Pic related. Leftists actively rooting against America now.

Other urls found in this thread:


As if Sup Forums is any better.

During the elections in every WW3 happening threads
>Fuck this I'm not fighting for jewsrael
>Russia please invade me annex us please
>If Russia invades I'll gladly work with them to disrupt the country
>Le kikes are running everything im not dying for the globalists

When haven't they?

>Leftists are traitors
In other news, the sky is blue, the Jews are devils, and op is a faggot

Trumpkins are tards.

We won, loser. Go cry some place else, loser. You're a loser, loser

He can figure out 2+2=/=5
But can he figure out how to triforce?

▲ ▲


>anonymous posters on a chinese finger painting board saying crazy shit
>Actual people on very public social media websites saying crazy shit
really makes you think

Putting a moron in office who will wreck the economy and shred the constitution will not make you any more successful in life. The winners will still be the winners, and you will still be a loser.

I voted Trump, cuck. But I'm one of the few that is pro-Trump and doesn't suck Russian cock on this board. It's amazing how un-American these weekend patriots get on here.

If Hilldawg won there would be literally nothing wrong with those sentiments, kike

Oh no, America's favorite tourist destination has closed its doors to us. Whatever shall I do this Spring Break?

you're very slow, op

you've just now realized the left's end game is the destruction of western civilization and the genocide of white people

>muh Russia
This isn't the 80's, Lindsay


>>Putting a moron in office who will wreck the economy and shred the constitution will not make you any more successful in life.
that's why I told you not to vote for Obama, but you didn't listen

Yeah it was Obama who said in the 2012 election that Romney was paranoid and wrong about Russia being a potential foe

Brennan is a communist traitor and trump needs to punish him

Another retarded protest, this time pro-muslim


But seriouisly
>We can't let this man get his hands on the nucular codes

Wrong again, moron. I don't give a fuck about Russia, I just don't think they're the savior of white christianity and should annex us like so many on here. They have their own agenda, maybe it agrees with ours, maybe it doesn't. That's exactly how Trump feels too. I hope you won't be too disappointed when they don't see eye-to-eye on everything like in your fantasy dreams.

I've never seen such blatant anti-nationalism coming from """nationalists""" as I saw during the elections here. So many American flags ready and willing to cooperate with a foreign power in taking over the US. Like rats jumping off a ship the moment it hits rough waters.

>tfw I finished 1984 2 days ago and leftists won't stop using references from it to discredit Trump even though political correctness is very close to INGSOC

better to be ruled by russia than let Hillary run the country

Under semi commie obango the apes regime and you think I'd go fight my white brethren of Russia for some kikes monkey puppet of a president?
I didn't riot and break windows though because I didn't want to fight Russia or because king nigger was my president nor would I have done those things if Old lesbo cliton would've won
That's the difference between us, knowing how to accept defeat with repect and honor, not with a temper tantrum

>We won, loser. Go cry some place else, loser. You're a loser, loser
why are you so insecure and angry if you are "winning"? why do you have such little self-worth if you are a winner?

Who cares about Iran? If you plan to visit a Muslim country ever you deserve to get bombed.

>rats jumping from a sinking ship

If Hilldog won, the ship would be beyond saving. The

>60% white

Maymay is true and it should worry you. Eight years of Hillary and our fate would be sealed. We might still be fucked even with Trump.

>Be American
>Take holiday to Iran
>Get kidnapped by the government and ransomed for hundreds of millions of dollars.

Keep away from the Persian freaks.

The ultimate redpill is when lefties realize it's about them

Exactly. Obama doing deals with them gives a bad impression to gullible liberals who have no idea Iran literally sees America as the great Satan of the West. The only "good" thing about Iran is the women have some tiny amounts of freedom and self autonomy. Still an Islamic shit hole though

>wreck the economy and shred the constitution

how do you figure? or are you just using the hyperbole you learned from HuffPost? I think you are. I think Donald Trump is smarter than you.

I can't wait until my taxes are lowered and I get to have a ccp in my cucked blue state, you stupid faggot. Stop reading Slate and start enjoying MAGA because we're all going to benefit.

RIDF has existed since ukraine happening. Just laugh at them and their HIV

when will you retards learn.....

yes your black
Yes you have a nigger problem in your cities

But you expect a white person to clean up your mess? whites don't go to your cities vandalize,rape,murder and steal.....or are you saying white is right

You had a black president
You have black senators
You have black judges
you have black mayors
you have black police
you have black lawyers

How has white people oppressed you?
Don't go on about slavery because YOU ARE PRIVILEGED because back in Africa you would be starving and most likely have AIDS

>side with russians
>russians win
>dismantle nation and rebuild it with their shit tier form of government and ideas

Youre an idiot. Obama is gone now, not worth decades of incoherent slav ideology.