Why do millenials hate cars and driving?

why do millenials hate cars and driving?

It's pretty tiresome having yup deal with retards behind the wheel and jams.

It's just not pleasant, especially having to look out for everyone else who aren't paying half of as much attention as me. Plus navigation anxiety.

It's tiring, stressful, expensive and puts you in contact with dangerous morons daily. The world would be so much more efficient if everyone lived next to their workplace.

Bait thread. Not politics related. Reported.

Sitting in a traffic jam sucking in fumes through the vents lowers test.

I live in the city core where I can just walk to any location I need.

Cars are trash for most uses.

>Oh boy, I sure can't wait to use a shit load of my money for something to get me to work to earn the money in the first place.

That feel when I can get from lying down in my bed to sitting at my work table in 15 minutes by walking

So, what things were like before widespread car usage?

Because they are faggots.

My daughter hit me up for money and to cosign a loan to finance a vehicle. No idea what you're talking about. All of her friends drive as well. Owning a vehicle in a metropolitan area is retarded. Only young city people don't drive.

A whole city of public places to walk through without streets cutting every corner... I can get behind that idea as long as theres an efficient way to get supplies in and out of city cores. Inner city farms?

Uhh your old dude..

because they don't need to go anywhere

This. The phrases "Why do millenials? Why are millenials? Why can't millenils?" etc. are catch-all bait phrases and should be met with a 3-day for quality of posts.


>muh environmunt! stop melting the polar bears and killing the ice caps!
That whole environmental scare has been going on since the late 80s so of course now we are seing people who have been told since birth that cars are bad because of pollution (but not about the significantly worse industrial pollution, coal power plants and such)
The many, many regulations and laws to cap emissions only confirm the idea.
>I don't even need one I live in the city
If one thing, the millenial generation is the most urban one in the West. And in Europe in particular, having a car while living downtown is very unpractical.
>It's expensive
today's youth is piss-poor and relies on daddy's money, so buying, insuring, refueling and maintaining a car is out of their range when they already struggle to pay the rent with their own money.

I lived in Bangkok for years. You have to be an absolute madman to want to drive there.

Only hipsters in New York city dont drive
Whats up with all of these bullshit why do millenials not and why do they hate... threads

Because they're broke idiots so they claim they don't like to drive for various reasons but really they just don't have the money for a decent car, insurance, gas, etc.

Fucking this. Subway and streetcar takes me wherever

I hit your daughter up with my dick lol

I don't need it. A bike is more convenient for everything that is within 10km. I'm actually not a lazy fatass, and I care about the environment and my health (stupid, I know).

I'm a millenial (unfortunately, though I don't identify with them) I'm a automotive and motorcycle enthusiast, and I'm getting tired of driving. It's become infuriating and stressful. People on cellphones not paying attention, people doing 30mph in 45mph zones in the left lane, peoples total lack of self awareness, etc. I can't stand it. If I lived in a city where it was viable to walk or take transit I'd give up commuting in a heart beat. Driving is no longer enjoyable, and with population continuing to grow it's only going to get worse.

You sound like a broke ass hipster m8.

Nearly all loses and expenses on cars are tax deductible. So go fuck yourself.