What is it y'all say about Mexican illegal immigrants committing voter fraud?

What is it y'all say about Mexican illegal immigrants committing voter fraud?

You have to go back.

>The system is so fucked up even Tiffany is registered in two places
Wow voter fraud must not be a problem then lol thanks

Did she VOTE in two states?

>the fact that these things happen is an argument against stricter voting regulations


what matters is if she voted in two places. how the hell do you unregister anyway?


Soon Fed voter ID, libtards BTFO

Being registered in 2 states isn't illegal. Voting in 2 is.

Wait, so there ARE examples of voter fraud then, eh leftists?

Get that voter I'd ready, and watch the dems not win a nationwide election. For the next 40 years.

a lot of celebrities who own multiple homes across the usa are also registered to vote in multiple places.

i checked on a few who were shit talking trump right after the election and these people have more of reason to cook the votes than tiffany trump; wanda sykes especially.

would be interesting to find out if they voted multiple times or didn't even vote to begin with

Yes, and for hillary.

Checked and GG Dems

>10th dimensional scrabble

16d underwater Parcheesi

Doesn't this prove that voter fraud SHOULD be looked into? I don't understand the narrative they're attempting to spin

actually the investigation will hurt voter id laws. if it comes out that there is no voter fraud then and everyone knows then no one will support it.

But pissident dump said being registered in two states is fraud.

He didn't say it was outright fraud, but the potential is there

that would be awesome

do you fucking idiots not understand when you move to another state it takes years for the voter registration to take effect. a lot of people are registered in two states as long as you didnt vote in two states fucking idiot.