Dear Trump Supporters

You may not know this because you clearly aren't interested in real facts, but at the base of the Statue of Liberty there is a poem inscribed. It reads:

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Maybe you got lost in the language of poetry, but I'm pretty sure this country was founded on immigrants seeking refuge from persecution and hardship. The only time anything like this administration has been seen is history was before WWII. That's HITLER, guys. HITLER!

Someone who ACTUALLY cares about this country!

Other urls found in this thread:

Written by a Jew


>muh Hitler

Also I'm tired and poor, when do I get my American dream?



The point of America was to give immigrants a chance to build their own future and livelihood. "Refugees" over time has shown over and over again that they don't want to build their own future, they want to be lazy pigs and live off of someone's hardworking income.

>jew jew bla jew shekels

if it walks like a jew and talks like a jew, its probably a jew

Dear Braindead Leftist Huggiekins,
Blow it out your ass.
t. Trump Supporter

Yeah but thats only about white people

No some fucking spics or muslims

pshh c'mere for a sec
i gibe u 2 shekels and u shill for us yes goy ok gud goy start here:

>Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

This is literally a poem, not an immigration policy, or a POLICY at all. Literally just a poem.

Maybe we should should inscribe Green Eggs & Ham on Grant's Tomb.



>Normal channels, please

The poem doesn't mention 'your drug addled, criminals, terrorists'

>Flags upside down
>I only like this country when things go my way

what a piece of shit

write a blog about it faggot


so much salt in this picture my blood pressure is rising


We've not the time nor resources to take in the tired and poor from other nations if our own citizens face the same hardships.

>let me pay for their welfare, even if they break the law
>let them remain poor, can't speak English and not assimilate

That part must have escaped me

Obama funded the Islamic terrorists that destroyed Syria!

The refugees are poor, tired and fleeing to America (and Canada) because of Obama.

Syria was fine before Obama became president.

Why don't you leftists get this? There wouldn't be any Syrian refugees if it weren't for Obama.

Not just a Jew but a Marxist Jew.

And added long after the statue was erected.

Why retards like you have access to the internet? He did more in a week than in the last 100 years

You know what else is on Ellis Island? A detainment facility to screen the immigrants and document them.

Pretty good idea.

>French statue.


It's a poem, not a commandment. It was made when the whites wanted more whites to kill off the red Indians.


>what is pre welfare state logic
I'm with ya if we go back to foundational principles.

Also, that was meant for white people.


>Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Not in the Constitution and written by a Jew.

If you take in "wretched refuse" that makes you a dump.

Maybe a dump is what you want out of a country but I do not.

Even Australia used to have a law to keep Australia's immigration white.

>Give me your tired, your poor,
Sounds good...

>your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
>yearning to breathe free
HAHAHA good one OP

more like yearning to breed free.

>With malice towards none
>Hangs an effigy of the president

Time for a new inscription
"Fuck off we're full!''


This is clearly about Europeans. We'll take all the white Europeans we can get. It's what made this country great, and I'd like it to be great again.

He was god-awful in the Bayformers, especially Bayformers 3, and him being gone for now feels so good.

I'm loving this timeline already!

It was the french who wrote that. It was merely a gift. It doesnt mean we take it in the ass like they do. We were nice for being grateful.

We, French, didn't gave you this statue so that you can turn it into a tool of your own genocide.

Remove this inscription.

America was always white nationalist. .

Thomas Paine
>we claim brotherhood with every European christian, and triumph in the generosity of the sentiment.

>And by a just parity of reasoning, all Europeans meeting in America, or any other quarter of the globe, are countrymen; for England, Holland, Germany, or Sweden, when compared with the whole, stand in the same places on the larger scale, which the divisions of street, town, and county do on the smaller ones; distinctions too limited for continental minds.

Thomas Jefferson
>Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them. It is still in our power to direct the process of emancipation and deportation peaceably and in such slow degree as that the evil will wear off insensibly, and their place be pari passu filled up by free white laborers.


The poem was added after.
Guess by who?

>The original manuscript is held by the American Jewish Historical Society.[7]

Not an argument

Who wrote that?

legal immigrants fuck face. not illegals

for the love of god, montressor

t. cuck nationalist

Sorry we let a Jew put Jew shit on your nice statue of Lucifer.

Also, she's not exactly facing/greeting Africa or Mexico.
If she was off the shore of Florida, I would understand.
Also, and, its written in English, isn't it?

I'm well aware that the french put a pretty poem on the bowling trophy they sent us, but it has no bearing on immigration policy.

Jesus christ, i wish someone would let justin the cuck know this

>bars on their glass door
Really jimmies my neutrons

The poem on the Statue Of Liberty was composed by a Zionist Jew and is N O T policy.

>I'm well aware that the french put a pretty poem on the bowling trophy they sent us
>the french

Nigger do some fucking research. It was written as a poem by a kike after it was built and not added for decades.

yes it is. The jews have been proven to push multiculturalism wherever they go to destabilize and divide society so that they may rule. Check out who controls all pro immigration groups, media, journalists etc.

>American should follow the writing on a statue givin to us by a frenchie

>Maybe you got lost in the language of poetry, but I'm pretty sure this country was founded on immigrants seeking refuge from persecution and hardship

Back then "refugee" actually meant refugee, schlomo.

These days it means "Economic migrant being the fucking wood of the Trojan horse allowing invading rapists hordes to ride in on your fucking charity, all for the benefit of Schlomo's everywhere".

If you actually did give a shit about your country, you'd learn from history and turn this ambush down.


Dear OP, our laws are derived from and bound by the Constitution, which comes from English common law tradition and Enlightenment philosophy. Not a statue. Your communalist Isis statue can get down on the ground and lick the talons on the Burney.

It's a fucking poem, not law.
The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the French.
Go fuck yourself.

>Also I'm tired and poor, when do I get my American dream?

The American Dream was never given out. You had to work for it.

Besides, Baby Boomers saw to it that the American Dream would never exist again. Be sure to thank them when you see them.

>Flying the American flag upside down is an officially recognized signal of distress.

it was talking about whites.

give us some poor fucking slavs and they will be 10000000000x better than wealthy successful minorities

And the Trojan Horse was supposed to be an offering to the gods.

What's your point?

It has been updated:

"Give me your behemoths, your parasites, your shitskin fundamentalists yearning to kill indiscriminately, the disease-ridden plague bearers of africa. Send these, the treacherous, brainwashed to me, I lift my skirt and wait to be inseminated by way of rape."

The people in that house deserve to have a 2,000 JDAM dropped through their roof

Thought I would look up Emma Lazarus to find some funny fact in order to make a snarky comment.

Read her biography, realize that /pol is always right.

Yes, this country was founded on the backs immigrants facing persecution.

But the modern world is much different than that. "Western civilization" can exist anywhere and it is up to the people of those countries to make it happen in their own countries. Its not as if the physical location of the USA has a monopoly on freedom, modern science, or various forms of democracy. Any country can adopt it if their citizens collectively decide to.

But that's not what immigrants want. They want what the enemies of their ancestors built. They want to change the country into the shitholes they come from. They come to the country and shit on it at every opportunity, using it as a source of welfare, not as a place to give back equally what they take.
Take mexico for instance, they share the same access to oceans, have large swathes of land that are ripe for agriculture, and have a population that is WILLING TO WORK. But what do they also have? Massive amounts of corruption. And do they weed it out? Nope, they constantly fight amongst one another to be the top-corrupt dog. Warring with one another and being inhumane as possible in the process. It is no wonder we do not want them.

To the rest of the world: We have given you technology, we have given you the template, all you have to do is copy it and make it your own, in your own country.

Now fuck off, we're full.

>Statue of Liberty there is a poem inscribed
1. its not a law or legally binding is it?

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Really though, spicland took more than half of the continent - failed for various reasons, and now want to take the whole northern part too.

CIA should have kept the fuck out of south america, now no one respects the US.Trump might be the last hope to keep the US the US.

Pretty sure the message is only aimed at white Europeans who needed to escape from wars in Europe.

Thank you, I know the other Americans would remember who is their only friend if they knew we didn't wrote that poem.

Also, Lucifer isn't going to troll any real Christian. The Vatican have a telescope named Lucifer.

that was when immigrants were assumed to be hard working Germans and British intellectuals

not the pondlife you get now

Afganistan, Libya, Syria, Iraq, and the other destabilised countries which conveniently surround Israel and the oil.

>this country was founded on the backs immigrants facing persecution.

>"Western civilization" can exist anywhere

Culture is not fungible. These people can not create what was built here because they lack the requisite intelligence and evolutionary and social history for it. This is why they will destroy it completely when we lose majority control.

Now it is full of chinks and a steadily growing number of niggers and arabs.

Chinks are nearing 68% of the population there though.

Wow Trump and Hitler are nothing alike you an idiot maybe do some research before you start your shit where everyone can smell it. You dumb cuck!!!

>coming to america to be part of the american dream and build something for yourself
>coming to america to force your ideologies and culture on an entire country to ease your minor inconveniences by choosing not to assimilate

you hear the old stories of someone riding on a ship with 3 dollars in their pocket and eventually owning a business and sending their kids to college.

now you hear there aren't enough prayer mats in the elementary school so how could they ever succeed in this oppressive society

those are old scriptures that apply to a society that doesn't exist anymore.

i'm sure the outrageous stories may just be a minority but people don't come to america to make themselves great, they come here thinking america is to bow to the life they left.


>Nation of immigrants meme.

Are we /affffrican/ nao?

good post deserves a (you). The fact that this post doesn't have (you) really pisses me off. Too many fucking newfags here.

When the first immigrants came here 50 years ago maybe it was relevant, not so much today.


Someone invent a virus that wipes out every single last one of them.

>with malice towards none

>doll of trump being hanged

Lincoln was a white nationalist and wanted to send niggers back to africa.

And the only thing distressing this asshat is that thing didn't go their way for the first time in their fucking life.

Poetry is song writing when you skip the musical arrangement because you're a lazy degen.

Democrats haven't been this mad since Lincoln ended slavery

The statue of liberty inscription was written by an original Zionist. Enough said

I would send every greaseball dago, shifty shylock, and irish nigger back across the sea with a catapult if I could.

Except if they were Yearning to breathe free, they would denounce Islam..You fucking idiot.

Yeah the Statue of Liberty and that poem are the biggest jokes played on the country since One Hour Martinizing.