The jews have damaged america more then the illegal immigrants from mexico have...

the jews have damaged america more then the illegal immigrants from mexico have.why cant we build a wall around israel instead

We have walls already.

And another conspiracy theory, "Donald Trump Converted to Islam."

well they obviously arent working kike

They're pests. like termites, they chew through any wall put up around them. The only to eliminate them is via gassing.

Obviously, they are. Our nigger influx has stalled and sandnigger-related bus explosions have stopped altogether.

Remember what happened to the last time you idiots tried to exterminate Jews?

Literally never happened.

Do you have a single refutation to the statement: "Jews were deliberately targeted for extermination by Nazi Germany"?

Yes. They was never any intention to exterminate them.

fun fact,jews wernt the only ones that were targeted for extermination by the nazi's.yet they dont expect things and whine about it like the jews do

>move Jews to """Palestine"""
>agree with the mufti of Jerusalem to kill all Jews after war is won
Nice try faggot.

Not an argument.

Hang yourself, kike.


>[User was impaled for this post]

Read the wiki entry for Emanuel Celler.

He is a Jew who literally single handedly destroyed America.

Yeah here's one: it's not true, the Holocaust never happened, but it should have and one day it will.


of course its not an argument goy,we have to remember the 6 gorillian jews,because there the only victims of the holocaust am i right.nevermind the groups of other people who were exterminated

Do we get the keys though?

because i am a huge penis wigger jew nigger jigger where are my sheckles???!!!!!!! i need sheckles!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW no one gives a shit about about whether your jewish or not, get in the real world dipshits< we need to stop trolling jews and move on, its become lame to just troll jews, its mainstream and the ones that take it seriously only do untill the step foot into the outside world, I say, we need to troll people who are legitamitly stupid and mislead and sjw cucks who ruin any good ideology, this shit is kind of lame at this point

The Jews within are the ones who have caused the damage.

I'd gladly trade away our kikes for Israeli Jews.

There is a wall around Israel...