it and live stream it on facebook. Then go home.


They're illegal. They knew the risks when they snuck in, time to accept the consequences of their actions.

Do you really believe we weren't already considered enemies thanks to leftist indoctrination?

You're fucking blind if you do.

>undocumented students at my university who are literally considering suicide
I hope they all die, fucking faggots

Go back to london you fucking jawa

Who cares

wait would that mean none of her tuition counted?


Kill yourself Ahmed

You mean illegal

I'd have a field day if I happened to be working at USBP/USCBP.

I wouldn't care what she did here. I'd have her booted and I'd make an exampel out of here.

Using and abusing a system and bragging about doing so. Literal scum. This triggers me.

I would have gladly snitched on her.

Go home then, Charlie

>people of COLOR

You sir are not BRITISH !

How about you go fuck yourself.

And while you're at it, stay over there. I can't shoot you here so I'd rather my American brethren do it for me.

>There are undocumented students at my university who are literally considering suicide because of what Trump is doing.

Do it faggot.

If it's not all made up, it could be people who came on a student visa, then never left.

What a limey douche


Did you just ask me to kill you?

Well spotted, you're correct, this fella clearly isn't from our glorious isle.

Tell Pedro he has to go back. Or you know if Trump could open the military to illegals. Give them full citizenship if they serve for like 8 years and are honorably discharged. Or as a border patrol agent.

Brit here please keep this idiot also great news! it means if they commit americans dont have to waste tax dollars deporting them win win

Keep cryin' bitch nigga

im gonna report her to ICE

>The millions of armed White males who voted for Donald Trump have literally set this country back 100 years.
Also I'm glad that my vote caused the twin towers to come back into existence overnight.

Why cant they make their countrys worth a damn?
Why is it Whiteys job to take care of these idiots?
Why should we not release the race bio weapons right fucking now??

We had our rude awakening eight years ago.

Time is not on your side.
You were supposed to have your rude awakening a few days ago, but instead you've willfully blinded yourself. When you actually do open those cum crusted eyes, you will realize just how wrong you were.

I got rope if you need it


The happier you are to start open war the happier whites are to win it.

you leftists have maliciously nagged the enormous white sense of compassion and empathy to death for raw political gain. fuck you its over. now you get to experience our enormous capicity for self-preservation. you brought it on, not us

Why would they want to stay in a horrible country ruined by white men?

Unless it was actually awesome because of the white men.

>Nice legs
They're a 6/10 at the best. Her legs are not that nice.

t. connoisseur of thighs.

Exactly. This election hasn't changed anything, its just shown how the left always viewed whites but didn't feel confident enough to express.

>From now on, people of color won't be so friendly anymore.

Stop it, you're giving my country a bad name.

There are quite a few things wrong with America (UK too) but Trump is the literal opposite!

Die nigger.

Im waiting for the race war, when it comes, ill look for you white cucks

>There are undocumented students at my university who are literally considering suicide because of what Trump is doing.
Cheaper than deporting them. This man just can't lose

No immigrant comes here because they love this country or our people. They just want to take our money. It's always, only, about greed.

>literally considering suicide because of what Trump is doing.
>literally has no idea what he's doing and would never actually read an executive order, let alone a paragraph or anything more than a huffington post headline about it
>literally doesn't understand that nobody can fucking kill them or take away their basic human rights
>literally fucking love having one person to be riled up about and believe in a fucking "cause" without knowing what the fuck they're talking about.

Hey achmed most libtards are antiguns. If you darkies wanna push your luck I got my cc and live in a stand your ground state. Come at me faggot

"as a british...."
stopped reading there. get achmeds dick out of your holes and your familys holes before you come talking trash again, teanigger.

>The millions of armed White males who voted for Donald Trump have literally set this country back 100 years
I dunno about 100, but atleast 50 years. And how about a little gratitude for that?

>Civilized, progressive Americans no longer see whites as friends
Good, than when all the brown people turn on white people the white people will see that they have to push back against the darkies.

Apparently many schools are now "overlooking" proof of residency requirements.


Good, because 100 years ago, the country was great. All the years after were complete shit.

this a thousand times

You are really your own worst enemy. Older americans didn't vote for Bernie because they don't want you to have free college. They might have voted for Hillary but not cause they give a shit about you. They actually moved to white areas to escape you.

>undocumented students

>We 1916 now

>Civilized, progressive Americans no longer see whites as friends

That's going to end worse for them than it is for us. The decision of whether or not we're going to cohabit peacefully entirely on them. But that choice is a question of whether or not they will continue to exist -- not us.

Hahaha ok. Because Trump and not the left started identity politics.

>People of color won't be so friendly

Rude awakening...
>wake up.
>some shitskin is upset because they're being deported.
>starts yelling at me
>close and lock my door
>shitskin taken away by police
>get McDonalds delivered to house
>post story on Sup Forums
>rudest awakening imaginable

>obvious bait
>1 post by this ID
>thread still gets 70 replies

>we won't stand for it
True. You'll sit on your ass and do nothing because you're a fucking useless leftist coward. Enjoy the next 8 years, fag. I know I will.

Not acceptable to be a lying progressive socialist anymore.

We know exactly what you all are, and are cleaning house. Murderous, traitorous, regressive, theiving, and (for a lack of a better word), evil.

No more power for any of you degenerates. Free men live in the United States. Surrender or get out.

>And it won't end well for white people.

And it won't end well for them without white people, because China will literally cannibalize all the niggers of the world. Since they don't see them as human.

>undocumented(illegal) students at my university who are literally considering suicide because of what Trump is doing
They would rather kill themselves than go back to their home country?

>Undocumented students at SJW colleges gets BTFO
>Being punished for committing crimes
This is bad how? Trump is punishing illegal immigrants, and this pissing off "le PoC community"? I really don't see how this is bad.

Take Current Year man with you back to your tiny island.

If they are that weak they deserve that fate.

Get out of my country you limey cockney faggot.

>t-trump is lying!
>he won't do a thing he said!
>haha and you idiots voted for him!

Trumps gonna cut their federal funding watch it


Please Scotland, stop this now. You keep making these threads, just stop now we get it, you Scots are cucked beyond hope, we know. Just stop now, maybe kill yourself? Maybe that will help you?

>1 post by this CTR Shill

Concern Shilling... discarded.

Truth. 2nd most spoken language was German. No muslims. All in all pretty awesome.

>people of color won't be so friendly anymore.
they were never friendly to begin with fuckhead

People who use the term undocumented are faggots. As though being somewhere you're not supposed to be is a clerical error.

"I just need to get my documents, they'll fix the glitch down at the State Department any day now!"

Fuck your euphemistic PC bullshit. You're either a citizen, a naturalized alien, a valid green card holder, or a fucking criminal illegal immigrant. Those are the only choices.

>There are undocumented students at my university who are literally considering suicide because of what Trump is doing

you fucking cuck

you ruined this country so you moved to the last bastion of freedom to fuck it up for them also?


I want trump to go through with his promises.

That way people will see how fucking stupid they are.

Get out of my country

>There are undocumented students at my university who are literally considering suicide because of what Trump is doing.


I love shit like this because the people who post it seem to believe she'd have a hard time immigrating here.

>There are undocumented students at my university who are literally considering suicide because of what Trump is doing.

give them some fentanyl

I'm the son of legal immigrants, and I'm against illegal immigration.

Why do white liberals treat cheaters and genuine immigrants the same?