Psychology is a bunch of bullshit.

Psychologists/Psychiatrists tell people that they are mentally ill, when in reality its just their personality. People just have to learn to adapt to life in a way that best fits their personality type, which means looking for the right person romantically and finding a good job that makes them happy, rather than bitch about every breakup and claim depression.

Unfortunately, the kikes have taken away this privilege from you all and made many of you into mindless zombies by convincing you that you have some type of 'depression' or 'bipolar disorder' because you were going through some rough times... so they said, here goy, take these pills, they will make you feel better... then you feel better for a while, then try to get off them after realizing you aren't yourself, you can't get through he withdrawal and then you become convinced that you need pills to function because you get sick without them like the good goy you are.

>PS. Panic disorder, anxiety, depression and all that other bullshit is fake.
>This stems from lack of faith in God. Anxiety is fear of the unknown. If you have trust in God, you have nothing to fear. If you believe everything happens according to God's plan then you have nothing to worry about, because things will work out eventually as long as you continue living with a good set of values.
>These are demons that enter your body and mind when you separate from God... Which is why people develop them when they are teens/young adults because thats when they become reckless and edgy and stop believing in God.

>t. a guy who suffered from (((mental illnesses))) for several years, quit meds, found God, and loves life now, symptoms gone

Other urls found in this thread:


The next redpill is realizing that you are God.

Before psychologists we had priests. Our people need more confession and less tablets

wow you found the power of positive thinking.
*claps wildly*

>tfw diagnosed Asperger and literally nobody in my life ever noticed

Sometimes I wonder if it's just a virtue-signal, but then I remember the absolute state of psychology.

big pharma is fucking scary.
I was on drugs once and told me sister that heat lightning was actually Aliens celebrating for me.

She took one of my brothers anti-psychotic medication and spiked my tea with it when i wasn't looking.

20 mintues later and my back seized up.
I couldnt walk had to crawl home.
That night, i tried to sleep, and had what i know now to be brain seizures, but at the time all i know was I was having extremely violent and loud hallucinations whenever I tried to sleep, which spiked my adrenaline and paranoia, that came and went for years.
The fact that she was a typical college grad on the "white privilege" shit, freaks me out more than the damage my brain endured

>loving life
>posting on Sup Forums

god did not create man in his image, man created god to fit his.

Why did she do that?

You deserve it desu
Dont trust the medical jew

i told you. I had taken LSD like 12 hours earlier and was on a roll. Told her about Aliens and shit, then she made me breakfast and poisoned me

i am the assclown master,

The juden told me i need to be institutionalized, he told me I am an autist time for lynching


Please tell me you drop kicked her in the vagina after that

I completely agree, and this is from a guy with existential depression and anxiety. Everything I've learned in psychology and counseling can be learned from mystics and religion.

It's a pretty big leap from her hearing you talk about aliens and spiking your drink.
I'm just wondering how she could make that leap.

>This stems from lack of faith in God
went full retard here

>Psychologists/Psychiatrists tell people that they are mentally ill
Psychologists and psychiatrists talk about "mental disorders", not "mental illnesses".

Chronic depression, for example, is an affliction that causes discomfort to the patient by definition and is undisputably a mental disorder because people can suffer from it and it can impair normal functioning. To be more specific, it is a mood disorder in which depression is unaccompanied by manic or hypomanic episodes.

As for your statement that Psychologists prescribe meds, that's wrong as well. Psycologists mainly treat by therapy. It's Psychiatrists that treat by meds. And in many cases, it is effective. Just about anyone who has even an ounce of knowledge about the central nervous system can tell you that meds do have an effect. I agree that it doesn't work in all cases, and there's too much prescriptions going around these days, but meds aren't per defenition bad.

>psychology is a bunch of bullshit

I dont want to read your explanation though, in fear that you are retarded.

i didnt realize what was going on until maybe a year later and bouts of bad bad hallucinations that kept sending me into psychosis. Then my brother told me she spiked my drink that day. Which was actually a relief at the time, because i didnt know WHAT the fuck was going on. Thought I was transported into a war in a different dimension or something. Really freaky times. and anyway, I did some research online and found a related wiki article documenting what i was experiencing, but it said there wasn't much research on it, and didn't really know what it was because its so rare. They list seizures as possible causes to the hallucinations, and it sounds right to me. And anyone, im not going to be mad at my sister. Some people just live to kill white males. Live and let live, eh?

The ancient religions worshipped natural gods, their gods were of nature and not man. Modern day religion stems from this, albeit some of it has been warped for earthly gains. You have to dig past the materialistic bullshit to find esoteric truths. But it is also true that the truth of God lies in you, the truth about God comes from feeling and experiencing, not from listening to lectures, which is too humanly for God.

daily reminder that psychology is a jew science

Tom Cruise pls go

therapy is bullshit

anyone who needs people to tell them how to live is weak minded beta pussy

find god and ull be ok

Some psychologists are good though, like Carl Jung.

>The fact that she was a typical college grad on the "white privilege" shit, freaks me out more than the damage my brain endured

Now you got served taste of what modern women in developed countries experience every nanosecond of their lives. Hopefully the experience of being poisoned by a family member has awakened you to the struggles of the truly oppressed. Perhaps now you can be an ally to progress.

>therapy is bullshit
That's a pretty huge claim to make.

Like it or not, God gave us cognitive abilities and some people need help using them.

God can't help, because of our prized individuality and sanctious free will.

>anyone who needs people to tell them how to live is weak minded beta pussy

>find god and ull be ok

Seems pretty contradictory to me...


honestly i think she wanted to bang my bestfriend in my living room, thought the pill would make me pass out or someshit

progress is code word for genocide, lefty

>anyone who needs people to tell them how to live is weak minded beta pussy
>find god and ull be ok

I'm a Christian and even I can see how fucking retarded your comment is.

>Psychology is a bunch of bullshit.

No, actual psychology isn't.
The left-wing shit being taught at universities is actually bullshit, but why would you study psychology for money anyway? It's more like a hobby anyways.

>depression and all that other bullshit is fake.


>not recognizing obvious satire

I guess I could have laid it on thicker.

yeah, or make it funny.
The irony is booring


you are right, once you're in the psycho-pharmaceutical tred mill it is hard to get out

all their theories about neurotransmitter imbalance suck ass and they know it, you are just a testing rabbit for big pharma's (patented) psychoactive drugs.

don't fall for the pharma jew

You mentally ill bro?

My brother is psychologically ill. It is not his personality, but a detachment from reality. It wasn't there two years ago. It worsens. He is suffering.

BTFO ignorant idiot.

what if bullshit is a bunch of psychology?