How old were you when you realized the entire world is just competitive narcassistic posturing and there is no true...

How old were you when you realized the entire world is just competitive narcassistic posturing and there is no true 'good/evil', only selfishness and will to power?

24 here

>How old were you when you realized the entire world is just competitive narcassistic posturing and there is no true 'good/evil', only selfishness and will to power?
I was about 16.
At 17 or so i realized how dumb that was and decided to stop being such a broody try-hard.

You only think that way because you are afraid of other people hurting you.

False, the only thing in the world is anime.

>i killed my neighbors and raped their daughter but it was justified because there is no true good/evil

"The world owes you nothing"
"You should contribute to society"

Reminder if you aren't born Chad you're just a stepping stone for the higher powers in society.

Using a shitty stepping stone will just make them fall and break their neck though.

How old will you be when you realize you were wrong?

When did you realize you sound like a massive faggot and lack TONS of perspective?

i'm autistic and have only ever cared for myself.

When you will get older, you'll realise that this too is an illusion. In the end humanity, connectivity and love is all that matters.

Gain all the money and power you want, it will never fill the hole you naturally felt since a child. Only love will.

You just got fearful and hurt, now you try to distance yourself from the world by putting on this cold facade. If you dig deep enough, you know it to be true. You'll have to be like this for a few years, and you'll most likely argue that the world is ugly and violent.

But while you do that. Please take notice of everything around you, your clothes, your computer, desktop wallpaper.. Even this board. And realise that everything is created for your comfort, entertainment and general well being. Even before the invention of currency, we do each other favors to better each our lives, we work together and we stay together.

It's a beautiful world user, but we have become obsessed with individualism and fearmongering...

Luckily it's all a social mental disease, it's all in our head.

or what he said.

the only good* thing in the world is anime


Stop namefagging you attention whore

Good point.

That's also why I carry a gun.

--------------------->Sup Forums

fuck of neon genesis faggot


Everything boils down to the self when you think about it. The only reason anyone does anything is for themselves. This one fact kinda makes everything else moot. Caring about others only really happens incidentally. And if you do really care about other people, their inability to understand you or your inability to articulate it always prevents real meaningful change.

Funny thing is I am a superintelligent chad who broke his own heart and experimented with his life to see if people really cared. They do not. Everything is selfishness, I can see it in myself and can see it in everyone. Can't unsee it, might just have to embrace it and become the super asshole Socio-Chad I've always known was bubbling under the surface. Nobody needs anybody, to quote "anyone will do".

Your love is voluntary suffering for others, not yippy dippy feel good shit like you describe it.
Practice the love you preach and see how you will get gamed for it or game the people who "love" you. That's the only reason it's preached so much!

Loving yourself and bringing it forth into the world is what matters. That means taking the bad in (experiencing suffering) and bringing the good out

Anime is the good and the bad, anime is everything.

Always been competitive, but not narcissistic. You're probably a pleb. I make things run at my pace, aka I make everybody more moral.
My goal in life is to domesticate the human into proper behavior. It would be shit if all you weren't shit for me to have a goal to make you less shit. So I dig.

t. Misato Katsuragi