The wall is so retarded, won't do anything and the money could be spent elsewhere...

The wall is so retarded, won't do anything and the money could be spent elsewhere, and we are going to end up paying for it, how dumb are you?

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Don lemon level dumb: he has an opiate addiction and it's threatening his career

skrempf eviscerated!

Do you realise how much the US pays Mexico in foreign aid and how easily that could change?

>t. Pedro

It's triggered enough cucks to already make my tax dollars well spent

i'm going to make a furry waifu.

i'm thinking polar bear with big titties or maybe a tiger babe. suggestions?

did you know the state of California spent more then even the most bloated estimates for the cost of the wall dealing with illegal immigrants just last year?

not the country just fucking California

in one year

your right that money could be better spent

I agree. Just lay mines and set up sniper towers along the border you humanitarian pussies.

The money will go to American workers who in return will spend it buying American products. Big projects like this always boost the national economy.

If it won't do anything why are you so scared?

Remittances are basically allowance from the US to Mexico. We can simply tax money flowing out in this way to Mexico and the wall will be built essentially in Mexico's dime. This is what is meant by Mexico not having a choice as opposed to military force or something retarded.

Mexico will pay.

Wow someone who actually understands nationalist economics

Don lemon has an opiateaddiction

Actually it's likely Mexican workers will build it, ironically enough

The wall is estimated to cost 0.1% of the budget
Trump is cutting more than that from the budget
The wall stops drugs from entering the USA
The wall stops guns from entering Mexico
If only 10% of illegal immigrants were deported, the wall would SAVE the U.S. billions per year

And. We can get him the help
He needs

Yeah I got one

end your fucking life

because i'd rather have my taxes go to our something worthwhile, like healthcare, education, i don't know...

plus you fucking retards there's already 600 miles of wall on a 2000 mile border, it's already ballooned out of control.

this won't work, they will always find a way

>money could be spent elsewhere
>we are going to end up paying for it

Money is made by clicking a few buttons at the fed. It is nothing but 1's and 0's. Money is literally created out of thin air. Nothing is "paid back" in the sense that you are used too.

Stop thinking that sovereign debt and money creation etc. is the same as you going to your mom and asking for a 5$ loan to buy a pack of magic cards. You are not jewish enough to understand it

Less than half a billion a year.
AND we could cut that off regardless of whether we build the wall.
You might as well argue Trump could just give me hundreds of millions a year instead of Mexico.

>At the fed
That's actually wrong
Federal Reserve has no money
The Federal Government gets their money from the banks which are printing money, in return the banks get bonds. which is essentially our money.

So you want to still spend that money, PLUS build the wall?
Or did you think the wall would keep Mexicans out?

you have to go back

It's like the german auto bahn the economy will go trough the skies

>Trump blame us for the stupid american businessmans

Stop asking for free stuff.

> won't do anything

Will make Mexicans better at climbing.

A really smart move considering someone has to clean the Trump tower windows.

Didn't Obama just give over 200 million dollars to the Palestinians before legging it? It's not as much as the Great Wall will cost but it is a double standard.

>why lock your door, the criminals will break it down anyway

So they send us 60 billion dollars a year more stuff than we send them.
Cutting off trade with Mexico would take about $200 a year worth of goods away from the average American.

It's a symbol of freedom and and independence if nothing else.

Also how come front page is literally 100 % these threads? Plebbit down?

Yeah for Hospitals.
Not for a wall in the middle of the desert wtf.

Seriously, it will be useless

They could use the money for their shitty medical system. But it's burger' tax money, so whatever.

>Walls don't work

I guess Zuckerberg should tear down the wall surrounding his billion dollar mansion in Hawaii

And immigrants bleed hundreds of billions of dollars a year from the US anyway

Anyway our deficit should be higher to spur the economy anyway. Your neoliberal bullshit is invalid

>The wall stops drugs from entering the USA
>The wall stops guns from entering Mexico
Nope and Nope.

Just like the fence, the wall lets Republicans lash out against people that don't look like them or speak their language.
It's a really expensive security blanket, and nothing more.

t. Mexican intellectual

I'd like to see you idiots engineer a way to bypass the wall.

It would be the first successful Mexican infrastructure project in history

I'm sorry Pedro but you have to go back. You are not welcome here anymore

then why did your country build one on its southern border to control immigration?

is your country retarded? are Mexicans retarded? if you're right, your people are retarded.

>rich white elitist living in a gated community tells you that crime is your fault for being racist

And you wonder why you lost the election

Or with a leader, really.
The desert is extremely huge, you can easily cheat the patrol.

>muh sensors and sheeeit
They have them right now, you think it stops somebody? lol no

>telling america to stop asking for free stuff
fucking lel can't make this up

>someone has to clean the Trump tower windows.
He built Trump Tower with illegals, why not let them work there?

The pedo faggot David Brock is there to help the Dems defeat the wall!!!


How much does it cost to police the border? Couple billion a year? A big, beautiful wall could easily cut that in half. Savings over time.

>then why did your country build one on its southern border to control immigration?

We don't.
Just fucking stop this meme

>>why lock your door, the criminals will break it down anyway
Most illegals enter legally, then overstay a work visa.
The wall is a white elephant.

>bulgaria builds a FENCE
>illegal immigration drops 99.999%

You lying piece of shit

It's pretty clear you know nothing about how Mexicans are jumping the boarder. Most of them aren't running over in the middle of the night. They get a visa then don't leave. Or they get smuggled in. Or they tunnel in. Or they boat in.

Guess what a wall won't stop? Any of that. Not to mention after it's built it won't even stop people from crossing the boarder on foot if it isn't actually monitored, which requires paying more employees.

It's all around the worst possible way to deal with the issue. No surprise that our president thinks life is like a video game and once you build a wall it's good, nothing else needs to be done. No upkeep, no employees.

>they send us

In other words we have a large trade deficit with Mexico aka lots of Mexican sweatshops sell goods here you fucking moron

Everyone knows this, those plants are called Maquilladoras where Mexicans get paid 2 pesos a week for what an American would be paid $40 an hour

at least they weren't Mexican

>ayyy essay, look how dumb these gringos are
>US now throws your ass back over the border instead of giving you driver's licenses and healthcare

source or it didn't happen.

slows drug traffic to the point it approaches unprofitable for the cartels to exist
This wall will fix Mexico

>And you wonder why you lost the election
"We" lost the election because it's a glitchy system originally meant to preserve the status-quo of the British class system.
More people wanted Hillary (aka anybody BUT Trump).

>"refugees" have the same capabilities as the mexican cartels

>No surprise that our president thinks life is like a video game and once you build a wall it's good, nothing else needs to be done. No upkeep, no employees.
To be fair, he never, ever, implied that the wall would be the only thing that he would do regarding illegal immigration

>won't do anything
Hey, did you hear about the migrant crisis in Hungary? Me neither.

>t-this won't w-work. Drumpf will fail. h-he doesn't understand the problem like I do.

Border! Border! Border! Border!

You can't have a country if you can't defend your border. Take Germany as a cautionary tale. Schengen Zone is ruining Germania.

>more people
because every conservative in cali votes, just like every leftist in Texas votes
except for the part where they don't



>the money could be spent elsewhere
Schools for anchor babies.
Prisions for illegall alien fellons.

>source or it didn't happen.
It's like you never heard of Google.

Is this what happens when CTR doesn't have a clear agenda and strict talking pints? Logic seems difficult for you.

the wall is a symbolic thing faggot it's to show people something is being fucking done

also don't pretend you aren't a spic illegal yourself and be glad it's a wall and not a minefield that he's putting on the border

>More people wanted Hillary (aka anybody BUT Trump).
You literally can't know that.
And I'm not talking about illegal voters.

Also, the system was designed so that a couple of urban centers don't rule an entire country the size of the US, Hillary surpassed Trump by 3 million in California ALONE

If it won't work why are Mexicanos and Chicanos crying so hard?

BONUS: There are some DDR retirees from the mid-1980s would could help build a super-fortified wall between Germany^H^H^H^H^H^H America and Mexico if you want.



you fucking newfag

opinion discarded. an agreement presented without evidence can be dismissed with as little.

You mean more illegals voted for Shillary

It's pretty clear you think this is a one tiered plan/solution.

But you know, as they say, the emptiest drum makes the loudest noise.

>year of our lord two thousand seventeen
>lolberals concerned about wasteful government spending
>fuck having borders and law and shit

Seriously, what the fuck happened on Nov. 8th 2016?

Then why do it at all? It's a waste of money and Mexico is not going to pay for it. If he "makes" the pay for it then that same money he got through tariffs or political pressure could have been spent on things that would actually help the issue, like more staff and better training. More drones is another one that would be WAY more helpful.

This is why Trump is a fuckign idiot. Rather than listen to the guys who do this for job (stopping illegal immigration) he makes a bold claims about stupid plans that a bunch of racists rally behind not because they will work but because they are so pathetic that identifying with the success of their race is all they have.

Case in a point, a retard whose willing to waste millions to "make a point".

I'm more in favor of "making a point' by hiring more people and taking measures that would actually work and fix the issue, not waste money to make racists feel good.

Even if your false allegations were true.

ID much rather waste our tax dollars on US soil than giving out literally billions in aide to countries I give zero fucks about.

>More people wanted Hillary (aka anybody BUT Trump).
Outside of four NY boroughs and LA, the vote went country-wide from Trump and BIGLY.

Are you suggesting that two cities full of globalists should be able to rule over all the rest of America? How dare you!

No I think that this part of the solution does nothing and is a massive waste of money, money that could be better spent just on the issue of immigration.

By all means though, explain why the wall is the best option. Even if other things are begin done why the wall? Like I said most illegals aren't running over the boarder on foot so what exactly will it do?

Did you know the wall is one of the most basic defensive structures still utilized by the military the world over today due to its simplicity and effectiveness?

Not that you would know Paco, every wall you built was probably of shit quality. Get back outside Home Depot.

You figured they get tired of being proven wrong. Every time they dismiss him or his plans, he puts a boot in there ass.

and building a 1200 mile long wall isn't going to create jobs? or are you implying that evicting illegal immigrant scum that brings down the value of labor for actual americans by being willing to work for peanuts is bad for the everyday man?


>you fucking moron
We're getting stuff, Mexico gets paper we devalue through "quantitative easing".
Our people get paid like Americans, there's get paid like Mexicans.
If you think we're getting the short end of the stick, you're the moron.

Remember that Hillary wanted an open hemisphere.

>slows drug traffic to the point it approaches unprofitable for the cartels to exist
Making drug trafficking more difficult will only further entrench the cartels.

Wouldn't it be more efficient to create jobs in Mexico instead? So that José doesn't have to go to America for work I mean

worked out okay for Israel and I mean Trump being the most pro-jew president in modern history only makes it more fitting.

If they're spending all that money it's because they're outfitting their border patrol agents with too much expensive gear

ICE is what's sapping all that dough. Talk about streamlining both of those outfits otherwise shut your cucksucker and enjoy you're reasonably priced goods
Because you know what's going to happen IF you do find citizens to fill those jobs? They'll start demanding shit, calling in sick, working shorter hours, the list goes on and ultimately the consumer will pay the cost.
Automation is the way of the future but that's another topic

what kind of ass backward logic is that?

The Wall will last a hundred years or more and will pay for itself many times over, believe me.

If they're spending all that money it's because they're outfitting their border patrol agents with too much expensive gear

ICE is what's sapping all that dough. Talk about streamlining both of those outfits otherwise shut your cucksucker and enjoy your reasonably priced goods
Because you know what's going to happen IF you do find citizens to fill those jobs? They'll start demanding shit, calling in sick, working shorter hours, the list goes on and ultimately the consumer will pay the cost.
Automation is the way of the future but that's another topic

>the wall is a symbolic thing faggot it's to show people something is being fucking done
Which people? Aside from Trump's base, everybody thinks it's a boondoggle.

We, Mexicans, don't give a fuck about a wall.
It's your country, do whatever you want, waste your money.

But we sure ain't paying for your stupidity m8

>and building a 1200 mile long wall isn't going to create jobs?
I never said that, I said it was a waste of money and it is. That same money could be spent on somethign that both creates jobs and isn't a waste of money. Why did you even say this?

It's pretty clear you can't follow a conversation or that when your wrong you jsut resort to racism. I asked "Since none of the illegals are coming through on foot across the boarder what will a wall do to stop anyone?" Your first sentence was "and building a 1200 mile long wall isn't going to create jobs?" Notice how that is not only not an answer to my question it's a question itself. I know you probably struggled to get past 1st grade user but if you think back user, a question isn't an answer to a question.

If you would like to try and answer the question again ill red the first sentence of your next post, so don't go on another delusional rant that distracts from the issue and try to actually answer.

Yes you are and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. At best you'll piss and moan.

And how exactly will it stop people obtaining visas and not leaving, people boating over and people being smuggle din trucks? As someone who cares so much about the issue I'm sure you know those are the primary ways illegals get into the US. So how will the wall stop that?

Well all the money going twards sancruary cities is going to go twards the wall. Also the wall will force the mexican people to fix their shity country so they dont have to keep comong hear.

Mexicans aren't going to pay it, Trump is going to do somethign stupid like stop giving Mexico aid (aid which is worth far less than what the wall would cost) then pretend he covered all the costs and retards like you will take him at is word without checking the numbers like you always do.

You guys would eat actual shit if he told you it was chocolate ice cream.

>implying hatred of illegal immigrats makes you racist
I have absolutely nothing against legal migrants, because going through the legal channels, waiting and doing the whole process legally shows maturity, the fact that you have nothing to hide and the fact that you aren't a criminal. Illegals don't do any of those things.
>the wall is a waste of money, it could be spent on sth that creates jobs and doesn't waste money
Construction and maintenance of the Wall is a Keynesian project which will create a huge amount of new jobs and will allow the government to give "welfare" without encouraging laziness. In fact, if I was Trump, I would make all current unemployed welfare recipients in America work on the wall or lose their welfare checks. By your logic, practically anything that the government does that doesn't generate immediate revenue is a waste of money. I guess you can abolish the military, police and all that shit, since they're consumers of tax money, right?

Also you seem to be of the opinion that the only thing Trump will do about illegal immigration is BUILD WALL when that is only the first step of his master plan.

>The wall is so retarded, won't do anything and the money could be spent elsewhere, and we are going to end up paying for it, how dumb are you?

You American taxpayers have already paid for building of effective walls to protect a nation from the dangers of uncontrolled immigration - not just in your own country.

>the system was designed so that a couple of urban centers don't rule an entire country
It was designed to keep the people IN GENERAL from picking the POTUS.
The idea was the "better people" from the "right families" would meet in secret to pick the POTUS, thus preventing a populist demagogue like Trump from rising to power.

Also the "the majority of people shouldn't pick the president because they all live in cities" meme is bullshit.
EVERY SINGLE VOTE in California, Texas, Florida and New York isn't a majority.
You can even add in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Georgia and Illinois and it's STILL not a majority.
You only like the glitchy system because your party hasn't had a non-incumbent win the popular vote since 1980, and only two such victories since the 1920's, unless you count Nixon's 1968 "win" with 43% when the dems spit the ticket and ran two candidates.
And even then, most people voted for a Democrat.
So your only two wins in nearly a century are Reagan and Eisenhower.
And Ike was practically a communist compared to modern Republicans.

Pissing and moaning just like I said.