Progressives have really gone off the deep end:

Progressives have really gone off the deep end:

Other urls found in this thread:

Proving what Pol Pot taught us in his aims to create a pure utopia through socialism, the farest leftists are rightists

Aeon is basically a handful of lefty extremists. Don't publicize this, bury it

Literally who?

Thou shalt not covet. We're on the same page. They need to come to the light.

Are they accidentally becoming reactionaries?

>raja halwani

sounds indian, looks jewish

New puritans? Kek

what type of mental gymnastics are required to say this while slutting around at the same time

It's religion for the religionless

>Is it possible to have sex without objectification? Of course. Prostitutes do it all the time. So do many long-term couples. They have sex with people whom they do not desire. And with no desire, there is no objectification. Not even love can fix it. When the desire is high, when the sexual act is in full swing, my beloved is a piece of flesh.

These guys are fucking nuts.

I can't wait for their input on waifubots.

This has to be parody, right?

This essay nicely shows how one arrives at false conclusions if one starts from false preconditions.

Don't care about the source.
The sentiment is actually pretty spot on.
This is why more sexually staid cultures have been more successful and more rapacious cultures less so.

Islam fits in a weird place where the wrong people are reprimanded and so forced to find alternative expresions so the sublimative forces are not put to creative use anyway.


>When the desire is high, when the sexual act is in full swing, my beloved is a piece of flesh.

I agree with this. The best sex I've ever had is when I was a teenager, sex was brand new to me, and my thought process was easily reduced to "wow, boobs, ass, I want to fuck that". It was as close to pure instinctual sexual desire as I've gotten.

The longer I stay with someone, the more comfortable I feel with them which helps make the sex good, but you also get used to the body of whoever you're fucking, for better or for worse. Sex loses a little bit of that carnal desire when you've been with the same person for a while. Anybody who says otherwise is lying I think.

leftism has its roots on sexual liberation and the abuse of whatever triggers a person's dopamine release

they'll end up eating themselves if they begin to practice prudence

They're almost arriving at the correct answer.

It is objectifying, and animal: unbridled sexual lust freed from the confines of reason is destructive to basic human dignity

But when it's brought in line with reason (Logos) it is good and makes life better. When sexual desire is put in service of love and of family (whereby it serves society and the nation as well) it plays its role in the grand plan and dignifies humanity.

If this qt is morally wrong then I don't want to be morally right.

Even though this is extreme, more and more people on the left are realizing how damaging unrestrained sexual expression is.

They are told how wonderful the sexual revolution is and how free society is, but they look at the high rates of sexual assault, the out of control divorce rate, the rising depression and suicide rate among other things.

While they argue that sexual moors of the past were repressive, the free open values we have today only objectify women and make life hell for everyone.

"Sex positive" feminism is starting to fall out of vogue as people are looking for alternatives that emphasise the dignity of women.
Chastity, monogamy and celibacy are now being viewed in a positive light and seen as empowering.

The pendulum is swinging back. Society had a taste of sexual freedom, and now they realize how damaging it is.

Is this nofap related?

>when you're so left you go all right

The comment section actually isn't cancerous like most comment sections. This is an excellent rebuttal to that crap essay.

"You’re confusing sexual desire with the use of an object for sexual gratification. The dildo, or the fleshlight, or any other masturbatory tool isn’t desired in and of itself but is used as a means to an orgasm. If your argument was to hold true, then in the absence of a toy the hand that is used for masturbation would also be an object of sexual desire. Anyone who has masturbated knows the absurdity of that premise.

The actual object of desire is generally fantasies of sexual contact with another person or, in the case of pornography, arousal at watching sex acts between two people and/or imagining oneself in the scene (hence the popularity of point-of-view pornography for men, where the penetrative partner is largely absent).

With regards to the fetishization of certain body parts (big boobs, big butt), the desire isn’t for the part in isolation – it’s for the part in connection with the person."

Holy shit, she's basically just projected her sexual inadequacies onto the general population.

Sex is firstly a means of procreation and secondly a means of strengthening a bond between two potential parents. Mature, healthy sex is one of the strongest communications of affection possible within a relationship.

If this womans idea of passionate sex in a relationship is pure Dionysian ecstasy then it says more about her than the strawmen she's arguing against.

We've long since transcended the Poe Window.
Welcome to 2017.

At least PRETEND to click the link first you fucking retard.

>I'm not pathetic for being alone, I'm being moral by not desiring others!
>All you people enjoying life are inferior ;-)
Nigga's moved the goalposts straight up his asshole

Sexual Desire itself isn't objectifying, but the fetishization and trivialization of sex is objectifying and can lead to moral decay.

What's ironic is that this same writer probably supports abortion, same-sex marriage, and a slew of other 'sexually liberated' ideologies.

His conclusion isn't necessarily wrong, but I the way he arrives at it is mired in a paradoxical tirade of causes which lead to the effect of the disordered function of Sex. In other words, Aristotle and Aquinas can teach us more about this issue than this faggot ever could.

>sexual desire
>a desire has to be for something
>the thing is called the object
>the subject is the thing that desires

how else could it be?

Even the Amish aren't this puritanical.

user, thanks for sharing this reductio ad absurdum of Kant's moral philosophy


This fucking made my night, and it was a good night.

Islam is repression, not sublimation

do you have sauce for this?
not to pick at you but from what I see libtards are still libtards and their ideology is still strong in the general public
I would desperately love to see this turning around on them though

The puritans never went away, they just changed their way of doing things.

What's the difference between this and Christians practicing chastity?

>why having a shit is morally wrong
>why eating and drinking is morally wrong
>why breathing is morally wrong

Wew lad

Women are beautiful user let's celebrate it.

>morally wrong
I thought leftists were moral relativists?


Kant's moral philosophy is absurd because it is logically perfect.

Stopped reading there.

At least he didn't specify gender (I just read the headline)

> He wasn’t talking about some guy rubbing his hands and crowing with glee at the prospect of torturing an enemy.

this is an actual quote

I'm just observing the broad trends that are happening.

Sex positive feminism and proud slut culture seemed to be the dominant culture of the millenials.

But the new generation, gen z, seems to be more conservative leaning on the whole. Even the feminists seem to be more "sex negative" as it is called.

Again, its just observing the broad movements of the ideology.

There is the look of a man who can't lift his own weight, probably has the grip strength of a 6 year old, and the erection quality of a 90 year old eunuch.

Suddenly it all makes sense.

>Madison's Democratic-Republicans
They were total libertarians, retard

>1 person says something stupid
>"Progressives are now saying...!"
Sup Forums's favorite stupid game.

Fuck progressives and fuck black people

The trips have been checked matey

Objectification is perfectly normal and acceptable. People ARE objects.
There is nothing wrong with treating people like objects. Your brain isn't capable of considering the agency of every single person you interact with all the time.

>People's "talents" aren't objects but their body parts are


Society would actually collapse if everyone stopped believing in souls so I guess we have to keep putting up with this nonsense.

"Progressives" ie: cultural marxists, have been since long ago spiraling out of control under the centrifugal force of their own narrative. It's a trip to an inevitable self-destruction, and it would be fine as long as they didn't try to drag the rest of us with them.

They're becoming a parody of themselves. It can't last.

thy neighbor's wife. Not just a single woman you wish to be with.

Full text:

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.

It would do illegal immigrants and leftists well to respect this commandment.

I don't really care about commenting about the content, but I'm currently pulling an all-nighter and the rage is helping me stave off the need to pour more caffeine down my throat or refill my (((vape))) with nicotine liquid.

Thanks, random lefty fuck, for helping me be less of a degenerate.

This happens now and then, a smart but socially oblivious liberal doesn't understand the unspoken rules of dishonesty governing liberalism, and takes fashionable ideas to their actual conclusions.

Same thing happens with TERFs.