JonTron redpilled af
2017 is the best timeline wtf
twitter is MELTING

Jontron has been pushing more and more against the grain of the progressive left. This is his coming out.

ourguy holy shit

From the last thread.

Jon "Shootin' Nigs in the Safari" Jafari

>5 hours
someone give a rundown

Jon "Ethnic Cleansing on Atari" Jafari

Im not watching 5 hours give me fast facts on Jon

John didn't know what a trap was. Protect this mans innocence please.

3 Alt-liters being quasi-reasonable from our perspective. This is of course making leftists' heads spin.

Jontron is slightly redpilled and finally broke.

Very wide ranging.
He's been on the journey to fashy goy for about 4 years.
Watches Tucker, Steven Molymeme
Left is outta control
Black community is having a hard time
Nation without borders isnt a nation
You don't have a right to citizenship

And more

Who answers to him?
Does he control Tronbots?
Do I have one most likely in me?



yeah, fuck that

jesus christ, what kind of no life, low life do you have to be to listen to this kind of shit on a regular basis? and don't tell me you fucking commute for 5 hours a day

even a cheeto dusted basement dweller should have better ways to waste their time




you can fuck right off

He's not a liberal and he feels the oppression of the leftist agenda.

Knows about Soros.

>spends 5 hours prepping the bull

you could listen while you work hanz

I'm not watching this whole fucking thing.
Where are the good parts?

He did keep name-dropping conservatives, but it sounds like he sides with the center-left (the non-SJW leftists)


Oh, just checked and he's subscribed to Stefan Molyneux. I guess he isn't a liberal.

>Tucker, Steven Molymeme
dude i'm 99% sure tucker is hiding his power level. recently he has been upping the anti-white guests and has made pro-white arguments.

dailycaller also published redpilled articles while he was chief editor

>Weak, baseless and too scared to have any real opinions Sargon Cuckaad


I'm playing stellaris while listening to it
bredy comphy