Reminder that civic nationalism is not the solution
Guys like Milo and other non-whites on Sup Forums realized that they are in full force here with HWND.
Don't let them soften you because they share some of your opinions on jews/degeneracy/religion/whatever...
Civic nationalism IS NOT a solution, it has been tried countless times and it never worked, the only model working is an ethno nationalist state with an homogeneous population sharing the same culture.

It is not because you have a black or a chinese friend that they still don't have to go back, you will always find good people from all origin but at the scale of a society it doesn't work and if you begin to make exceptions based on your feefees and friendships you are just like brainless emotionnal leftists.
All non-whites in white countries are passively agent of white genocide, their opinions are irrelevant, if they reproduce with whites and do children here they are still contributing to the eradication of white people and at making them a minority in their own country.

Sup Forums is a white nationalist board and it will remain the same, no pass given to anyone.

Other urls found in this thread:,

Shut up faggot

The West must NOT become brown, especially Europe. Becoming brown will destroy it all.

Hopefully Trump's election paves the way for more "intolerant" leaders in the future.

We just need everyone to breed in their race. If that can become law of the land that civnat can work.

Because if some radical group arises from a racial ethnicity, its on them to stop it.

Sorry Paco but that's the only condition for the survival of white people.

>it has been tried countless times and it never worked
Except it did. Like with the Roman Empire.

In fact, civic nationalism is how most modern European nations came to be in the first place. European nations formed through a process of merging several different ethnicities into a single nation. Anyone who is standing behind ethnic nationalism is just confessing to be historically illiterate.


Any ideology that denys race while also pushing for equality is doomed to fail

Civic nationalism is just cultural Marxism rebranded to make shitskin bed college kids vote right without feeling like cucks

It's probably good to push the idea around shit skins. But around whites you really need to make the overall goal clear

An apartheid state will just accelerate the outbreeding of europeans and euro-americans.
You just can't share a society like that, either you go full race-mixing or one of the two group genocide the other, it is not an accident if globalist try to impose the first because they know the second can't work.




And what happened after?
Corruption, degeneracy, and destabilization
>ayy it's the vandals and visigoths



>And what happened after?
Because the Roman Empire barely lasted a century, right?


>Reminder that civic nationalism is not the solution
You French niggers would know, pic related


Rome died because of loss of identity and blurring of birth right lines



>plans to combat racism
>come on white girls, you must date a black or asian boy
>again whiteys fault
The memes are starting to write themselves

Civic Nationalism had worked for nearly 300 years. How does it not work?


Fucking This.

Up until 1965 America was a single ethnicity society. With foreigner workers

So no

This was made by an argentinian.

This, we should all go 1488

Do you think white countries will ever be free of the brown menace once again?

It sure was user

Roman Empire wasn't civic nationalism at all you fucking dummies, it was colonialism/imperialism, they ruled the gallic, the jews, the greeks and the iberians but never really considered them equals even after hundred of years ruling them they still didn't have the same right (, also those people didn't move to Italy, they stayed in their regions at the exception of merchants.
The Roman Empire was closest to the british Empire than the french or american system.

When they began to introduce non italian emperors the Empire begin to decline.
When Caracalla extended citizenship to everyone in 212 the patriotism crashed so much that by the end of the century they were paying franks to hold the Rhine and that led to their downfall.

If anything the Roman system when it comes to citizenship isn't a model, it is a warning.

The US is going to break apart soon. Leftists are going to start a civil war soon. We should just give them a couple of states and write them off when it all blows over.

Top kek

How can Britain possibly be okay with no longer being white? Our great-grandparents would probably think the modern day West is something from a fever-dream in the Twilight Zone.


>open thy borders
>get rekt

Definitely. I don't believe it's possible for a large population mass to allow them self to become a minority without some sort of extreme radicalisation and inevitable revolution

You can see the beginnings of it now in America

I think whites will only become nationalist again when they become only 20%- 30% of the population in their own countries. They will start to face daily racially charged attacks on them and will have no choice but to retaliate.

Race traitors will likely be punished or shunned.



every Roman General knew how to speak Ancient Greek and they were extremely jealous of Ancients Greeks because of the way they talk. Ancient Greek language is like a poem or music.

>Leftists are going to start a civil war soon. We should just give them a couple of states

Leftists cannot fight. Leftists are anti-gun, anti-discipline, anti-masculinity, and anti-common sense.

Every time they "fight", they always have the protection of police or a huge mob and they usually just sucker-punch people rather than confront them.

>Civic nationalism IS NOT a solution, it has been tried countless times and it never worked, the only model working is an ethno nationalist state with an homogeneous population sharing the same culture.
Strong world-wide civic nationalism over decades or centuries is the same thing as ethnonationalism, because why would you want to leave your home and your people to go live with a bunch of strangers, and why would you want neighbours who don't like or understand you?

The problem with ethnonationalism is that it doesn't provide a path forwards for countries which have already fallen victim to multiculturalism, doesn't fit well with the foundation myth of British colonies, and doesn't take into account that "white" in those colonies is really an amalgamation of different races.

What do you do in a country like Australia or America? First off, you need a way to stop the problem getting any worse, so you dramatically lower immigration. Second, you need to cut down on internal conflict between races, so you encourage a mentality of us vs them to bring the disparate peoples closer together. After centuries of this, you've formed something very close to an ethnostate, just on the basis of civic nationalism.

The important thing for stormfront and co to remember is that
A) Germany in the 30s looks almost totally homogeneous in comparison to Germany now
B) Germany got split up and cucked because Hitler's rabid faith in constant racial war stopped him suing for peace
C) the perfect is the enemy of the good, and 0.1% of the population supporting a perfect ideology is worse than 99% of the population supporting a good ideology

Idono looking at the state of America today. The divide is evident and just so happens to run right between white america and the shit skin masses

Can you give some examples of working ethnostates?

the mind of those people make me stunned

another reminder is the fact that america became great not because of civic nationalism, which is new, but because of pro white nationalism. As in pic related.

You know which country has actual civic nationalism? Brazil. And its a shithole of corruption and favelas.

faggots. civic nationalism is a proxy for genetic suicide

This is official /HWNDU/ thread now

This faggot just wants more black dicks up his ass he doesn't care if everyone is brown in 100 years

someone must inform jackie about the masketta furfag

Whites are constantly moving to new neighborhoods to escape the brown menace. Obama has set up programs to find white neighborhoods and import brown people into them.

That means white small towns are constantly getting "culturally enriched". Many white people are starting to buy properties in rural and living on them rather than deal with brown people.
Pretty much every country in the West prior to 1960s was already an ethnostate by demographics and cultural enforcement.

Race mixers were shunned, even though it wasn't illegal in many parts.


Holy shit, he's flirting with new girl already.

Where were you when HWNDU became Chad Stream

They're turning up for him.

>excusing all of his bullshit


They claim they are "anarchists" and want "gender equality" but then cry to the police when a man defends himself from a woman.


>you seem like an artist

This bitch is wet

>ywn be this alpha


fuck this guy fire bomb now

Don't talk bad about civic nationalism.

It's good to push normies towards it. Once you understand the argument for civic nationalism, ethnic nationalism follows. It's a secret redpill that people don't realize they swallowed until it's too late.

Someone please come up with a Chad Nick "I'm an artist" counter when he's talking to chicks.


Exactly, Civic Nationalism is code word for multiculturalism. Simple as that.

It's not fucking magic. It comes easier to some people, but it's a learnable skill.

We are all nick. Jackie can be nick.
Naruto can be nick

>even purpleshirt can be nick

Fuck- even Hitler worked hard on his body language, tonality, eye contact, being charming.

>stop being anti-social weirdo
>start smiling
>start making good eye contact

Shut Frog.

Fuck off caste durka durka.

Human identity is the only identity. All other identities are lies fabricated by the zionists to divide and conquer the planet into easily managed nation-states.

I love America, work hard, live a good life and have values

>But you are non-white

Yes, and?

>What about muh white people?

They are also hard working people with values and who love America. I appreciate their contributions to this country.

>Yeah, but you are different and are going to cry racism.

I won't cry anything so long as everyone is working hard, exercising American values, and treating people fairly.




This. The real question one should be asking is whether democracy can survive multiculturalism.

Which is probably can't.

You stupid fuck. You realize that's a pipe dream right? You'd have to forcibly deport many Americans and that won't ever be legal. An ethno state is just not feasible in America.

Your best shot is getting rid of illegals and not allowing just anybody in....

I'd support sterilizing criminal populations though, and even banning legal immigration for a while except from exceptional people.


Anyone against civic nationalism in favor of ethno nationalism, how do you define an ethno group and how do we establish genetic division/borders?

America could just do what Israel did to the palestines

Slowly make life progressively worse for non white people until they leave on their own and then kick the rest out with hard boots to the face

It's not rocket science you act like we haven't fucked people up a million times prior to this

Any anons planning on having white kids? I'm having at least six.

Europe should stay white cuz European ethnicities are white

the US never had a stable ethnicity so it's not the same thing, even if the US turns ethno nationalist now, it doesn't mean it'll be white nationalism, the american ethnicity may be the mix of all races in the US

Ethno Nationalism = Alpha Chad Nationalism
White Nationalism = Underage Beta Nationalism

Did you notice how in the Roman Empire non-Roman citizens killed the last Emperor and took over the Empire in the end, eventually leading to the eradication of Roman Latin people and culture and their replacement with Italians, their entire empire nothing but ruins and decaying scrolls? Yeah. That's not a good example of civic nationalism.

>They changed the culture! NO NO NO

Fucking old babby, shit your diaper again?

Young people work harder than the baby boomer shits ever did, I see it all the time. Yet lazy fucks in retirement homes who fall for Amway shit think they work harder after getting gimmidats from FDR's New Deal for decades now think they should be running the country.

You people are weak, inferior in every way and we will go beyond your shit drenched life style of mindless reagan worship. That man sold weapons to the Iranians and in America the old toads keep voting him in anyways. I think they have dementia still and have yet to realize that Reagan has been dead for over a decade.

The harsh truth is that for the countries that are still white the only solution is ethno-nationalism.For the ones that are not....well here is the proble...the solution would be a hardcore national-socialism that would lead to the complete genocide of minorities.You dont like that,unlike me you are not some hardcore natsoc white-supremacist?Then for you the only solution is civic nationalism.

The fact that romans admired and assimilated large part greek culture doesn't change the fact the greeks in Rome itself were in the vast majority of time slaves, highly educated and skilled compared to other population they ruled but still not considered as equals.
For example the physcians were in majority greeks, the profession was still considered a low social position.
Anyway it is out of the topic.

this board is a Trumpist board now
nobody cares about that stupid shit

Just marry in your race and no one will give a shit.

>Implying i don't want to kick anyone but chilean people from my country
Bad meme.

Holy shit this is legit. I just looked at the FBI's most wanted and all the Mexicans and even some dark brown Egyptian guy are listed as white.

Sup Forums is always right


Digits confirm road to ethnostate

>ethno nationalist state with an homogeneous population sharing the same culture

I would agree for European countries. France should be French, not German, Finnish, or Congolese. However, with North America, I think white people of all cultures should be accepted, considering that the conquest and colonization of the Americas was a joint effort by pretty much every european power

Perfect example of something good built by whites that everyone loved ruined by immigrants. Thank you for illustrating the point.


>America never had a stable ethnicity

Stop this lie. Prior to 1965 it illegal for non europeans to acquire citizenship in America

In 1965 they passed the hart cellar act which allowed shit skins to gain citizenship. The legislators who passed the act claimed it would only be a very small amount and would never affect the ethnic diversity of the country. Which turned out to be a complete lie

The only reason America is not 100% white is because legislators failed to properly define an act they passed which allowed people to reimagine the act in which ever way they saw fit, very dishonest

This must be fake

Thankfully sessions is getting rid of the 1965 immigration act. It won't have to bother us ever again.

I think the main point here is they loved Greek culture.

Not Numidian, Nubian or some bumfuck Celtic culture, but Greek culture, because Greeks were amazing back then.

It DOES matter, who the people actually are. You can have friends and enemies, based on who you like or dislike. The whole mess started, when people stopped treating people as actual people, because of some metaphysical "equality".

Humanism is meaningless, because the fact that we belong to the same species doesn't make me like or care about another person. People care about their friends and family, simple as that.

complete bullshit

America was 90% white until the 70s, right after a kike congressman got the 1965 Immigration and Nationalization bill

It was 88% white at the most

89% in 1965