Why do liberals hate the Confederate flag and white southerners so much?

Why do liberals hate the Confederate flag and white southerners so much?

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Originally, it was snobbery. Now, it's frustration that they've persevered through all the Yankees and Jews have thrown at them.

Michigan here. I don't know about Liberals, but we in the north have a slow, bitter, simmering rage at the fact that this country could have been pure White had it not been for the South.

They let a bunch of Hebrephiles and literal Hebrews (At the outbreak of the war 40% of slave owners were Jewish; less than 1% of the population was Jewish) drag them into a war to protect their right to use Blacks as farm equipment. And then, when Lincoln says "Let's ship the Darkies back", what do they do? They shoot him. Mind you, they not only start a war, but kill the President, just so a bunch of rich sissies can drive them into the poor house.

Reconstruction was too kind. The Southern faux nobility should have been drawn and quartered from their farm houses.

Sorry user the Jews supported the Confederacy

Reminder that based Grant expelled the Jews from his military district in 1862 for their conniving with confeds

Because your a bunch of idiots.
Red states are shit holes and the only real white ghettos in the country, and its all because the only people you have a shred of respect for are Rush Limbaugh and when God is electrocuting fags.

You contribute nothing to the economy, your retarded economic policies are a leech on the entire nation, or culture, and we bothered to fight for your territory.

We would be better off replacing you with Mexico

>Michigan here. I don't know about Liberals, but we in the north have a slow, bitter, simmering rage at the fact that this country could have been pure White had it not been for the South.
How? Without Hispanics we would be almost 90% white. It's the north that fucked our shit up.

shitskin detected

>They let a bunch of Hebrephiles and literal Hebrews (At the outbreak of the war 40% of slave owners were Jewish; less than 1% of the population was Jewish)

So If the north had razed the south they could have eliminated the jews, the blacks, and the idiots in the south. Fucking stupid Union, should have killed the all.

You fuckers fought a war so your elitist leaders could not only keep Blacks in this country but also so they could do it in a manner that directly impoverished and fucked you over.

And then you shot the goddamn President when he tried to stop your elitist snobs of "leaders" from doing so.

A good 65% of the issues America faces would not have happened had it not been for your autistic sperg out over MISTUH SHEKELSTAHNS RAHT TA OWN SLAV-UHS AND PUT ME AND MAH FAMILAY IN THUH POOR HAUS.

If all the above is so blindly obvious in your precociousness why did you not simply let the South secede? Be honest, the majority of Northerners dislike the South because of perceptions of the latter being racist and backwards, not some asinine belief that the nation would have been lily-white without them. This is a foreigner asking the question in a broad sense not some Sup Forums pissing match about who hates "darkies" more.

Poorly written rant. If you're going to insult a peoples' intellect at least do so intelligently. The South at that time had a very well educated genteel class. Northerners explicitly went out of their way to burn down universities and places of education and followed up the war with policies intentionally designed to empower and enrich Northern carpetbaggers at the expense of the native populace; perhaps you should reflect on the import those actions may have had.

It's what the establishment tell them to do. 100 years ago they would have been lynching niggers.

Yankeedom sure, but Jews supported the Confederacy for a myriad of reasons back when it was trying to establish itself.

Half of Jews in the US before the outbreak of the Civil War were slave owners and the international banks wanted to prop up the CSA against the USA to stymie its growth potential.

I don't give a fuck about you being backwards, racist, or whatever the cocksuckers on CNN hate you for. I could not care less about what "the majority" of people think.

I'm angered that the majority of problems in this goddamn country stem, directly or indirectly, because of your ancestors stupidity, and my ancestors refusal to deal with the problem, so now it's on us to fix it, only one of the problems your ancestors left for us has lead us being unable to the problem in the way it should be.

Because they're fucking stupid and dont realize slavery and confederacy are two separate ideas that happened to be combined in that one instance.


One could easily argue that the majority of problems in the country stem, quite directly, from the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. Prior to this act being passed the USA was nearly 90% white and had legislation designed to keep it so.

The bill was proposed by a New Yorker, co-sponsored by a Michigan man, and promoted by a New Englander.


So who are the good guys?

It's an understandable, universal human aspect to be ashamed of your past.

Because they don't know that the democratic party use to own slaves

>Why do liberals hate the Confederate flag and white southerners so much?

southerners never paid back the loans for the slaves they bought, northern liberals still pissed they didn't get more money and get to take the southern land

>Michigan here. I don't know about Liberals, but we in the north have a slow, bitter, simmering rage at the fact that this country could have been pure White had it not been for the South.

you know the entire slave trade was run from Boston? that all the insurance companies, shipping companies and banks that loaned out the money to buy slaves were based in Massachusetts, New York and Connecticut but primarily Boston.

we gave southerners big loans, changed the law and then went carpetbagging confiscating their land

The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is a test of a true gentleman.
The power which the strong have over the weak, the employer over the employed, the educated over the unlettered, the experienced over the confiding, even the clever over the silly--the forbearing or inoffensive use of all this power or authority, or a total abstinence from it when the case admits it, will show the gentleman in a plain light

The gentleman does not needlessly and unnecessarily remind an offender of a wrong he may have committed against him. He cannot only forgive, he can forget; and he strives for that nobleness of self and mildness of character which impart sufficient strength to let the past be but the past. A true man of honor feels humbled himself when he cannot help humbling others.

Apparently, every white person living outside of a dominantly liberal major urban center is a backwards uneducated racist bigot - and everyone not white are just the poor poor people that those supposed bigots oppress 24/7 with a system of racism so perfect, organized, and absolute that Chinese autists would be jealous.

Nobody questions this narrative because it is so obviously the complete and utter truth.

Damn racist hillbilly Southerners! We need to kill them all!
