Sup Forums is an ancap and libertarian board - post your best memes

Sup Forums is an ancap and libertarian board - post your best memes












Funny how there are 6 children and none of them belong to the wealthy guy.

They should force contraception until salary/wealth can be proven. Then the number of children allowed for that couple can be determined. After that number of children (which for Bill Gates could be in the thousands) are born then tubal ligation occurs.

It's the only way to fix society




Whats the red and green/black balls represent?

Who really knows? It's pretty much too contrived to even imagine.

Red/Black -> Anarcho-Communism (sic!)
Green/Black -> Anarcho-Primitivism

Red is ancom.

Green is anarcho-primitivism I think.

Green is some nativism thing idk it's about denying any technology, red is anarchism.


Oh, the green one is more realistic though. That's like if you evade the cops for years on end while sending mail bombs to everyone because developers destroyed your favourite forest, and then inspire Brevik to waste 76 leftists of the influential oversocialized type.



Green is ultra hippie and red is somehow more of an oxymoron than regular communism


These are my favorite threads on Sup Forums
May i please have more

it's funny because it's true

though a big reason they do it is so the can say "well now you're a fascist...we get to kill you and we're not bad".

So when people see this coming and kill them instead, they go "omgomg see? police! help!".



Red is not anarchism. Red is commie. But some people find it cool to mix red and black, though the mixture they get in mind makes no fucking sense.

So the relatively good commie ones are just straight-up-red



Daily reminder that Pinochet threw all the ancap cucks out after they nearly obliterated the Chilean economy in 1982, then returned government intervention in the economy to Allende levels.
The only thing that saved Chile was that they didn't privatise CODELCO, the state-owned copper mining firm.

Pinochet is blue square. Anarcucks of all colours go in the helicopter.

peresonal favs ITT



The only one that matters.



hey, i got depressed all by myself, buddy!

otherwise pretty accurate



>tfw this is the only original ifunny meme

Why don't ancaps want roads?

Red is anarcho-communism
Green is anarcho-primitivism(go back to cavemen basically


>tfw the earliest photo is the ancap ball is from an instagram page physicalremoval

... why not just conventional tracks?

I don't understand.

Public infrastructure is wrong because of reasons. THEFT I guess.

Bombs are tech.

No go.

It looks like it's laying down road, although the picture cuts off. I can't see any mechanism on the back for looping it around.

Remote areas where there are no roads, presumably.

Oh, thought it swung all the way around. I see it now.


Maybe you can retract it somehow and have better mobility on more solid ground. Even so, tracked wheels still haul ass so this seems pointless.

I assume it lays road for vehicles behind it?

It probably lays down segments of replacement road to allow convoys to cross sections of washed out destroyed or poorly maintained road quickly.

Like, driving along in bumfuckistan, there is only one road surrounded by minefields and sandtrap a 50 meter section of the raod has washed out crossing a wadi, this thing shits out 50 meters of temporary replacement road as it crosses, convoy crosses after, road truck rolls back up its little camping roll of road and drives on until the next place durkadurk has not properly maintained his infrastructure.

Wouldn't private roads be a good source of revenue though?

Only if people opt to use them.

Because it artificially, unfairly screws up the market for all terrain vehicles and other really awesome shit like that!

or potentially far greater things! :