How were all the other GOP candidates such turds?

How were all the other GOP candidates such turds?

Who did you support in Feb of 2016?

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Rand Paul was the only other semi-decent option. Ted Cruz is a neo-con sellout.

This user gets it.

I though Carson was decent too. Poor debater though


Ben Carson is ok, but he lacks the gravitas to hold his own in a national campaign. He's better as a supporter or cabinet member.

>I tried to warn you
>why didn't you clap
>you could have prevented this

I kind of feel sorry for Christie since he basically got bitch slapped even though he was one of the earliest endorsements of Trump.

he's a tea bagger

was apart of the senators that wanted to shut down government after the budget

either or, thats the role played

lying ted

seemed like he was there to sell books.

Christie is literally only useful for roasting female libshits.

this. As much as I loved the Cruz memes and the Cruz Redemption Arc, he's still a dirty neocon shill.

Worst candidate out of all of them was Rubio though.

the memes were great wern't they though?

And shutting down Rubiobots

i like rand, he caved though

he wasn't his father

i was for ron paul 08 and 12

Molymeme's Truth about Marco Rubio was absolutely horrifying about how much of a sell out he is.

Donald Trump was always the best candidate, like I said Rand was the only other decent option.

I loved that when they called him out on it and he still keeps saying it.

>Okay tier

>Meh tier

>Low tier

>Shit tier

Webb is a dem gun grabber.

>he knows exactly what he's doing
>he knows exactly what he's doing
>he knows exactly what he's doing

The fucker's dad was behind the Kennedy assassination.

Webb has flipped flopped parties just like Trump. Also killed vietnam fucking shits.

>Gun grabber

he was gangster af

Trump has been a Republican for most of the time that his party affiliation has been recorded. He switch to reform for a bit and left because David Duke joined it and was in the DNC for a short time, but he was not a lifelong Democrat.

Maybe I misspoke, but I recall hearing Webb supporting "universal background checks," and a few other things.

I thought he said the same old stuff thats been said for the past 30 years

The GOP has been mostly filled with neo-cons since the 80s at least. The last definitive conservative candidate was probably Barry Goldwater.

neo-con's been around since the 1970's

oh I didn't know it was actually that old, I thought it was rather recent.