Whats the deal with Mexico?

Why are Mexicans fleeing to the US so much? What is so wrong with their country? How can the place where tacos come from be so bad?

Can't they fix themselves? Can't they make Mexico great again?

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> The Mexicans need to fix their country, those dumb brown people, I hate them only cuz mah skin aint the same color as em'

> The Mexicans need to put their country to the side and pay for Drumpf's beautiful, beautiful, lovely wall!!!!

It needs an American military government ala postwar Japan.

what's the deal with all of South America? Mexico is not too bad relatively. Mostly, though, it has to do with Catholicism and lack of birth control resulting in permanent poverty.

Mexico was never great

>this guy stands in front of a podium and people pretend the cartels don't 100% control the country

Why are Mexicans fleeing to the US so much?
what is this? 2009?

>What is so wrong with their country?

It's run by arrogant retards who can't see a 14 billion dollar wall is far cheaper than fucking up NAFTA.

CIA has successfully kept the whole of south america from organizing itself. The blowback is just now becoming too catastrophic to handle. Look at the fence date, 2006 right for the fence bill? We should of been fighting back illegal immigration,drugs, gangs long ago but american elites are so fucking greedy.

>Can't they make Mexico great again?
Mexico was never great. The one time they attempted to expand militarily and territoriality, they got defeated by a bunch of Texas rednecks.

Based fucking Texas.

>a tear drips down enrique's face
>he lived to see aztlan

You fucked with us entirely. Ever heard of the phrase "backyard of the US"? 'Cause that's what it is.
Lest forget the events of the 19th century, which already were catastrophic for us. No, no, your fuckery on the last century was good enough. You invaded Veracruz in 1914 and effectively imposed a president. Which we got rid of during the Revolution, but then, when it ended, you ordered to have all of the popular leaders involved killed (then our own caudillos did the job all by themselves). After that, this country lost its leadership. That's part of the reason why Pancho Villa's skull is at Skull & Bones.
So we suffered through 70 years of soft dictatorship, as all the other ones you imposed all over Latin America. Then, when we finally get rid of communism and we can start to go our own path for the first time in decades, you impose NAFTA and the War on Drugs. Basically making us rely on cheap manufacturing, remmitances and drug traffic to survive as a country.
I'm not blaming your country, I'm blaming the government of your country for all of this. Lend us a hand and we'll be better, I promise. Seems that Trump is draining some parts of the swamp, from what I can see. If you get rid of (((them))) behind the shadows, we both win.

>Why are Mexicans fleeing to the US so much

because mexico is fucking garbage and just living there you have a 75% chance of being beheaded because cartels control the country

The mexican president thinks he has any say in any matter politically; wrong, cartels will just kill him if he does something they don't like. These politicians like to pretend that Mexico is a decent country when if that were true, people wouldn't be leaving en masse daily. It's literally just a shit-hole that depends on beach resorts to make any kind of money.

You mexican answer me, why do so many of your ppl want to leave there?


Like the terrorist do?

they seem just as bad, so why don't we help mexico get rid if these cartels?

We helped the mideast with their terrorist so why don't we help them?

Would you be opposed to mexico just joining the US ? We can get rid of the cartels and a lot of your ppl like how we run things apparently.

Stupid people, also nobody here gives a shit avout the US anymore, now the fuckers that go to your country are central american fuck those sub humans

Is not as good as the states. That's all.


Nope. Why? There's a simple reason actually. We like things in Spanish.
Also we don't like CIA, which is how you "run things".
Uncomfortable truth: the Mexican-American problem won't be solved until the shadow government is defeated. You know, because of cartels and the DEA, and also weapons and human trafficking, ya know?

>we love corruption in spanish

>Blame Catholicism
Maybe, just maybe, it's the hordes of nonwhite subhumans in the country that drag it down. Just a thought. France was Catholic. Spain was Catholic. Austria was Catholic. They all managed to build large, culturally vibrant empires.

I don't know, you tell me why Mexico is so shitty.

>implying we wouldn't be Puerto Rico reloaded
Jesus fucking Christ, fat ñoras are one of the most shameful things of this land. They're also a consecuence of Rockefeller messing with GMOS and the genome of corn in Mexico as early as the 1950s.
But yeah, we should also defeat our own shadow government. Most of them would perish with a tiny nuclear explosion in the area near Los Pinos. Can anyone ernich uranium?

Oh im from california so everything is already in english and spanish.

not for long pedro

mexicans aren't fleeing to the u.s. anymore. it's mostly hondurans, el salvadorians, etc. mexico is actually sending criminals & gang members. the current president is an actor set up by the cartels.

Less than 1% of the mexican population migrate to the US.

He doesnt hate mexicans. He just wants crimanals who are illegal here to be deported. Which i thought they already did but i guess i was wrong.

its called being cucked

But at least Mexicans take their cuckage with added humor

>What is wrong with their country?


>Why are Mexicans fleeing to the US so much?
It isn't full of Mexicans.
>What is so wrong with their country?
It's full of Mexicans.
>How can the place where tacos come from be so bad?
It's full of Mexicans.
>Can't they fix themselves? Can't they make Mexico great again?
Not with Mexico remaining Mexico and Mexican.

What? Yea like i said mexicans.

This too. Mexicans are submissive by nature.

i already know dude, i have watched all rallies of him, in fact he always says that mexico doesnt send the best,implying that he knows not all mexicans are criminals and i understand ILLEGALS != LEGALS immigrants, but the media keep saying that he hates mexicans immigrants and the average mexican is so lazy and retard to do the research and confirm if that is true,personally i like Trump, he is already making shake our corrupt government, please make the wall happen, that is what our pathetic and corrupt govt needs, mexican are leftist parasites, so dont care about what they are bitching, they only can be happy if they dont work and receive everything free.

??? are you being funny?

Does Mexico need their own Trump?

These cartels, why isn't anyone doing anything about them?

Are they friends of the cia and shadow government?

Why does the cia want to keep mexico down?

we need to rid off retard people first
specially leftists

what's this? truth on Sup Forums? How rare.

Take note Sup Forumstards. This is EXACTLY what the problem is. All the US's worst enemies are self-created.

>what's the deal

Ah, user.

It's that thing called South Americans. Indians and Negroes are the majority.

That's the reason it's shit.

It's the reason it's always going to be shit.

All you retards will eventually figure it out.

Yes, intelligence agencies run the drug trade and the banks make money laundering the cash. They started out working with the drug trade to fund black operations off budget so it can't be traced to the CIA, and now they do it for the sake of doing it - they're all about the drug trade now.

Isnt everything below the united states mexico? Is there another country down there?


fucking common core

Hasn't Trump learned by now that the CIA is controlling the Mexican drug trade, and the best way to stop this mess is to put a leash on the CIA to help Mexico out? I'm sure if their country got a bit better there'd be less of an immigration problem.

Their water is HIV+

Oh since they are brown and speak spanish, one might think they are mexican too.

....not me though.

America has English common law tradition and the yeomanry, we had a middle class and a neither middle nor peasant class from day one. We always had a society.
Mexico was a company of Spanish rapists overwhelmed by six million Guats. Between desperation and ignorance they forcememed a Frankenstein's monster out of medieval Spanish feudal practices that amounted to castes and racialized slavery. They have always had severe concentration of power and lacked a stabilizing middle to their "society," which was less of a society and more of a fat man attempting to ride an unhappy elephant.

What?? Thats horrible. And here they always talk about the war on drugs and how they are so bad. I also heard they introduced crack to black ppl. What evil game are they playing? All this for some money? Drug addicts are bad but thems are much worst.

Money and internal destabilization to ensure that they can continue making money.

All those countries you mentioned are shitty. Please kill yourself demonfag.

La apariencia del indigena mesoamericano tiene que ver con la eugenesia azteca impulsada por los líderes deficientes mentales:

"despotismo bajo Moctezuma era peor que en los m^s envilecidos Estados del Africa. Las mujeres eran poco menos que mercancia. Los reyezuelos y los caciques disponian de ellas a su antojo y para hacerse presentes. No solo entre los aztecas, tambien entre los Incas (vease Garcilaso) el Monarca hacia acopio de virgenes hasta en numero de setecientas, para tomar de
alii concubinas. Y como todos los valores estaban envilecidos, a este genero de serrallos prisiones se les llamaba "conventos".
Las reservas femeninas de Moctezuma ascendían a mil, mas o menos* Una vez elegida por el cacique, una de estas mujeres
ya no podia casarse ni ser de otro. Y a menudo, ni el mismo Inca o cacique volvia a verlas. El que se atrevia a cortejar a una de estas infortunadas que, sin embargo, eran las mas bonitas
de la raza, perdían la vida y su familia era tambiém exterminada Imaginese la clase de prole que podia derivarse de este sistema
de eugenesia. No faltan, sin embargo, agentes del comunismo contemporaneo, que en Mexico y en el Peru suspiran por los
metodos del comunismo indigena."

I hate when mexicans speak spanish right in front of me out of nowhere for no reason.


I was arguing for a comeback of proven Western traditions that stop degeneracy and breed babes like following

Yes, but stop with the retarded conspiracy theories about Rockefeller. Mesoamericans are ugly because they cultivated genetic ugliness among themselves for generations because they were petty and stupid. It's not the jewish lizards Pancho.

Low income, the scum of mexico, the worst of the worst, the ones that have no skills leave mexico cause minimum wage jobs are poorly paid (4 dlls a day)
there are a lot of unskilled mexicans who live in the mountains, very poor places, they don't want to progress, and so they leave to work your gardens, pick your strawberries and anything that involves having little to no skills and they get paid more doing those jobs than here, also they get to live in nicer places, they get better education and even welfare if they're smart
you give them a better place to live
illegal immigration would be better for america IF you gave them nothing but their low paying jobs

This time around we're taking the entire fucking thing, and killing every spic rape baby occupying the white man's birthright.

Manifest destiny!!!

Please document yourself before making such claims

>be me
> having lunch in a factory office in industrial area with engineering sales guy
>the US comes up
> old mate says, after a bit, that it's probably cheaper to annex and occupy Mexico than build a wall
> mfw my dads next to me, both about to piss ourselves

lol who wrote this? they don't even know their own history. Mexico literally hasn't accomplished anything since the fall of the Aztec Empire. How can anyone be so deluded to think that Europeans had no role in the spread of Communism/Socialism in Mexico? The caste system and extreme levels of inequality that still exist today are the reason why people in Mexico lean left. Not to mention that their Revolution won but failed at implementing most of the reforms that people fought for. The only way to fix your country is to nominate this dude for president (pic related). I forgot his name but I believe he's in charge of the Mexican equivalent of the US Chamber of Commerce. He's spoken against the recent gas prices, he's an actual conservative, believes in free markets, but is also socially conscious. Stop with Margarita Zavala who is globalist shill and Ricardo Anaya who is complete fucking spineless cuck. Every single politician in Mexico who is using this crisis with Trump as a political football should be ignored/criticized for putting their own political career/interests ahead of the interests of your country.

>Ignores centuries of breeding amongst the most retrograde members of a society.
>It's the jewish corn.

Ok Pancho, whatever you say. Go mow the lawn because you're obviously to thick to grasp complex causality.

>implying the Emperor did get all the qts
>implying all indians at Mexico were aztecs
>implying we weren't a Spanish colony for 300 years in which these degeneracy wasn't practiced
>implying there isn't a lot of Mexican whites without a drop of indian blood


You're an idiot.
Your Spanish reading comprehension is obviously deficient since he is saying that communists in the 50s and 60s were extolling the virtues of pre-hispanic America and actively trying to undermine the influence of European culture in Mexico. The context is important you dimwit.

The Aztecs function as a proxy for all mesoamerican cultures in this context you idiot. No one is saying that they all belonged to that tribe but by the time the Spaniards arrived these practices were representative of what was going on.
The amount of Mexicans without indian blood is negligible. I lived in Mexico City for years. I know there's a lot of castizos that like to think they're fully white, but it's not real Panchito.

You're right. I didn't read the article because it's trash but what I said is still correct. Literally nothing about Tenochtitlan was communist. NOT ONE THING. The socialist/market failure policies came along with the Spaniards. Not to mention that getting rid of European culture like Catholicism, Caste system, etc are good things.

So you're going to compare Tenochtitlan to small settlements in Tlaxcala?

>proxy for all mesoamerican cultures
Can you tell me of a culture where the king doesn't take the most beautiful of women? There wasn't one in ancient times. Also, I guess that if Moctezuma impregnated each and every one of his 700 women, there would be 700 well-bred children. That's what later becomes nobility. There was an Aztec nobility, as well as a Mayan nobility, and so on.
So what's your fucking point? Saying that poor people tend to be fucking ugly? Won't argue with that, but your generalizations show what a fucking cunt you are.

He never once claimed that Tenochitlan was communist you incredibly stupid retard. He said that the extolling of indigenous practices was a tactic by 20th century indigenistas/comunistas. When he says "comunismo indigenista" he's referencing what was happening at the time he wrote the text, not Aztec society, stop embarrassing yourself .

How the hell can such a major country be under the influence of the cartels? Even this guy is a cartel-puppet apparently.


>it's a mexitacos blame central americans for illegal immigrants episode

Because america wants the illegal goods like pot.

I'm still right.

The difference is in the details Pancho. Rarely does nobility hog woman in such a way, hence why I called Mesoamerican cultures petty and stupid. It was an incredibly deleterious form of eugenics that eventually gave us the creatures that are shown in the pictures you originally commented about. It wasn't Jewish corn, it was your own fucked up history.

>I'm still right.

You went on a completely unrelated and embarrassing rant about communism without even coming close to grasping what the text was about. Sure, you're right.

>it was like 500 guys who were bored and had nothing decent to shoot at
>tfw if they had 500 more troops there wouldn't even be a Mexico

Alright I've had enough of all this. Cartel member living in america here, ask me shit I'll let you know what I know.


Despite being a hotbed of culture, tourism and natural resources, Mexico is a poverty stricken third world country squeezed dry by cartels and their corrupt political puppets

Revolution when

Nope, sorry, up until last century they kept their figure despite their poverty, as all women should if they ever contemplate to please a man in their lives.
Soy has fucked up human hormones around the globe, and that's Rockefeller's fault. You should check that deeper.

If it's just that Mexico is full of Mexicans, why aren't border towns a lot shittier than they are? I live in a heavily Mexican border town and it's a lot safer than back east. There aren't any no go neighborhoods or anything like that. But just across the border is a no go zone.

Those are some real lookers, Pancho.

This is now a Mexican hate thread

Neighbour is Mexican.

It's the drugs cartel.
The state thought they could just sit there and let the border be a degenerate zone and not care, and it spilled like an oil stain all over. The same party has been in place for 70 years, you are either corrupt or you are skinned and then killed.
They get Mexican kids on drugs ASAP, nobody does anything against that. The huge amount of drug addicts mean that there is a wave of violence, robberies, crime. She said she left when she got robbed at gun point in a full buss at noon. Chauffeur just stayed behind the wheel and did nothing.

Have you ever stitched a face onto a soccer ball?

What do you need to do before they skin your face as a way of execution?

Wow. Do you really think cartels could kill the president? I don't know what kind of news you read about Mexico but that's complete delusional. Also mass people leaving? Delusional.

Are insecure cities in Mexico, yes. Mexico is not as big as USA but it is pretty big, there are plenty of good cities and states where to live.

The country is fucked not because cartels which by the way exists because Americans consume so much drugs, it is fucked because corrupt government. Money of the country ends in I the pockets of politicians as simple as that.

>photo from 1913
I bet your grandma looks hotter.
This discussion has devolved. I must make clear some points: a) Indigenous people are mostly ugly, but you shouldn't generalize. You can get surprises. b) Aztec breeding techniques were not extended in Mesoamerica since the Empire only had palpable power in the region for a little over a century. You are correct in that they are degenerate. Maybe that's why all the other Indians overthrew them c) You underestimate the number of pure whites, especially in the North. Also, some castizo/mestizo girls are as hawt as it can get

Why are you such a blatant liar? seriously?

I already wrote that Aztecs function as proxy in this argument. These practices didn't come out of the blue nor were they beholden to a single tribe. They were documented practices similar to those of the Aztecs as far down as Perú with the Incas. Read Garcilaso de la Vega.
I don't underestimate the number of Mexicans who are white, because I've been there on and off, sometimes living long periods, dealing with financial industry types and the Mexican old money elite for the most part, which are the last vestige of real white Mexicans. Even among them it would be rare to find a non recent lineage that has some admixture with indigenous blood.

>repeating an already disproven argument
So you're just going to ignore the inordinate amount of Habsburgs bastards and their descendency? For that case, of any European dynasty. You're just going to ignore basic knowledge of the organization of societies. You'll ignore that Europe itself was still entirely ruled by monarchies at the time of the Conquest; monarchies that obviously excerted the same type of power practices over society as the Aztec nobles. You're also just going to ignore the barbarism of European black nobility, as if this wasn't /pol. Queen Elizabeth's magic rituals seem pretty degenerate to me, and they were performed after the fall of Tenochtitlan, this city of cannibals. But they don't matter as long as they don't cast a questioning light over your poor constructed argument.
Your land is controlled by kikes, so who are you to talk of cuckery anyways?

>be mexican
>live in shack with one electrical outlet the whole family uses
>save up for two months to buy a tank of gas
>drive to the rodeo. your only source of entertainment
>get gunned down in your car by the cartels ISIS style

they aren't fleeing to America

they are here to take money and send it back to their families in mexico

they are parasites

The cartels control the government and people do not like it.

>what's the deal with all of South America?
shit genetics


Literally the only reason. They can't even lead themselves. It's proof that a nation of mongrels is doomed to failure (take notes America)

Who the fuck is going to live there though? It's way too fucking hot even Texas was way too hot
