Idea: We start labeling leftists as "nazis"

In response to the left labeling Trump supporters as nazis and saying it is justifiable to punch them:

>begin calling all leftists nazis
>begin labeling all lefties as feminists who want to kill all white people
>begin comparing them to nazis because the Nazis were socialist
>start saying that it's okay to punch lefties because they're Nazis
>same logic that deflated "fake news"

Eh? What do you think? A good fucking idea or what?

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bump. sounds good tho

Needs something /halfway/ toward that first, I think. Needs more concrete reason that they're nazis, something to make it stick. Otherwise it's just silly.


Maybe the rants and statements about persecuting and killing whites and detractors from their leftist/liberal ideas?

op is a fag

hit them back pussy

Yeah let's fuck with the meaning of the word a little more, what could go wrong ?

>Nazis wanted all jews dead
>Many progressives want all whites dead/or a minority
>Nazis silenced opposition through violence
>Lefties silence opposition through violence
>Nazis were socialists
>Lefties are socialists
>Lefties always project all of their hatred onto the right

Damn lefties really are nazis

No call them communists, because that's what they actually are

Call all leftists communists the same way they call all people on the right nazis

bamp this fucking shit

liberals are nazis

let's muddy the fucking waters - this is counter-psychological operations

Nazi already means nothing. Nobody has seriously studied nazism, and the nazi ideology is dead and gone completely.

It's just a new way of calling somebody "racist" for the left.

No, violence doesn't work. If it did, we would have already fucking demolished them. Psychological warfare wins the culture war

Superb idea. Paul Joseph Watson already started calling out AntiFa on their use of violence to further their political aims, the textbook definition of terrorism.

"Violently attacking people in the street to intimidate them out of expressing their political beliefs, now where have I seen that before? Ah, that's right, in Nazi Germany."

That's a pretty horse user, did you eat it?

yes, and the beauty is that many already admit that they're socialists, and effective socialism inevitably leads to communism and requisite the totalitarian violence (including genocide like Holodomor and other mass killings a la the great purge etc.)

they are responsible for all of it for being leftists



Bernie is anti TPP
Being anti TPP is a nationalistic sentiment
Nazis are nationalists
Therefore Bernietards are nazis

>begin calling all leftists nazis

That's too big of a stretch, just start with cslling them communists.

>3 million views and counting
>faggot punch

if you believe this wasn't staged you need to kys.

>Nobody has seriously studied nazism, and the nazi ideology is dead and gone completely.
Mein Kampf still exists and gives a good overview of NatSoc.

there aren't any bernouts left

"Communism" is only a dirty word with the right wing in the USA.

The media are communist sympathizers so this won't work on them

It wasn't, Spencer is not a shill.

Whether it was or wasn't staged, it doesn't matter anyways. It's being used to justify punching Trump supporters by calling them "nazis" and "white supremacists"

They might not donate money anymore, but his fanbase is still there.

And besides, Hillary eventually was against the TPP too. Just switch Bernie's name with Hillary's

>Needs more concrete reason that they're nazis,
>They are socialist.
>They protest by breaking windows of business owners they do not like
>They wear black uniforms and are violent
Literally like Hitlur

When the moderate left started labeling people on the right as being nazis, it backfired. Instead of changing peoples beliefs to mirror their own, they just silenced and angered a voter-base. Incidentally, they also made the moderate left look more far-left than they actually were.

Doing this would only help their cause.

Well yeah of course, but nazism doesn't make sense in today's context.

National Socialism was ultimately a failure. White Nationalism under a capitalist economy is not nazism.

But regardless, it doesn't matter. We're trying to crush leftist propaganda here.

i have been calling leftists racist and bigots for a while now they usually just block me


In San Francisco, people are openly communist and there's no shame towards them. Hell, at this lounge that hosts shows, they hung up a giant commie flag over the rail and people cheered.

Call Antifa terrorists and people will fear them and call the police. Label them as a terror group, spread the word, jam the idea into the masses's heads, and when normal people think of Antifa, they think of terrorists.

So, next time you make a twitter post, YouTube video, call them terrorists, forever staining their reputations.

Also while we're at it, please post your rare Dicks

I need to expand my folder

Then why did it work when we started calling CNN "fake news"?

>People think that the Nazis were reactionary or conservative in any sense

Newsflash: The Nazis were only reactionary in the sense of being nationalistic. Beyond that, they were incredibly leftist.

>State sponsored eugenics programs
>nationalization of industry
>huge planned economies and infrastructure projects, along with currency control
>huge increases in government overhead and administration
>increases in social programs
>curtailing of individual rights
>construction of police state
>controlling of language
>shaming dissent
>monopolization of force

The modern left takes more from their playbook than they care to admit.

>put trump bumper stickers over sanders stickers
>antifa trashes some berniefags car

don't think it'll stick. You'll need some more clever judo than this.

Of course highlighting left insanity is always a good tactic. Why attack when you can just draw attention to them when they melt down?

This is a cucky argument. "Hitler did nothing wrong" is more powerful. However, this is good if you're hiding your power level.
The other meme is, "Hitler rose to power because violent leftists were terrorising the streets."

i thought you faggots we're already doing that.

the libs are fucking nazis.

hasnt it been obvious for years.

D e v i l i s h


>The modern left takes more from their playbook than they care to admit.

Not really. The NSDAP, like you said were pro-shaming. The left openly fights for anti-shaming so they can sleep at night after making horrible life decisions. I mean, the amount of girls advocating for anti slut-shaming, wanting to be a Suicide Girl, and then saying they have anxiety as a scapegoat and then claiming victimhood is absurdly high now.


The normies see us as the good guys right now because we arent violent and the left are.

we are winning, let's not let people trying to make us violent succeed.

>>start saying that it's okay to punch lefties because they're Nazis
Everything on your list except above. We don't do violence, that is strictly their thing. And we do not associate ourselves with violence and we definitely do not advocate it.

I see what you mean. It could turn into an argument of "who's the real nazi" just like cuckservatives started arguing with the left about "who's the real racist".

Labeling them Nazis would severely water down the term and make the whole thing confusing for them though.

>That's too big of a stretch, just start with cslling them communists.
Doesn't work, communist isn't a dirt word for western leftists.

sounds good OP, this is a step in the right direction. we need to take the initiative and stop letting them get away with that shit

This. Bring up the Reichstag fire and other communist thuggery as the reason why Hitler was able to consolidate his power. With the leftists in jail, he had a majority of support.

>"Communism" is only a dirty word with the right wing in the USA.

Becaues up to this point the media had almost full control over the narrative but times have changed.

>The media are communist sympathizers so this won't work on them

And neither will calling them nazis, but I don't think the plan here is to influence media.

literally i know you are, but what am i
bad idea OP

hey man if they really wanna keep pushing the extreme or whatever right until they push back and begin removal i'll just sit here with my tendies and enjoy the show

point out the media lies for them and prints propaganda for leftists, just like the nazis

Don't stoop to their level you retarded faggot. Just keep posting facts and evidence and people will automatically see what's what

you know i already did this to my libtard brother last Christmas, i proved that not only Hitler was a leftist but a socialist and he went bat shit mad

the fucker kicked me out out the next day.

also point out if your gonna do it that anyone who tries to destroy capitalism is one and watch the triggering unfold.

We should start making memes explaining that Bernie is a nazi

>Doesn't work, communist isn't a dirt word for western leftists.

I know, and now is the time to change that.


Then call them terrorists. That name is like a buzzword that makes people panic and run to authorities. If more people think "terrorist" when Antifa are brought up, they'll be forever demonized at a severe level and be tackled by police and raided.

Hey Cernovich.

>call them communists, because that's what they actually are
Very true. But we need to do OP's word game so that the word "Nazi" looses its power and becomes meaningless. And it will confuse them if we throw the word back at them. Then we can start inserting the word, "Commie," since that is what they are.

Too much confusion with same word for everyone.

Suggestion: Demonazi

A good combo of Demon Nazi (although some could confuse it with Democrat Nazi, no biggie)


I'd think you'd find the most fertile ground with comparative infographics comparing current democratic platforms to platforms of the third Reich (family leave, new family mortgage principles forgiven based on number of children produced by couple, goal to get all citizens automobile ownership (why Volkswagen literally translates to folk's wagon or the people's car)

Hitler was all about the gibs, just only for Aryans or anglos or whatevs

Wont work. Tongue-in-cheek satanism is incredibly hip now, especially among females.

Spencer came out of thin air and announces himself leader of (((altright))) with Nazi salutes at his rallies, and you're not even a little fucking suspicious?

>too much confusion

Exactly, that's the point. Demonazi wtf is this

I actually just came up with this idea after listening to a Cernovich interview.

Dude is really really really fucking annoying, but he has a lot of good ideas and good points.

Muslims and Nazis share the same hatred towards Jews (I know, it's more complex than that).

So every time they protest against Trump's proposition about Muslims, call them Nazis.

With the goal of inciting violence to use for villification of the movement.
Nothing new
Just like trump rally protestors trying to stir shit and then call foul.
All they want is to grab one poster-child for alt-right violence and then crucify the entire cause under the banner of the poster-child

>Then call them terrorists.
Until they actually start blowing themselves up that will just sounds like hyperbole. That word also works better in the US i think

It should be confusing.

Like the term "nazi" should become borderline ironic.

Kinda like how black people started saying "Nigga".

He did not come out of thin air. Research him, he's been around for a very long time.

There's an entire world of white nationalist public figures that Sup Forums never talks about.

That's clearly not going to catch on. Nazis were an organised and well kempt mob.

>people are openly communist and there's no shame towards them.

So you need to change that, forcing them to defend their shitty ideology will be a breath of fresh for American right-wing since they used to be on a constant defense.

Call them Nazis to their face.

Call them Terrorists to the normies

You Nazi, you.

in the first line op is saying:

>and saying it is justifiable to punch them:

then we look just as bad as the left is looking right now.

I like this. Yes. We call literally everything and one a Nazi, take the power away from the word.

I had an idea once with a friend, get a bunch of people walking around saying 'nigger' as some kind of modern art project kek

Just ask them if they're anti-Isreal.

Instant Nazi.

But this is a new tactic for them, and this is in a post-trump world.

Spencer is not even a fucking nazi. He has a completely non-violent ideology. The left just lies about his views, none of them even know what his platform really is.

So they're lying about what he thinks, and now I'm seeing that EVERYBODY who supports Trump is a "nazi" and a "white supremacist" according to social media.

And they're saying it's okay to punch nazis.

They actually are. Terror doesn't always have to be a cliche with C4 strapped to a vest. They still commit terrorist acts by definition.

Then label Antifa as a terror group. Any new person thinking about being communist wouldn't do that, avoiding the stigma.

Honestly though, trump signalled the nation in his inaugural address.
He practically endorsed civic nationalism with the statement that:
>there is no room for prejudice within patriotism. Regardless of our skin or background, we are all Americans. We all bleed the same red blood of patriots.

Best response to questions of identity (are you black, Jewish, gay, a Nazi, etc?) is simply, "I'm an American, just like you." or "Aren't you American? I am too and our first amendment protects our right to lack of expression just as much as to expression itself. The fact that you're American is enough for me, isn't that enough for you?"

They got arrested on felony counts for trying to disrupt the DC metro line and set off gas at the Deploraball

That's what lefties are. They all congregate to the same places, they share a hivemind.

Calling the left Nazis through memes and articles would definitely desensitize people to the term though.

Like obviously just using it out of context and calling the left "nazis" as much as they call the right "nazis" would make the term become meaningless and ironic in the eyes of neutral normies.

But yeah we should also call them terrorists

It`s good idea, because they are nazis. They advocate basic political ideas of hitler`s socialism like eugenics, govt.control over business and government-defined "wide" political nation.

They also advocate totalenkrieg against anyone whom they do no like. Not surprisingly they mostly dislike Russians, just like hitler.

Great idea too, this can serve as an ice-breaker or help diffuse and deescalate potential situations and then facilitate discussion and discourse.
Whenever we start talking, we win.

They deserve guantanamo for their crimes, sorrynotsorry


Exactly, they're upping the ante because they've failed so far. If they can't get it on camera in their orchestrated rallies, then they'll settle for user-generated content. What you're describing is their attempt at getting user-generated content by stirring shit. Why do you think this board is being hit so hard? They're just wanting people to get mad enough that they stop thinking clearly and lash out in frustration.

there was never an after Sup Forums for this man.

They also caused a SEVERE amount of damages to public and private property, as well as numerous assaults and battery in San Jose, California last year. A year or two before, they did the same in Oakland. They're also heavily involved in drug dealing, statutory rape, and squatting.

By your definition, breivik isn't one despite the constant characterization otherwise

>Call them terrorists

This is actually probably the best idea, kinda worked with BLM. Know a lot of people who view them as domestic terrorists


>Then label Antifa as a terror group
Nothing wrong with that but antifa is not that numerous and not amny people will defent terrorist acts. But there's a lot of commie sympathizers and forcing them to take stance on it would place you on the offensive. It's the approach that made leftists so succesful in suberting your country, take a page from their book.

Why don't just label them as communists and punch them for that?

Any acceptance of leftist narratives to make your ideas more presentable is destructive, and exactly what conservatives have been doing for the past three-four decades.

I've been calling leftists Nazi's for years. Even backing it up with educated responses and examples. They basically chimp out when they have been cornered and proven to be just that.

Trips of trips of true

Except Nazis are based as fuck compared to leftists.

I've already been doing that for a while

Nazi's suck. So do communists. That's why we fought both.

But modern lefties are closer to Nazi's in their actions then ever before.


>punch them for that?
We don't do violence, that is strictly on them. They own the violence. We also do not advocate violence. We are better than them. Words don't effect us the way it does them.

Conservatives were faggots because they weren't trying to accuse the left of being "racist" ironically.

They were serious about it. They were trying to work within the left's frame of acceptance.

We would be calling the left nazis ironically. Like we don't really think they are nazis, we'd just be doing it as a joke. Like mocking them.

It'd be like if leftists started calling us cucks with an actual argument for it, which is something that would probably be effective if they were smart enough to do it.

Nazies are just another kind of lefties. The fact that they fought with KPD means nothing. Lefties kill each other all the time since first French revolution, that "devoured it`s children". And it was the time, when they where branded as leftiests, because they where sitting in left wing of jacobin club assembly.

Being nazi unironically, just like being capitalist unironically or being alt-right unironically. It`s retarded and only serves interests of anti-republican political terrorists, who lefties are in essence.

i am nazi tho, i think that hitler did nothing wrong and that kikes are trying to destroy white race with other elites ofc. most of pol used to be national socialist, but since reddit invasion and shilling i am not so sure how is it now.

Another idea:

We make memes showing people doing average mundane republican things, like driving a pick up truck/going to work and put a caption over it that says "There is no place for racism" or "Proof that White Supremacy is alive and well"

It would work, because anyone defending a terror group would be labeled as one and severely questioned, if not labeled as crazy. I mean, anyone here who sympathizes with ISIS ends up being blacklisted, and rightfully so.

And they are more numerous than you think. They're ALL OVER the west coast.

>But modern lefties are closer to Nazi's in their actions then ever before.

No, they're not. I don't see modern lefties raising national consciousness, rebuilding the infrastructure (which the Nazis mostly did through tax deductions rather than the more publicized public works), reforming the banking system, and so on and so forth.

I'm sure your arguments will save you when they gang up on you in the streets for being so hateful.

>We would be calling the left nazis ironically. Like we don't really think they are nazis, we'd just be doing it as a joke. Like mocking them.

You know the proverb about why you shouldn't pretend to be an idiot just for fun?

Why don't we just call them what they are.

>Whenever we start talking, we win.
This is exactly right.
The whole trick is to appear unfazed by the left's actions. When leftists try to make you angry and are met with your aloofness, they won't know what to do next. Once you show you've refused direct confrontation, they'll resort to name-calling, catcalling, and mockery which is all an attempt to goad you into taking their bait. If you just remember that we've already won and are simply trying to help them cope with all our winning you'll keep far calmer far easier. This is the power of pity. Another user earlier tonight said he didn't like pity because it means that you're already marginalizing those you pity, but by doing so you're also internally devaluing their actions.

Unfortunately, the right basically needs to go full Jesus on them. When they're angry, sympathize with their frustrations while exuding hope that America really will be transformed for the better. If met by pessimism, deflect with a blend of apathy and disenfranchisement (IDC man our votes don't mean shit anyway). The main thing is going to be pity/love/cohesion. It's going to be up to us to mend america.

When you see them reacting like this (riots/protests) understand that you and I both know they don't fully comprehend what's happening around them. Many of us can relate to earlier times when we didn't know as much and consumed content from subversive forces. Tap into those memories and just like you feel a little bad for not waking up sooner realize how bad they'll feel once they know better.

Father take pity on them. For they know not what they do.