If America split into two separate nations--one composed of counties where a majority of the people voted for Hillary...

If America split into two separate nations--one composed of counties where a majority of the people voted for Hillary Clinton, and another from the counties where most of the voters chose Donald Trump--how would each one fare? Which one would survive in the long run?

And another image for fun's sake.

Meh. While the city populations had more Hillary voters, they represent the least capable part of the urban population

Red team is more resilient when it comes to pretty much all skills except following jam bands.








The cities would die withour our resources. We suply the wood and water. We suply the natural resourses that power the cities.Our taxdollars pay for the welfare of the poor minority urbaints, WE IN CONTROL




VT would succeed and corner the maple syrup market


The blues would have essentially no military or law enforcement and plenty of minorities. It wouldn't last a decade.


Whoever gets all the water and other natural resources. The lakes, rivers, oil, agriculture and farms and in red hands.

Nah, the blue team is way better at technology, entertainment and trading/finance.

thats really generous. if they didn't die from rioting they'd probably starve to death before winter

We'd be able to finally make California into a eco-socialist paradise without the red necks and their oil warlords dragging us down.

These are all basically population maps. Im sure you could find any correlation to places that vote liberal, purely because places with a high population in a small area are generally more liberal.

Considering liberals are destroying their own homes after their loss, I would say just let nature take it's course.

pancake market will tank when we cut off their blueberry supply

I can see a few of those need to be expanded more.
And what is the grey? Recession?

Red feeds blue.
Red has blue by the balls.


You mean they are the ones doing it right now. If they were a separate country then somewhere else would do it.

Too difficult to answer. What will become of the US military? That's one of the variables that makes it impossible to answer this question.

It's an manufactured divide, created using red herring issues like guns and trans rights. If Americans had an Era of Good Feelings 2.0 where everything agreed on everything of consequence then it would still be a divided country because the two parties would FIND something inconsequential to get angry about.