Here's how it plays out:

>Mexico refuses wall payment

>Trump applies 20% PENALTY

>Mexico refuses

>Penalty goes up to 30%

>Americans stop buying Mexican shit because they can buy American (or some other exporter) shit for cheaper (or same price).

>Mexican factories close because they can't sell their shit to US anymore.

>Mexico collapses for wall or collapse???

Simple as that.

>Implying Sup Forums came to a consensus on this

It's obvious that's what it is, OP.

Maybe you're just a bit slow if you're just now coming up with this?

Stop buying tecate.


Yes we know, itnore leftpol bait

>It's obvious that's what it is, OP.

then why are there 40 threads an hour saying "hurr durrrrrrrrr US are paying for wall"??

>implying a consensus needs to be made here
What's to be debated, Trump is the one implementing it. It's at his beck and call. We will see what he does with it to Mexico.

LOL. The kids that post here are so funny! Yup, thats exactly whats gonna happen OP.

Sounds good to me. Fuck Mexico.

>American/Other exporters cheaper than Mexico

Lmao, are you that cucked?
All the wall is going to do is give China an open door into Mexico, they're already buying swathes of empty real estate left over from '08.

What you Trump cucks don't understand is that our real immigration problem is from the north. Everything Trump does strengthens the Chinese in one way or another.

I believe his goal is to make it until China challenges American hegemony, then gives Trump a scapegoat to start WW3 to cover for his incompetence.

Crouching cuck, hidden leaf

>then why are there 40 threads an hour saying "hurr durrrrrrrrr US are paying for wall"??

FUCK my company makes shit in mexico I will be out of a fucking job if that tariff happens. you cucks do realize how fucked so many people in this country who work for medium sized companies (not auto manufacturers) will be right? but no hur dur muh wall muh immigration

gotta break some eggs to make an omelette

No in all seriousness I do not think you autistic weebs understand how much we will get fucked over by this

>Mexico exports 80% of its good to America across our southern border
>America only exports 15% to Mexico
>Mexico doesn't have the trade fleet required to move its good off the North American continent

Trade war? Bring. It. On.

Mexico is an enemy state. You're doing business with the enemy, and profiting off of the loss of American sovereignty. In my eyes you are a traitor to this country and deserve your fate. I know you don't agree, but that's politics. We elected Trump to negotiate the restoration of American sovereignty and that is what he's doing.

Simply put, you don't get a say.

>FUCK my company makes shit in mexico

not anymore

>buying swathes of empty real estate

except the mexicans only do a 100 year lease to anyone not mexican... soooo buying? nah. otherwise they'd have been bought already.

we do, we just don't care you fucking retard

maybe pay americans to make your shit instead of crying about losing low wage slaves?

Jesus Christ do you really think if i was one of the owners of this company I would be spending my spare time on a week night here on this waifu shit posting website and its not my fault you fuckers aren't going to see this shit coming when it happens

>Mexican factories close because they can't sell their shit to US anymore.

Or, EPN places a tariff on US goods and Mexicans start buying Mexican goods

none of us give a fucking shit about some terrible company that outsources their work to mexico going under.
you're part of the swamp and you're about to get drained.

I bet at this point he`s gonna literally make them write a goddamn check.
Penis Nieto really fucked himself.

HAHAHAHAH with what money? You've let your drug lord run govt drain everything, and your peso is tumbling.

I really want mexico to succeed, you are our neighbor. Take responsibility

I keep forgetting 2/3 of the people on this board are a bunch of jobless neets with nothing else going for them besides the fact that their fucking tangerine got elected

What would you have us do? Continue to let a hostile nation re-conquer lost territory, and swing our politics to their advantage and do nothing about it because you have a job for the time being? Is that what your nation means to you? Is that all your people mean to you?

You're not appreciating the historical profundity of what Mexico is doing, and the existentialist threat they represent. Americans died to conquer and settle the territory they are now contesting. Mexico has implanted a fifth column in our country that has ravaged our political order and thrown into chaos the legitimacy of our own borders, a legitimacy that was never questioned by anybody but hostile foreign powers, until the Mexican migration wave.

The stakes are as high as can be. I don't see how you can't see that.

You shouldn't be mad at us or Trump for all this, you should be mad at Mexico for creating these circumstances in the first place. And at the end of the day, they still hold cards of their own. They could defuse this situation tomorrow by simply offering to pay for the wall. But see, the Mexican people are willing to sacrifice for their "dignity" and their nation, as you sit there and tell us you will not do the same for yours.

>twenty five thousand three hundred and eighty three D chess

yeah keep hating the president and his supporters. keep the fearmongering perpetuating in your useless trash brain, that'll be really good for you, i bet.

i sincerely apologize to you and everyone else in this thread that I have bills to pay honestly if it wasn't for this impending trade war shit I would have no problems with the man

It's called bait you absolute fucking mongoloid, Jesus Christ.

oh wow, your a traitor?

Better than being virtue signalling, spineless numale transgender bitches who are totally brainwashed by the one world agenda

Mexico NEVER benefited from NAFTA you shitlord. ts was AMERICAN corporations and the Mexican oligrachs. This is fucking hilarious.


We don't need...
vehicles ($74 billion)
electrical machinery ($63 billion)
machinery ($49 billion)
mineral fuels ($14 billion)
optical and medical instruments ($12 billion)
fresh vegetables ($4.8 billion)
other fresh fruit ($4.3 billion)
wine and beer ($2.7 billion)
snack foods ($1.7 billion)
processed fruit & vegetables ($1.4 billion).
...from Mexico when we can get it cheaper from china

>Or, EPN places a tariff on US goods and Mexicans start buying Mexican goods

Except the goods are vastly going in one direction. That's why Mexico has no cards to play here and Trump knows it.

The Spicer "20%" comment was a little threat......notice it didn't come from the Don?? It was just a warning shot.

So Americans should bend over?

Of course Mexicans benefited from NAFTA. We built their manufacturing base via NAFTA exporting American jobs to Mexico. But this isn't about that. This is about their reconquista of lost territory via migration and the dramatic political shift, crime, and demographic chaos that has resulted from it.

They are re-conqeuring lost territory. Because they are not doing it with musket and powder doesn't make it any less of a threat. The fact that they are succeeding at achieving reconquest without formal armies makes it even more of a threat, because it inspires inaction, where at least a military invasion would wake people like you up to their designs and inspire obstruction.

The import tax is only a pain in the ass to Americans if Mexican businesses don't try to stay competitive and Americans don't look for alternatives.

Ideally costs would stay the same, but Mexican businesses would make smaller profits, with some of that money going toward the wall, meaning Mexico is paying for the wall, just not by their government giving us the money.

>Mexico collapses
>US is flooded by beaners
>I kill myself because I live in Arizona


If they don't benefit from it then I guess they shouldn't be sad when we leave it.

>tfw trump is a master mind
How did we get so lucky anons? Its hard for me to believe we got the best timeline.

Pop quiz OP: which is cheaper?

Sucking up the 20% and passing it onto the customer or buying American made goods?

Here's a hint: an American worker won't work for $8 a day.

They shouldn't be sad, in fact now is a great time for them to establish ties with China. What a wonderful time to be alive

>Pop quiz OP: which is cheaper?
>Sucking up the 20% and passing it onto the customer or buying American made goods?
>Here's a hint: an American worker won't work for $8 a day.

wtf are you talking about??

I play guitar and I can tell you this:

American Fender Strat costs £800 - great quality

Mexican Fender Strat cost £500 - average quality

If the Mexican Strat now costs 20% more, which one will people buy???

Which factories will then close??

Yeah but all that money goes to few people why do you think Mexico is still a shithole.

>this is what drumpfshits actually believe

LOL stupid drumpfshits smdh

"Manufactured" being the operative word here.
Mexico isn't exporting propriety stuff, these are big name global corporations that just manufacture in Mexico because it's cheaper.
We don't even get most of our bananas from Mexico.
The brewery that makes Tecate, Casta, Dos Equis and all the other Mexican beers no one cares about is owned by Heineken.
Holy shit Mexico be more relevant anytime now.


Don't let Mexicans build it. itll be a piece of shit and fall apart. itll just be an embarrassment.

Build wall and let the brownshits collapse


the fucking mexican factory closes because americans can buy far better quality guitar approaching the same cost

it's not fucking hard to understand this is what Trump is doing

You guys are fucking retarded. Do you realize 2/3 of Americans have less than $1000 in their savings. The vast majority is living paycheck to paycheck. They cant AFFORD to pay extra in the form of tariffs. This screws over the middle class retard.

>buying American

Flush your money down the toilet while your at it! Better use than American made """"quality"""" products

>You guys are fucking retarded. Do you realize 2/3 of Americans have less than $1000 in their savings. The vast majority is living paycheck to paycheck. They cant AFFORD to pay extra in the form of tariffs. This screws over the middle class retard.

biggest dumbfuck in the thread so far.....

Do you realize that without the tariffs Mexico is taking US jobs away?

The jobs that come back wouldn't be enough to offset the fact that most people can barely afford to get by. You're essentially helping the few in the expense of the many.

He needs to make Mexico so bad that they start crossing their southern borders instead

>>Mexico collapses
how does this help stop the flood of border jumpers again?


also why is the wall 40 feet tall?

shouldnt 6 be enough?

>The jobs that come back wouldn't be enough to offset the fact that most people can barely afford to get by. You're essentially helping the few in the expense of the many.

Are you straight up retarded??

>Mexico sends cheap avacados and americans buy them

>Trump makes the avacados too expensive

>US company finds another avacado supplier in say Peru or some shit for similar price

>Americans buy that instead

>Mexican economy is fucked because their shit is too expensive in US

>To prevent the collpase of Mexico, they pay up for the wall instead


I buy 2 dozen avocados like every 5 days (addicted to them). We already get a mix of Mexico and Peru avocados.

Based Peru about to get a lot richer.

>implying that geopolitics is as simple as this

Fucking retarded Sup Forums. Moot should have shut this shit down years ago.

Except its not just avacado's dumbass. This cult of personality shit has gone too far.

>implying that geopolitics is as simple as this

well it's even simpler in fact, Mexico has no fucking military to do shit about anything anyway


those are mine.

>be me
>watching my daily night show
>theres a whole panel of PhDs, economists and political advisors on
>they are talking about us/mexico relations

> for wall or collapse???
we are going to collapse before paying for a wall, we didn't even pay france their shitty cakes.

also, I really doubt every American is going to stop buying mexican imporst just because of a 20% increase, some of them yeah but not all.

some of you don't even know where the shit you buy comes from.

>cost of product goes up 40%
>Americans pay it anyways because muh trump

>fast forward four years
>libtards realize moving manufacturing to cleaner countries is good for the planet and humanity as a whole
>economy is stongest anyone has ever seen
>everyone has jobs and money to burn
Que head explosions

>"hurrr hurrr Mexico will be the one hurting"

You know why people do business in Mexico? Sure, they have cheap labor... but the big thing? 44 tariff free agreements.

The US has 20 by comparison.

Mexico serves as a great hub for businesses to ship parts, etc.

Also? Parts of the US will be just as hurt as Mexico.

Texas. Texas relies on Mexico for around 40% of its exports, and 33% of its imports.

And around 30-50% of ag. laborers are illegal (depending on the season).

I'm sure Texas (which has been turning more purple with the influx of people from Cali to the cities) would love having a republican administration destroy its import, export, and agricultural sectors.

Tell me, how well would elections go for Republicans if California, Texas, and New York/the East Coast all go blue?

you will have to impose an 80% tariff since wages here range from 6 DLL A DAY, while yours are 7.5 an hour, our taxes are lower, and regulations for big companies are lower
Where are you going to get the stuff? China?
You are still trapped finding partners

trade war only works when both states are equal, jake, mexico trying to fight is like a kid with a gun made out of dry shit aganist a fucking marine, even if you tax us our money will just get cheaper and we have to pay more while you pay less,
we send all our oil to you and then buy it back because we are africa tier in making our own shit

Also, China is just waiting on the sidelines for the US to fuck this up.

They're already pushing an alternative to the TPP (which sucked, but should have been reorganized rather than scrapped). They already want to build alternatives to the Panama Canal (but under their ownership).

They love the idea of strengthening ties with countries as the US flails around for no purpose other than building a symbolic wall (seriously, most people enter legally and then overstay... a wall won't do shit).

You're very bad. Low quality.

some of us started our own businesses, me an electronics shop

Hint hint:. Guzman gots 16 bil in assets.

China is already challenging American hegemony.

The money has nothing to do with it. They're invading.

Which is, consequently, the exact same thing the Muslim hoard is doing to Europe.

Peaceful attrition.

>Thinking about it this hard

You can simply laugh it off when people say Mexico has any choice in the matter at all. They're a failed state with the GDP of a dumpy gas station in Detroit.

In fact, the best thing we can hope for is that Mexico stubbornly refuses to pony up for as long as possible. That will give Trump moral clout and public support to deport illegals, and cut off aid given to them, which adds up to much more than the wall anyways. And there would be far less Mexicans. Win.


They are our third largest market for agricultural products, so that market takes a hit if we war with them.

Hell, they are our third largest trading partner over all.

What happens when Texas, a state that depends on them for 35-40% of imports and exports starts to chafe?

What happens when Texas finally flips blue?

Who then would Mexico turn to? The short term plan is to put Mexico on the ropes, but I think Trump will leave room for us to be allies in the future.

>They're already pushing an alternative to the TPP (which sucked, but should have been reorganized rather than scrapped)

The point of the TPP was to block out China

Globalism is coming user... it's just maybe not the US that will be at the head of it.

Shill or idiot.

You do realize that Mexican imports will just be 20% more expensive for the consumer, right? Burgers will still be footing the bill for the wall that way. It'll also discourage corporations from making shit in Mexico though. That 20% margin (similar to what China pays in freight to haul heavy goods to America funnily enough) would create burger and leaf jobs, at the cost of many goods being 20% more expensive

If Trump wants Mexico to pay for the wall, he needs to tax the money that fence jumpers send back to Mexico.

I'd say you're an idiot, if I had to choose :^)

Don't doubt that China is loving this. They're already meeting with Mexican officials to boost trade agreements.

For those who say that it'll make American goods more competitive...

Not really.

Mexico pays around 4 an hour for manufacturing. American laborers can't compete individually, we'd have to invest more in mechanization.

Good money for company owners, but not much in terms of job creation.

If globalism is coming it will be the will of the masses a la populism not the elite few a la corruption

Pull your head out of your ass user.

When you factor in burger quality control it's about even. Mexican goods are notorious for shoddy quality control.

Populism historically has only really been a leveraged tool to put the new group of elites into power.

>not lefty
you have to go back to school

Historically this is the first time a major revolution in human behavior has had the internet to document it so fuck off with your old guard betamale shit

The future is going to be more honest especially after mankind wipes the perverse and adultorous degenerates off this earth

Okay, so let's play it out. We put a 20% tax on all imported goods from MX. Then Fox orders a 20% tax on all imported goods from US. Nothing changes and the people pay more because of ego.

Please, every time there is a new medium, the problems with it are exploited by change agents to overthrow the system. And put a new elitist group in power.

It's happened many times, don't think your time period is special because of the internet.

Europe after the translation of the bible to German and wider distribution of printed materials? German princes rally their subjects to create a new religious system to overthrow the Catholic oversight of their lands.

Radio and TV? Televised fascist marches, socialist materials, twisting of facts (even the widely seen first photos of war [American civil] were often staged, albiet slightly) helped put Hitler into power and spurred populism across Europe.

Populism has been documented before, and the very tools used to document it help shape it.

False, it's worse than that.

US agriculture floods the Mexican market, preventing them from selling their own grain. They'd just switch to their own.

Then they'd forge deals with China, and leverage their 44 other tax free agreements to sell their goods to other countries. Other countries would continue to use Mexico as a hub (to avoid taxes) and through that the US would still likely do major business with them.

Tariffs sort of worked in a time period where it would take months to send a shipment to another buyer and communication... but now?

The US would suffer slightly less, but we'd feel it in localized areas that we would really get hurt by. Texas would be fucked over HARD