I just finished reading Atlas Shrugged, can I can any more recommendations for redpilled literature?

I just finished reading Atlas Shrugged, can I can any more recommendations for redpilled literature?

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The Bible

Warhammer 40k.

The Satanic Bible by Anton Sandzor Lavey, but read it with a skeptical mind. You should also read the Dhammapada.

>globalism: the country.
How many languages do you know?

>ayn rand

How was your visit to Newport, lad?

>Ayn Rand the Jew

Thus Spake Zarathustra

It's an awakening. Skip all the commentaries and shit, jump straight to Zarahustra commenting on the sun. Find a version without too much Thou and Thine

Why do tripfags always have to be contrary no matter what? Rand has some great stuff to say on the philosophical value of money and work.

>literally reading a tome of trash

amazing feat

English, Pisin, shit Chinese and Australian. We aren't global at all though, just blacks, Aussies and Chinese.


What did you think about Atlas Shrugged? Have you read any other works from Rand (e.g. The Fountainhead)? If so, what did you think of Atlas Shrugged compared to her other books you've read?

Your country is the most diverse on the planet mate. Hows life?

This is one of those memes kids will study in 25 years' time. It perfectly embodies a great deal about how and why successful memes succeed, and why shit memes are shit and why you can't force memes. This is an image that really makes me think, and I mean that legitimately. Bloody hell.

Diverse is a misnomer for PNG. The terrain just kept them really seperate so they have lots of micro cultures, but the difference between them all is pretty small.

>reading Atlus Shrugged by Alicia Rosenbaum
>good goy "rightwing" (read; jewish narcissism) literature to turn you against your fellow men

Read the Turner Diaries

Real Papuan ?
Port Moresby ?

>atlas shrugged
>redpilled literature

I see. Is it uncommon in your country to have internet? I don't see alot of your countrymen here.

The Decline of the West

Enjoyed it a lot overall, although I found objectivism to be pretty loopy. It definitely oversimplifies reality to help make her points but some of the stuff about money and work is really good.

I love this image, it's a perfect illustration of how stale and cringeworthy memes are when they are created for money. There's no "edge" to it, they make fun of what is "appropriate".

this. Reading that now. Very interesting so far.

It's not that bad actually, just really expensive so you won't see many locals on anything but the free kikebook they get. Most people with enough money for Internet won't be on Sup Forums.

I'm aussie, just have a lot of local staff to talk to.

Memes aside I felt the same way. Not a fan of Objectivism itself whatsoever but Ayn Rand's books and essays are still of interest and worth, and do make some good points - people shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. I haven't bothered with Atlas Shrugged myself but I've read The Fountainhead and Anthem.

I suppose that l makes sense. Hopefully it will become cheaper. I would like to see more unique flags in here.

Atlas Shrugged is a genuinely well written story, politics and philosophy aside.

Yeah it is a bit of a slog, but the story is genuinely a bit of a page turner in places (and occasionally really boring).


I'd say this passage is worth a read.

watch this, its an "answer" to atlas shrugged so your mind keeps moving and doesn't rot


Thanks, although I by no means subscribe to her ideology currently. However I can see why an impressionable teenager reading it could be taken in by its arguments for a time.

The Prince and rules for radicals.

The bog pill defies this

is a good movie anyways, not just a discharge against objectivism, just starts with showing how ayn-rand-tier autism in american billionaires provoked a global economical crisis

its a three part movie about chaos theory and rooting huge bad stuff to very singular seemingly innocuous cultural developments

It's good, if you need a reason why communism is bad.

I've enjoyed Adam Curtis in the last so I'll definitely get round to watching this thanks.

Jesus christ... of course (((you))) would schlomo

Jewish meme literature, you mean?

Animal Farm and An Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell
My Disillusionment in Russia by Emma Goldman
Gulap Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn

>inb4 autistic screeching over whether a Jew and a socialist can be redpilled

Wouldn't you like to hear out other people from lest say Taiwan?