France Election

So now that this guy is fucked, what's going to happen ?

Juppé said he is not gonna take his place, so will sarkozy run for the right ? Or maybe even nobody.

Look like the only danger left for Lepen is Macron (who seem to be too in deep shit). She actually has a big chance to win now !

who cares france is a shithole.

what happened? Can you give a tl:dr?

Just don't get cocky, France, you still got a few more months to go.

He employed his wive to help him as a deputy (with of course a very high salary at the state expense) but she didn't work (fake job).
He did the same for his son before they got their degree.


>who cares france is a shithole

>in deep shit

If only

holy fuck that is a political death sentence

should have elected Juppé desu, I met him at Sciences PO in Bordeaux, pretty reasonable guy

Are you _sure_ Fillon is too damaged? Dont the public assume all politicians are lying thieves already?

Juppé is a cuckservative
Anyway he said that he will not take the place of Fillon.

when your capital is darker than mexico city you become a shithole.

Juppe also had a load of shit hanging over him, much of it unpublished. He was potentially more damaged than the controlled opposition Fillon.

The problem for Le Pen will be the 2nd round.

paco you've got to go back

I hope Fillon stays, with his damaged reputation. It will only get worse.

Also, he would be my second choice after MADAM, so...

It's even more damaging for him who basically said that we need less state employee because they are profiteer.


this :(

the le Pens never went past second because they are always the "protest vote" in the first, do you reckon she can break this now? I am pretty sceptical. What shit do you have on Juppé?

yeah I have read that, he is also pretty old,

No, he's right. France is a shithole. The thing is, unlike Mexico it used to not be a shithole and unlike Mexico it has the potential to not be a shithole in the future.

Lepen will be in the second round for sure.
The problem is that everyone unite against her there.
Depending on who is the other one in the second round, she may have a chance or not.
(If for exemple it's the commie candidate, even cuckservative will prefer lepen. In the case of Fillon, some leftist actually prefer Lepen)

The only big dancer now is Macron who can unite leftist and cuckservative. But apparently, he used state fund for his campaign while he was minister and that can damage him. (But MSM are shilling for him and trying to protect him by damaging Fillon instead).





oh boy just wait for another election where the right and the left form another coalition and order the goon squad to trow all of the votes that go against them into the trash.
at least the judges of my country do not claim that i dont belong here.