Why are republicans protesting a 44 year old law?

Why are republicans protesting a 44 year old law?

Why are they so stuck in the past?

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It's one of life's eternal mysteries. Why do niggers steal all the time? We'll never know.

I don't get why people care so much about abortion.
Who cares? Its not your kid. Its not you.

Bait desu

Maybe cheap and easily accessible birth control might help with all the unwanted pregnancies around the country

Its always the sluts and idiots who get pregnant, there is enough condoms eveywhere

I guess stabbing a sharp implement into someone's skull and sucking out their brain, so that they can collapse the skull to make it easier to get it out with the little severed human hands and feet and heart and intestines, doesn't bother you? Ignorance is bliss.

You're solving the symptoms and not then problems my man.
The problem being girls and boys having sex at an incorrect age (only speaking in terms of minorities of course) instead of killing babies. How about I don't know tell them having sex and too many babies isn't good if you're poor. But they don't want to understand because WE WUZ KINGZ N SHIETT and I DIN DU NUFFIN.

But birth control for women do a lot more than prevent pregnancy, condoms are good to prevent STDs but fail a lot due to user error

Why do Democrats keep insisting that a 54 year old law, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, doesn't exist?

Most abortions aren't even that far along.
Besides, it will usually grow up to be an unwanted niglet without a father or have a single feminist mother who will treat it like shit.

Why do Democrats keep fighting a 200+ year law, the US Constitution?

>User error
Niggers are so fucking stupid they can't even wrap their head around how to put on a condom. US government should incentivize sterilization for blacks.

We kind of were, via abortions. But pro-life cucks are kind of getting in the way.

You're correct that the majority aren't far enough along for the brain-sucking, but the majority do involve dicing up their little body parts. That's the most common procedure. I've watched routine ones being done.

It turns out most people are fairly bad people. If you use that as an argument to kill someone before they've even done anything wrong, then you're justified in killing anyone. In fact, I'm justified in killing you, because being on Sup Forums, you're probably a nasty person.


Republicans aren't protesting anything. You're thinking of the broader, and unideological, pro-life movement.

And they're not even exactly protesting the precedent, but rather the interpretation, which Justice Ginsberg, not exactly a font of conservative sentiment, has called "unnecessarily broad".

>He thinks a court decision is a law

No it doesn't bother me because the alternative is worse. I also don't support the death penalty and I support legalization + regulation of all drugs. I feel caught in the middle of conservatism and liberalism because of my support for stronger borders and pacifism as well.

They're not really. They just use it as an issue during campaigns to secure the religious right. Then they ignore it until the next campaign.

Uh, you do know that Trump wants a Muslim ban which is in direct violation of the first amendment?

It is a type of law. It's literally called case law.

>Uh, you do know that Trump wants a Muslim ban which is in direct violation of the first amendment?
No, it isn't.

He doesnt want a ban on Muslims, he wants a temporary ban on immigration from countries that have high levels of terrorism

They have a point about "muh morals," but if we illegalize abortion, then we'll have a ton of niglets running around

I believe abortion should be legal, however I strongly believe it should not be funded by tax payer dollars. If you want to have an abortion, go for it, but you're paying on your own.

Is there anything implausible about this opinion?

Your mother should have aborted you.
I mean, you're not our kid, so who cares?

>They're not really. They just use it as an issue during campaigns to secure the religious right. Then they ignore it until the next campaign.
They do some things, but there's only so much that can be done, since judicial activists manipulatively tied it to the constitution. But if the general public changes its position, then the judges will too, because they fundamentally lack integrity of any sort.

It's not a law.

It's government sanctioned murder.

People are still protesting the occupation of Tibet.
Why are liberals so stuck in the past?

>Uh, you do know that Trump wants a Muslim ban which is in direct violation of the first amendment?

Fucking bullshit. Fucking foreigners do not have our fucking rights, you fucking idiot.

Any President can halt any immigration for any reason for any amount of time according to the LAW.

I don't get why people care so much about murder.
Who cares? Its not your kid. Its not you.

It's pretty fucking cheap and accessible as is.

That said, I don't think we need way instain mothers who kill thier babbys.
Let them. Otherwise you just get kids who grow into adults with that same shitty mindset.

I got a copy of an old pro-abortion propaganda novel from the Roe era.
Its plot is almost exactly the same as the movie Philadelphia, adapted to normalizing abortion rather than normalizing homosexuality, especially with the didactic jury scene where one guy stands in for the author and thougt-leads the rest of the jury and the audience.
We were lied to.

>Why are they so stuck in the past?
Because some people have an issue with killing babies and selling off the parts like some morbid chop shop.

No he doesn't, and no it doesn't. There's a difference between freely following a peaceful religion, and following a religion that demands that you slaughter infidels and stone adulterers.

It's not murder if the person doesn't even exist.
Shit argument.
Not an argument.

sexual degeneracy is in issue that our culture embraces.

>a law
It's not a law, it's a fake right read into the constitution

>mfw virtually the entirety of the public doesn't know roe v. Wade was essentially overruled and isn't good law anymore
My fellow lawfags are mostly leftists and don't mind the ignorance continuing I guess

>your entire post
Get out of my country.

The left is the party that has turned abortion into a partisan wedge issue, instead of a discussion on rights for unborn humans. You can tell, because they refuse to ever address the actual issue of the rights on an individual. Instead they name their stance "pro-choice" and make it about women, which it is not.

And Trump does not want a muslim ban, and a muslim immigration ban would not be against the first amendment.


That ruling was made on a 200 year old law, and was made before ultrasound showed the world what a fetus really looks like (a person) and before other technologies showed they are conscious beings and therefore people.

Liberals are the ones stuck in the past about this, and the powers that be are keeping them there.

>modern medicine can save a very premature baby
>the person doesn't even exist.

If a sixteen year old is too young to consent to sex do you believe they are mature enough for the abortion decision. What your teaching young girls is that killing their own child is an acceptable way to solve a problem.

It is protected under the constitution until the ruling changes. Ergo until something changes it is the law of the land whether you agree with it or not. If you disagree I suggest lobbying the current administration to make it a too priority to overturn the ruling by placing conservative justices. If you like the current ruling I suggest lobbying the President and get prepared to make food court arguments for why abortion should be protected under the constitution. We are a nation of laws not feels. If you want the law to change get to work on it.

Or maybe people should keep their fucking legs closed. If you can't afford a kid, then don't go and make one.

>Trump wants a Muslim ban
No, Trump wants a ban on terrorism which just so happens to be a hobby that is majority muslim. The solution will be a ban on immigration from counties with a propensity for producing terroristic zealots.

the person quite clearly does exist otherwise there wouldn't be abortions

I guess we should tell smokers and drinkers and fatties to stop contributing to their own problems too right? Because that's such an effective solution to the problem. Oh just don't do x. Humans are do stupid shit all the time. It's a hallmark of our species that we actively work against our own interests either due to feels or addictions or what have you. Telling people to just stop Is is fucking retarded

Especially sex. At a certain point during adolescence, teens are going to have every fiber in their body telling them to complete their biological imperative. No kid is going to be able to ignore thousands of years of evolution, because some authority figure told them to.

Roe v Wade was in 1973, ultrasounds showed fetuses in the 50s.

I want to point out that im not against teaching responsibility but that alone isnt going to solve a problem. Every society should teach responsibility and safe economic practices but it would be foolish to thing that alone will solve everything. Like i said people have a tendency to make irrational decisions

>we are a nation of laws
That has a rich history of denouncing immoral laws

Stating the current situation is stating nothing at all

And he's right. It's not a law, it's the supreme court extending beyond its authority (again) to create law, which is not permitted. In a just world they'd be impeached for it and the ruling would be vacated.

You're not doing a very good job at explaining to me why abortion is such a big problem.
They don't though, no name, no heartbeat, no thoughts. They're unwanted, an accident. Its the equivalent of pulling the plug on someone in a coma. They have no human qualities.

There's going to be plenty more that are born into a healthy home.

No, it's stop and if you don't the consequences are you're responsibility

What's funny about this is that any other crime doesn't have your same justification. Boys naturally want to fight, yet they'll be liable for battery still.

The natural tendencies of human beings are not a justification for wanton disregard of responsibility

>it's the supreme court extending beyond its authority
>hurrdurr the Supreme Court made a ruling I don't like, they're not supposed to do that
Fuck off retard.

>no abortion
>millions more dindus
>billions more state and federal dollars going to them
Pro-life idiots are the worst.

>it's the equivalent to pulling the plug on someone
No, because the entire justification for that being legal is that they aren't coming back

>no name
Are names what makes a person human now?

very scientific

>no heartbeat
They have a heartbeat within the first few weeks...

>they're unwanted
So we should just kill them?

>its the equivalent of pulling the plug on someone in a coma
That's a pretty terrible analogy, and also immoral regardless.

You wouldn't call a court decision "a case law" so it still doesn't work. A court decisions is law but it not a law.
> "Law," without an article, properly implies a science or system of principles or rules of human conduct, answering to the Latin "jus;" as when it is spoken of as a subject of study or practice. In this sense, it includes the decisions of courts of justice, as well as acts of the legislature. The judgment of a competent, court, until reversed or otherwise superseded, is law, as much as any statute. Indeed, it may happen that a statute may be passed in violation of law, that is, of the fundamental law or constitution of a state; that it is the prerogative of courts in such cases to declare it void, or, in other words, to declare it not to be law. (Black's Law Dictionary 2nd ed.)

And the legal justification for abortion is that the bundle of cells your so concerned about cannot survive, from a biological stand point, on its own and has zero brain activity. It isn't a person.

>dude you just don't like the decision
No, there is no justification for it in the constitution, and even less of a justification for the federal government.

>the supreme court is incapable of extending beyond its authority

Btw retard, the opinion has already been discredited by the supreme court itself since then. They have adopted an incredibly vague standard tied to viability.

Kill yourself

>also immoral regardless.
The government shouldn't be in the business of legislating morality. Want to be moral? Go fucking do it.

>laws aren't based on morality

Last time here was a discussion about abortions, and whether Zygote _IS_ Human Life...
While researching arguments, the thread was locked, so I'll place them here:
(it's pitty, that it's probably too early for that Australian-fag...)

> A zygote (from Greek ... zygo-tos "joined" or "yoked", from... zygoun "to join" or "to yoke"),[1] is an eukaryotic cell ...
> ... and contains all of the genetic information necessary to form a new individual.
Contains ... all ... necessary to form ...
This is a POTENTIAL to form a new individual...

> The cell (from Latin cella, meaning "small room"[1]) is the basic structural, functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. A cell is the smallest unit of life that can replicate independently, and cells are often called the "building blocks of life".
Many of your cells can replicate independently...
And ALL are alive, unless they are DEAD, which means that they were alive earlier...

As you may read here in other thread, every STEM cell can be made into a new human life, or possibly also to a chimeric life if mixing with different animal kinds...

Hence amputed KIDNEY is no less human being, if it has a POTENTIAL to become some being later, as zygote has got POTENTIAL to become human being...

There is an important distinction, and it is CONSCIOUSNESS, which makes a basis for PERSONHOOD...

It is a question, when a separate consciousness and personhood forms...
(it is somewhere arround third month and it is very typically recognized by baby KICKs, that is probably a time, when soul enters the formed body...)

What if there is a heart transplantation. The old heart is usually

There's no justification in the Constitution to prevent it either. I know it hurts your precious feelings, but abortion is largely a societal plus.

What if there is a heart transplantation. The old heart is usually discarded...
Is it a murder ?

Roe v Wade was a fucking disgrace of a ruling

>Dindu culture worse off for everyone with abortion
>white births and white culture being made worse off for everyone by abortion
>if you ban abortion, everything will stay the same except the fetuses will be born

As if the debt number even matters anymore. We're past the point of no return, except now we have a disgusting culture and facilitate murder as well

>filthy greater good collectivist reasoning

This is why we have laws which set the parameters of our behaviour as a society. Abortion while unsavory is clearly acceptable to certain segments of the population. While I wouldn't call it murder myself I fully understand the passions and justification for it being labeled as such. However I think not having a legal parameter to allow for abortion in a safe environment would simply mean the deed would be done in back alleys and on the streets or in private homes with no guarantee of the individuals safety. For instance we outlawed the drink and that shit still went on without a legal parameter and arguably that created a culture of lawlessness and insecurity(various criminal enterprises, unsafe drinking establishments, poisonous liquor.)

Anti abortion people act like the left is ready to sacrifice children on the alter. They fail to see that abortion isn't always done willy nilly and it certainly not done without significant thought about the ramifications of the action. That being said pro choice people neglect to acknowledge that pro-lifers have a good argument in that abortion is effectively snuffing out a life. I think both sides are so entrenched in their own beliefs that they fail to see any way the other side might have legitimate points.

Why does Sup Forums care so much about abortion when they'll never get close to having children in their lifetimes anyway?

How bout instead of regulating what people can and can't do with their bodies, you cunts just don't do it if you don't like it?

I don't get why people care so much about slavery.
Who cares? Its not your kid. Its not you.

Bullshit. It's protected under a fucked up ruling by a fucked up Supreme Court that is wrong once again on the law, and wrong once again on the Constitution.

When another case overthrows this abomination of justice, the issue will revert back to the states.

If you want to live in a state that sanctions the murder of the unborn, you can. It's still fucking murder even if 9 assholes in robes says it isn't.

Abortion isn't murder, no matter how much you wish it was.

You mean legal precedence? That's not law. That just means that any case attempting to sue someone for committing, I mean having an abortion will end in a Supreme Court smackdown. No one wants to touch that with a 10 ft anaconda.

>Why are republicans protesting a 44 year old law?

Court rulings are not laws, the legislator makes the laws

Oh you mean the constitution, which is much older. There is no protest of the constitution because the constitution says nothing about abortion and the 14th amendment says nothing about privacy.

Another shit argument, kys

>It's still fucking murder even if 9 assholes in robes says it isn't.
Murder is the unlawful killing of a person. It isn't unlawful and it isn't a person. Cry more faggot.

The nigger population is going to get out of control.

>laws are based on morality
the extent to which moralfags are bluepilled astounds me.
Killing someone isn't illegal because of immorality, it's illegal because it hinders someone else's ability to live.

If laws were based on morality, shipping jobs overseas and forcing chinks to work in such terrible conditions that they jump off of buildings would be outlawed, but here you are comfortably posting on a Zimbabwean cymbal emporium forum with technology put together by kids who won't even live to quarter of your age.

True, murder is wrongfully and knowingly ending a human life. Those who are biologically ignorant enough to believe that a fetus is part of the mother's body are committing manslaughter, not murder.

because there is another human being involved now, you fuck up

no one fucking cares if women want to whore themselves up, they care about a human life being forcefully terminated in an attempt to absolve oneself of all responsibility for their own actions

>coming from the guy who thinks human life is determined by if you have a fucking name

>zero brain activity

Constitution is a living document.

By the way abortion ban is as retarded as open borders.

>black thinks judges can make law
Lol, of course he does

It's not law, it's interpretation based upon existing law. If a judge reaches beyond a statute for justification, he's inherently violating the law.

Maybe in other countries the case is different, but not here

The law as black, courts, and attorneys use it is merely a colloquial reference to binding precedent, which takes into account any and every rule. This can also include things like unofficial notices and guidance from agencies that are "totally not rules guise, it's just advice, you don't have to follow them lol ;P"

It's why they are called opinions in the first place, and why we have dissents, because fundamentally we do not assume the judge is inherently correct.

In this countries earlier and more sane years, we recognized the extreme danger the judiciary in England presented and hamstrung our own. Our supreme Court did fuck all until many years after they started exploiting marbury v madison, because they are supposed to do fuck all

I mean, many states had eugenics programs that sterilized people without their consent.

Its not alive you retard.
And you ignored everything else i said except for the name.

Most criminals justify their crimes so why wouldnt baby killers do the same? Abortion is murder.

I responded to almost everything you said

and you didn't even reply

Again, murder is the unlawful killing of a person. As abortion is legal, and a fetus isn't a person, it's literally not murder.

How dreadful, that would violate UN laws on genocide.

Instead we should convince them there's 58 genders and push transsexualism at a very young age to crash their birth rates.

I don't know maybe because it's murder. Better question why a liberals always attacking a 241 year old law/human right?

That's a dying argument and ironically exactly what the supreme court doesn't want to address because it's a terminal issue

Viability will eventually be conception

>but it can't survive on its own naturally
No such distinction exists or a range of justifiable homicides would become legal.
>bleeding out from car crash
>can be executed
>surgeon fucks up and you're dying
>someone walks in the room and shoots you, not a murder
>shoot retard that can't take care of itself
>not murder
We have a whole body of law describing intervening causes. The line you are describing doesn't exist

you're right

it's not murder

just the legalized killing of your own offspring to dodge responsibility for your own actions

but it is immoral, and therefore should be criminalized

>If a judge reaches beyond a statute for justification, he's inherently violating the law. Maybe in other countries the case is different, but not here
Dude stop talking, it's literally the complete opposite of what you are claiming. Do you even know what common law means?

>he thinks the constitution is a restrictive and not permissive document
Lmao how embarrassing

murder is murder

Abortion IS murder and the murdered child is not "MY BODY" of the female, so it should not be "my choice" of her either...

(copy from yesterday)
> Abortion allows freedom and self determination
Of the woman and of the prick.

But for the CHILD, it is MURDER.
No freedom, no self-determination, just a murder...

> You aren't women, you aren't doctors, so how exactly is any of this your business?
You are not a victim. Why is MURDER your bussiness ?!
Let gangsters kill your neighbour's child, you're not a victim, it's not your bussiness...
Right ?
(Is there still some civilisation arround? Didn't we fall back to medieval dark ages already?)

while this having been said ...

The killing is inevitable, and _terminating_ an unconscious clump of cells is much less harmful, that needing to kill mature overcrowded people...


Yes, please consider:

Still in your lifetime, people in Africa will amount to hundred of billions and will pour and flow into your country by hundreds of millions, tear down all border walls and run to your cities.
You will either shoot them on borders, or they will rape your family and shoot you and eat everything, what rests, including your remains.

Will you then consider, that killing surplus life can be done in a civilised way, or it MUST be done in uncivilised and rough way nevertheless...

In all timeline of humanity, illness and wars were regulating people.

IF you want MEDICINE and PEACE, which are both UNNATURAL and wrong if unbalanced, you must accept BIRTH CONTROL...

(Wanting medicine, no birth control, without any other possibility results in war, in loss of peace. Sole other possibility is some uncurable illness, that will clear the surplus, as nature often does with various kinds of rats...)

>just the legalized killing of your own offspring to dodge responsibility for your own actions
And thus prevent further burden to everyone, the rest of society included.
>but it is immoral, and therefore should be criminalized
Adultery, lying, and a host of other things. They aren't illegal though and shouldn't be. If you want to live a moral life, go ahead. Stop trying to get big daddy government to make everyone lI've like you want to.

Again. Murder is the unlawful killing of another person. Abortion is both legal and doesn't kill another person. It quite literally isn't murder, no matter how much you wish it was.