So, the liberals made a site called thisisdonaldtrumpsamerica...

So, the liberals made a site called where you can post messages about "Donald Trump's america".

No captchas. What should we do?



I'm not a faggot

take that back

>no captcha
These people never learn, do they ?



Tongue my asshole.

How is mine moon man?


This is the best so far haha who did it

On a second note it kinda looks like a campain to show that his supporters are stupid and tarnish his image, it's a tad too easy to be true


wtf I posted this for the first time and someone did the same

>I am attack helicopter hear me reeee

Oh Sup Forums, never change


This is why I love Sup Forums

Christ the website is already a Sup Forums shit show. When will these people learn?

No captchas??

What about the spam though??

libtards really don't think things through, do they

god I love Sup Forums

>all those fucking tabs
Wtf user...


>libtards really don't think
surprise surprise