Anyone else starting to think these 2 are the same person who's playing us all for fools?

Anyone else starting to think these 2 are the same person who's playing us all for fools?

How many Japan flag posters do you think there are on Sup Forums anyway?



No. I simply want to enjoy cultural diversity.

The gaijin knows

Many proxies, English teachers, and American military; very few nips.

If you want to experience racial and cultural diversity all you have to do is go to your family reunion

most of the good posts are me, the shitty ones are some other fags


I have this vague suspicion like I've met filthy frank at some point in my life but I can't think of where

I'm sure most of these are proxy faggots or English teachers who enjoy shit posting

we're under a raid, I don't know if any of you are aware of that

a raid by whom? Jap flag shit posters are nothing new

its actually a bot

it samefags the threads while recording any legitimate responses to it. sometimes it uses the responses when it reposts the thread to bump it.

Its not just those two japan threads, and it has been here doing this for a LONG time.

one of them verified themselves as a us navy man, one of them is a korean troll only 1 is real

Why not leave Japan then? Funny how multiculturalists are always so goddamn attached to their own nation...

hes probably the korean guy

that explains why anons talk about seeing the same threads with the exact same responses repeated day after day
It's sometimes disturbing to think about what might be here right next to us, and what it is we're actually replying to.

I have to finish my degree....

your degree in what, cupping nigger balls? Don't be knavish

And here is my next thread

I know, I've been shitposting in it the whole time

Finish it in America.

I am too stupid to enroll in elite american uni

in fact every post in that thread that isn't you is me


It would be funny if it turned out that you and I were also the same person

I wonder what the odds are


But you're smart enough for elite Japanese uni?


Japanese uni entrance exam doesn't require "social activity" or some sort of things.

I am only good at test.... It's hard for me to get max GPA.

there are three elite Japanese universities which are comparable to tier 2 American universities.
other than that Japanese universities are shit

>Japanese uni entrance exam doesn't require "social activity" or some sort of things.

this is the most nonsensical statement o have ever heard, no exam anywhere involves "social activity"; you are a poor quality shitposter

In america, You can't get into ivy league even if you get full point at SAT.(actually chinese student was rejected)

In Japan, you can go to any school(except some medical school) as far as full score.

I Chinese American
You do away dirty jap
you go away no come back
we bomb you with superior nuclear again
your breath smell like old fish
you have small penis

Shut up stupid Japanesse.
You go now fish breath. Go back to paper wife.
Read real books no cartoon girl book.
Go away. no come back

Because SAT is just a small part of your university application in the USA, but it has nothing to do with any "social activities" you need good GPA and recommendations from your teachers.

but I agree, you don't sound smart enough to enroll in an American university.

You go now. No come back

>t. Honorable great grandfather of railroad tunneling cut dynamite fuse too short and other side family honorable great grandfather of Chinese laundry proprietation had very difficult time removing first great grandfather from the work clothes of other Chinese in work crew

yeah "recommendations" are pretty much soclal activity.

you have to be good relationship with stupid high school teacher.

Yeah. I am stupid moron loser. It's why I hate myself and this society.

This is society's failre that I am such ignorant moron bastard.
I had no oppotunity to be educated because of fucking pulic education system.
I hate myself and I hate this society. I hate everything.

t. beta male

fuck off Charlie chan or you'll get another mouthful of what we gave your grandpappy at the chosin reservoir

So many japanese posters

Ok how many of you are english teachers or US miliary?

Fuck you!!!! We ICBM nuclear you nip nip asshole. Go away now. No come back fish nip

>I had no oppotunity to be educated because of fucking pulic education system.
>I hate myself and I hate this society. I hate everything

I hate you too, Kevin the LARPing Nova Sensei

Every single one of us, for example OP of this thread can't speak or read Japanese

haha, you have no nuclear bombs. we have superior nuclear bombs. you want Chineese navy to nuclear youre small penis ? ok, go away or we penis bomb you

when I rotate back I might have to look you up and shut your dog-chewing yellow mouth

>the USA has no nukes
damn you slopes are dumb

I chineese american. we all have nuclear bomb stupid nip. you no have bomb, we do. boom boom bomb on youre little penis

Ching Chong China man, his mouth is full of dog
Ching Chong China man, we'll dump him in a bog

Ping ping Ching Ching pong suckey sucky 5 dallah

Go away now nip nip. Go wait for nuclear penis for up youre ass. Photograph of Nip Airarmy.

go back to China chinkeye
America is for whites and I don't mean your laundry

Japaneese lady have large vagina like you