Something goes wrong in your country

>something goes wrong in your country
>Immigrates/refuge to another country.
Why dont they just stay and solve it? Die honorably in your birth home country trying.

This isnt a matter of ethics. Its cowardism and being a malignant parasite in another country.

Pick one.

they don't have a second amendment..

For Honor.

yea that´s what I´ve been saying for months. Why are all these adult males fleeing syria?
ps remove the captcha ya faggots.

Just get a pass, you cheap fuck.

>TFW to smart to talk about immigration

path of least resistance

no you rich bastard.

I measure how I spend money in amounts of entertainment gained per hour.

For instance, a cinema ticket would cost roughly $8 for 2 hours of entertainment, not including travel, candy, soda and whatever else.

Seeing as I spend about 2-3 hours a day pressing F5 on this site (I know - it's kinda sad), spending a few bucks supporting it really isn't bad.

You do realize that's how the u.s. came to be right

Because surviving and thriving in another country is a better evolutionary decision than risking the death of yourself and your family. You cant blame them; they are merely taking advantage of an extremely conveniant and beneficial scenario

might be true, but you have more fun of my postings if I don't get buzzkilled by the captcha.

If shit goes down in the USA, I'm pretty sure people like you would change your tune REAL fast...

>inb4 some lefty cuck posts a pic of bombed houses to defend that they leave to live in a country that looked even worse 70 years ago.

It is a matter of ethics. The right thing to do would be to stay in your country and try to correct whatever misery is there.

They are leaving their country, hiding from their duty and a problem they had a part in and are now causing problems in the other countries.

This is unethical.

>speaking from a country built by refugees

>There are a dozen foreign countries funding various military factions in your country in order to serve their geopolitical interests
>Hurrr durr why don't you stay and fight

Saudi Arabia, the US and Turkey spend millions training and recruiting terrorists. What's the point of staying to fight if the Gulf countries will keep sending terrorists in your countries? Have some perspective user. Syria is a literal proxy-war, only way to end it is for the international actors to back off, not by anybody inside the country actually accomplished anything.

It was built by a higher more advanced people. Natural selection. The weak should fear the strong. Survival of the fittist.

>Survival of the fittist.
then it means blacks and asians are more fitter then whites, since they are taking over the world

colonists and pioneers, not refugees

>colonists and pioneers
young males who fled their (sometimes wartorn) homeland in search of larger economical opportunities
exactly like the middle eastern refugees

Damn I actually feel bad for them but they can't come here.

The ends are what matters, not the means. Survival of the fittest? Thats exactly what is happening. Europeans are happy to roll over and die and let the people you call "weak" walk all over them. Its no different.

Here is my story for you OP.
>Back in the old country, shit was stagnant, and change meant trading position from fucked by government, or private sector, or both.
>Hopeless to fight, people are either weak willed, or absolutely retarded, but mostly both.
>All family is in USA, because of political reasons "we didn't like commies".
>Needed a new start.
>Have good engineering skills and rather apply them in USA than shit hole I call my birthplace.
>Now that I am here in murrikah.
>Same type of retards, trying to ruin mah murrikah and mah new found freedumz!
>So I lurk on /pol, voted Trump and buy guns. >#MAGA

So much this. I'm a fucking Aussie. I work, eat, sleep, fuck and surf. I don't give a shit about other fucked up countries. Fucking Syria. Why in the fuck does anyone think I give a flying fuck about the Syrians? A war over a bit of sand and some fucking rocks. I don't want that shit. You can have it.

Fucking hell. The whole middle east issue is just a fucking barfight (localised) that has spilled out onto the street (the rest of the fucking world) and now innocent bystanders are getting chairs and shit broken over their heads.

Fuck you Syria. Fuck you Africa. Fuck all of you third world peices of shit that can't keep your shiity fight and shitty people contained. I legitimately hope all of these fuckers are nuked from existance. Fucking rustled my jimmies that did.

Bear is that u

Because there is nothing uniting them.

Imagine there was a bloody Civil War between Dems and Repubs, again, and you didn't like either side. If the war got too close you might just leave.