That moment when Lena Dunham is cute as fuck and all of you are just salty that you cant get a girlfriend

That moment when Lena Dunham is cute as fuck and all of you are just salty that you cant get a girlfriend

>this is the new beauty standard
I feel like I need to get massively ripped to be in with a chance to get a normal looking GF, but I don't have the money or time for that

You kidding me? She's fucking nasty

Being ripped is a jewish trick goyim. Pay the humble merchant 5 sheckles when you see him and he will grant you a muscle

Lol she got fatty thighs and STILL somehow has a Hank Hill butt

fucking gross

god dammit i just ate lunch

You don't... just be witty and confident !
Fake it until you make it.. just the fact that you are on this board tells me you are unique and a free thinker. Thats v attractive!

Kek is with you!

how is she famous? I thought lena dunham was a soccer player or something but seeing her picture she is clearly not athletic


>OP calling a child rapist cute.


>barf blarg bahhhh
Married and nothing would ever turn me to that ctr go home


Smells like FISH

Fucking blubbernaught.


shes famous because she literally raped her child sister and she still is considered an activist.


> We cannot have art
such as you have, a free and careless lyrical
beauty, songs and epics. Our sense of beauty
springs from immersion in the universe, from
a gloomy desire to see justice done in the
name of God.

>"I call her the Andrea Dworkin of today. This exposure of the body as something ugly and as something repugnant and yet somehow as sexual, and the implied blame – that if you find me ugly then you don’t understand that I am woman as she is and you are a sexist. Well, I’m sorry – no. You’re just a big pile of pudding. She’s a classic neurotic of the old style, and witless, and not nearly as intelligent as she seems to think she is.”

>“My generation fought for freedom from [parent-like supervision by college staff] but where women now want authority figures hovering over them. It’s not that they fear sex, but that they have no idea of what it is, because they have been raised in a culture where skimpy clothing is simply standard issue. They don’t have any sense whatever that exposure of the flesh or a particular choice of clothing can communicate a message of sexual interest or readiness. But the moment you say this your contemporary feminist will say, ‘You’re blaming the victim. We have the right to dress as we want.’ Of course. However, you have to be prepared for the reality of the world … which is a dangerous place."


That may be the worst ass I've ever seen.